Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

Hey! I’m looking for a persuasive patron so my shadowy gal can become a POTI and go back to skulking (and plotting revolution).

My stats are:

Watchful: 63
Shadowy: 91
Dangerous: 69 (nice)

My profile can be found at Fallen London
I hope someone is interested!

Hi; I’m just starting out in the game, so I’m looking for a patron for any of my skills.
My stats are:
Watchful: 52
Shadowy: 46
Dangerous: 60
Persuasive: 60
My profile can be found at: Fallen London
I hope to find a patron soon!


Recently arrived in London I’m looking for a Shadowy patreonage to start and surely more after that.

6 Watchful
15 Shadowy
5 Dangerous

7 Persuasive

My profile :


Hi, y’all. Have come a long way since the post I last put here but my alt needs a patron to give her that extra boost. The Sprightly Mariner is an experienced pirate captain with her eyes set on hunting the monsters of the Neath. She’s a very bold and dangerous lady, not caring much for society’s drab rules, a bit reckless, very social, confused 24/7 about everything in the Neath (still, after all this time) and she enjoys a good cup of tea. She needs training in Shadowy and Watchful.

Watchful: 112
Shadowy: 88
Dangerous: 119
Persuasive: 111
edited by The Dreadful Intriguer on 3/25/2021

It is the beginning, and I would appreciate the aid of a patron in order to progress more quickly in my tasks and learn more about Fallen London and its circumstances. My name both here and there is Laius, pleased to meet you. My ambition? To kill my nemesis, who has done me and mine great wrong, and I will thus need the most focus on my Watchful and Dangerous traits. Many thanks, generous ones.

Without outfit-- (Edit: 4/9/2021)
Dangerous: 64
Watchful: 74
Shadowy: 48
Persuasive: 57

Edit: I have since gained a Patron!
My riddle for you: You have me today, tomorrow you’ll have more. As your time passes, I’m not easy to store. I don’t take up space, but I’m only in one place. I am what you saw, but not what you see. What am I?

My profile: Fallen London
edited by Laius on 3/27/2021
edited by Laius on 4/9/2021

I have made fine progress since my escape from prison, where I was not-entirely-unjustifiedly imprisoned. Now, however, it’s become clear that I need assistance to unravel the mysteries of the neath and reveal my most hated foes.

I make a riddle as offering:
You heard me before, Yet you hear me again, Then I die, 'Till you call me again. What am I?

Unaltered stats as of 12/04/2021 (dd/mm/yyyy):
Watchful 89
Shadowy 67
Dangerous 53
Persuasive 68

How is a Raven like a Writing Desk?

I find myself in dire need of an Invisible Imminence’s guidance: Shadowy somehow ended up as my dump stat, and is now holding me back from attaining a coveted POSItion.

P=106 (Yes, Streetcat’s strongest stat is Persuasive. You’d be surprised how far being an obsequious s__t can get ya.)
Profile link in signature. [color=#333300](E.A.Poe worked on both.)[/color]

I humbly submit this riddle: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?

My request has been answered by a benefactor, thank you!

I am just starting out and wanted to level my watchful to start getting betrayed. Stats are:

Link: Fallen London
edited by Krux99 on 4/29/2021
edited by Krux99 on 5/1/2021
edited by Krux99 on 5/1/2021

I am also a newbie. I would like patronage in anything really, but watchful and dangerous are my main aims.I aim to hunt the Vake FOR SCIENCE! What an extraordinary museum specimen that would be.

You are handed this note by an unassuming person wearing a mask, who quickly fades in the crowd

Hello. I seek your guidance. If you are interested, please give your reply to the owner of the bookstore next to The Singing Mandrake and tell them to give it to the one upstairs.

My abilities are as follows:
Watchful 71
Shadowy 50
Dangerous 64
Persuasive 61
I have seen you are an Invisible Eminence, a ruler of the shadows, which is why I gave you this note.
Finally, a question: I can be broken, open, closed, made useful, or removed. One of these can be done by most people, another by very few, two only by one, and one by those without me. What am I?

Note- I found a Patron
edited by a passerby on 8/18/2021

Hello! I’ve need of a patron for both my main and my Seeking alt.
Rhys Moriarty (main, would prefer Watchful or Persuasive but will take any)

Foretold Ozymandias (alt, needs Watchful)
W- 67

Thank you ever so much!
Edit: Rhys Moriarty has found a Patron :D
edited by calamityCodified on 10/12/2021

Greetings, Londoners. If an Invisible Eminence or a Shattering Force would extend a hand and teach me the ropes, I’d be forevermore grateful.
This is the array of my base stats:
Shadowy 62
Watchful 66
Dangerous 61
Persuasive 95
And here’s my card: Fallen London
Many, many thanks in advance. I’ll help you with menace reduction (or whatever else I can do) in return.

I’m a novice who has just played this game for about one week.Watchful and persuasive is my main aim,but would be grateful if any king of POSI willing to help.
Shadowy 38
Watchful 60
Dangerous 55
Persuasive 64
Here is my card : Fallen London
Hope to have fun with you and Thanks.:)

I am Ul, a cloistered and rat-chewed gentleman, with in interest in supplementing their Shadowy, and occasionally seeking assistance with Menaces
W 59
S 41
D 48
P 51

Hello fellow londonners
I am a at the moment an unexeptionnal individual , even though some call me a sagacious and perilous lady.
I’m living among my urchins friends in a rooftop shack with a goldfish, trying to make a name as an Enquirer, and i am looking for a patron to help me make a name for myself.

here’s my card, feel free to visit at tea time : Fallen London

W 81
S 37
D 69
P 48

Hello good gentlemen, gentlewoman and gentlerats
I am a curious individual trying to find answers in this gigantic riddle we know as the Neath.
I would prefer a patron who is either watchful or dangerous, as those are the main stats of my ambition, but any kind of help is appreciated.

My stats:
W 31
S 28
D 41
P 30

As for the riddle:

Eight pallbearers carry,
Death across the floor.
He sharpens his fangs for those who behold,
To make sure they behold no more.
edited by Fen on 4/17/2022

Greetings. I would like to find a patron for my secondary account. I am trying to play as an opposite of my main character - doing thing very different and overall having an alternative perspective on things. I am seeking someone pro-Bazaar/Masters-aligned.

Tyranna – a seeker of knowledge, whether forbidden or not. She’s heartless, austere and ruthless; somewhat of a stickler for ruling authority (unless it stands in the way of learning something new or growing more powerful). She is blunt and direct most of the time. Although cold and distant she does have zeal loyalty to those she serves under.

Watchful: 23
Shadowy: 30
Dangerous: 21
Persuasive: 25

Ambition is yet to be decided between Legend-Bagging and Heart-Desiring (The former being more likely)

Hi! Just got started!
W 18
S 23
D 10
P 21
I need a persuasive patron to help me! In fact any patron would help… look at my stats.

Now 45 days in the Neath and my stats are improved and just about to become a POSI.
W 94
S 57
D 107
P 100

But I still need a patron to help me with shadowy skills.

Good morrow!

I have an abundance of assistance due to the generosity of others. Thank you again for your consideration.

Kind regards,
Evaine Thuryn

1 Like

W: 61

S: 39

D: 63

P: 53

The Good Doctor is running into a little bit of of a roadblock when it comes to being unseen. (It appears one too many blows to the head from dueling the Black Ribboners has left him a little punch-drunk). Obviously, any mentor would be helpful, but he’s mainly searching for an Invisible Eminence. Would one be so kind to show themselves before he hurts himself blundering about in the Flit looking for what cannot be found?

A Concerned Second Party