Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

Good day, my name is Cassiel and I would be greatful for the help of a Patron in increasing my Shadow or Persuasion skills. I was so focused on picking fights and keeping an eye out for trouble that I’ve found myself lacking in any sort of tact and subtlety, and this fact is starting to catch up with me as I try to form connections. Fighting is good sport and the doctors at the docks make wounds a breeze, but it would be a nice change of pace to lurk in the background for once in place of a brawl.

Watchful 71
Shadowy 45
Dangerous 113
Persuasive 52

I give my sincerest thank you for your time and would appreciate the assistance greatly.

Update: I have recieved the aid of a Legendary Charisma, thanks to all!
edited by Cassiel Rundervan on 8/11/2019

Salutations, my friends. My name is Waplozes, and I search for assistance with my skill in Shadow. I am very new to this and just getting into some of the content.
W: 7(17 w/ equips)
S: 30
D: 7(12)

Any assistance would be very helpful(along with maybe some information from an experienced player as to what I actually need to do or accomplish)!

It pains me that I am so lacking when it comes to my skills. I wish to make amends with this troubling frustration of mine, and seek to polish my skills of Shadow or Watchfulness. Thank you, friend, in advance.

D: 36
P: 36
S: 35
W: 47
edited by ChilHomil on 9/8/2019

Hello, I am looking for a patron who would love to tutor me on the ways of espionage; I currently focus on quests that increase my Watchfulness, so instruction on Persuasive and Shadowy would be most helpful and appreciated. My stats thus far:

Watchful: 42
Shadowy: 19
Persuasive: 5
Dangerous: 5

What is born each night and dies at dawn?
edited by mouenne on 9/14/2019
edited by mouenne on 9/14/2019

I’m looking for a patron. I’m not picky and will accept training in any discipline if an individual is willing to provide it to me - especially since I’m in need of obtaining the lessons in all of them. Saying this much, here are my stats:

Watchful: 68
Shadowy: 55
Persuasive: 54
Dangerous: 58

I leave myself in your care. Both my grandfather and mother have perished in our dark city which forced me to return from the surface. To exact my vengence, I’ll take any help I can.

Hallo and Hello.
I’m looking for a patron. I’ll be grateful for anything, but bringing the shadowy arts and persuasiveness up to spec would be fantastic. But since I’m trying to get high enough stats for the Ambitious Barrister, I’m trying to increase all of them. Duelling the Black Ribbon still seems quite difficult.

Watchful: 93
Shadowy: 41
Dangerous: 78
Persuasive: 75

Good evening, lovely creatures, I am seeking an Invisible Eminence to help me improve my Shadowy skill so that I might take those last steps to become a Person of Some Importance.
Watchful: 121
Shadowy: 89
Dangerous: 102
Persuasive: 148

Hello friends,

I am quite new to this, and it seems that having a patron would make the game more fun. I submit myself to your experience. Would prefer someone up for in-character RP.

Watchful: 14
Shadowy: 33
Dangerous: 15
Persuasive: 26

Dr. Fox


I’ve posted on this before, but alas it was lost and I’m really not too sure what happened to it. Regardless, I am still seeking a patron, and if anyone would be willing to help it would be most appreciated. I’m most in need of an Invisible Eminence, but beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose.

My Stats:

  • Watchful - 57[/li][li]Shadowy - 34[/li][li]Dangerous - 47[/li][li]Persuasive - 45

Thank you in advance, my fellow Londoners!

[EDIT 11/30/2019: I have found a patron! Feel free to send me messages and social actions, however.]


I humbly submit myself to your consideration. I seek a patron who can assist me in matters of skulking, crime, and other affairs of the shadows. I am a hungry student and have been learning fast, so you would not be committing yourself to patronage for long, although I hope to forge a lasting friendship for as much time as remains to me in the Neath. You will find me a devoted ally–once I am devoted to something, I will pursue it at whatever cost.

By means of a curious device one of my companions has fashioned, I have produced a numerical accounting of my unaided abilities in four categories:

Watchful: 101
Shadowy: 67
Dangerous: 82
Persuasive: 78

EDIT: A riddle! What is the difference between a duck?

Please address any inquiries to Cesario12, above A Gambling Den. Thank you for your consideration

((real!Cesario has been writing d___ed cover letters all evening. Wish I had an aboveground Patron.))
edited by Cesario12 on 11/6/2019
edited by Cesario12 on 12/1/2019

[quote=DoctorFox]Hello friends,

I am quite new to this, and it seems that having a patron would make the game more fun. I submit myself to your experience. Would prefer someone up for in-character RP.

Watchful: 14
Shadowy: 33
Dangerous: 15
Persuasive: 26

Dr. Fox[/quote]

Greetings, young one. I might be the one you seek. However, your lodging’s adress is unreadable. Could you please put the link to your journal in your post? Better yet, your forum profile?

Edit: I know, I am not a protégé. Chuuuuut.
edited by Pryno Belle on 11/8/2019

Greetings all,

My name is Lady India, a somewhat newcomer here. I will be grateful for a patron (and a friend, if one is allowed to hope for) who can teach me the ways of the Shadowy or Watchful.

My (updated) stats are as follow:

[ul][li]Watchful: 83

[ul][li]Shadowy: 83
[/li][/ul][ul][li]Dangerous: 89
[/li][/ul][ul][li]Persuasive: 100
I humbly submit myself for your consideration.

[Update]: I’m glad to announce that I have found a Dangerous patron.

Your grateful student,
Lady India
edited by Lady India on 11/9/2019
edited by Lady India on 12/8/2019

Hello there! The Furtive Urchin, a fairly Shadowy individual, is somewhat urgently seeking a Patron to help them improve basically any skill that doesn’t involve walking away with the contents of another’s pockets. They have a bit of a compulsion and seem to have shamefully neglected any other skills. It’s becoming a problem.

Their stats are as follows:
Watchful: 20
Shadowy: 61
Dangerous: 10
Persuasive: 37

They also have a tendency to refer to them self in the third person. Any expressions of interest can be forwarded to The Furtive Urchin in their Rooms Above a Gambling Den.

PS: The Urchin has been fortunate enough to secure a Patron for Watchful and Persuasive pursuits. They offer their thanks to this charming agency for the recommendation. (They could probably still use someone willing to teach them how to throw an adequate punch as they still get roughed up in alleyways semi-regularly…)

Riddle: I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die and yet I do all three. What am I?
edited by TheFurtiveUrchin on 12/6/2019

Hi all, Setara here hoping to find a patron. I am the sort who gets in bar brawls and then hangs out at the palace. I have an affection for Rubbery Men and Tomb colonists. I’m also aiming to get every pet I can.

My current stats are:
Watchful 90
Dangerous 95
Persuasive 94
Shadowy 85

Hope to hear from someone!

Ivy is looking for someone to help her finish up the grind to POSI. A quite refined monster fighter with a penchant for melancholy and campaigning.

Watchful 77
Shadowy 60
Dangerous 86
Persuasive 68

Cayna Emor came down to the Neath to seek revenge for her murdered sibling. She’s gotten pretty good at the seeking part, but the physical aspect of her whole “revenge” thing could use some work. She is looking for a patron who can help her work out some of the kinks in her stabbing technique, maybe give a few pointers. She’s not normally very ferocious so you might have to egg her on with some frustrating academic misrepresentations first (or you could try flirting, that’ll always get you stabbed).

Watchful 78
Shadowy 15
Dangerous 58
Persuasive 23

Helen Freshman, on the other hand, is an archaeologist, cryptolinguist, Correspondence scholar, and a guest lecturer at Benthic University. While her wit is inescapable, she would like to be a bit more well-rounded and is eager to learn. She may or may not be distantly related to a certain ordained Franciscan who fell with the Fourth City. Her chiropteromantic zodiac sign is the Crow.

Watchful 104
Shadowy 58
Dangerous 32
Persuasive 63

A riddle you say? She tears an empty page from a notebook and sketches out a series of abstract lines that look suspiciously like Correspondence. She hands you the page. Apparently your task is to identify where on the sigil you can safely place another stroke so that it won’t make your eyes bleed but will still set the paper alight. Is this what she does in her spare time?

Pipistrelle Carter would be delighted to find a patron. Here are her current stats:

Watchful 28
Shadowy 29
Dangerous 19
Persuasive 35

EDIT: I’m no longer in need of a patron, thank you to those who were kind enough to help me out!
edited by Pipistrelle on 1/2/2020

Edit: advanced to PoSI without aid, cancelled
edited by Rainshine on 1/30/2020

[color=#c2c2c2]I am looking for London regulars who are proficient with the Watchful or Shadowy side of the Neath. D[/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]uelling was my favourite pasttime for a while…alas I am lacking the various other qualities that are required to properly thrive down here. I’ll be very grateful for your help![/color]

(Stat update after 9 days (1.1.2020))

[color=#c2c2c2]Watchful 43 -> 66[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Shadowy 48 -> 64[/color]
[color=#c2c2c2]Dangerous 122 -> 136[/color]
[color=#c2c2c2]Persuasive 66 -> 81[/color][color=#c2c2c2]
[color=#c2c2c2]A riddle? I am the riddle. If you want to get to know me, I’ll gladly spend a good amount of time to be your penfriend, if you wish me to be. It can get very lonely without one.[/color]
[color=#c2c2c2]Already found somebody for Watchful + Persuasive while personally raising Shadowy via social actions. Should be fine for now![/color]
edited by Soldren on 1/10/2020

At your service good noble.
I hate to intrude but, well… let’s just say that I’ve only recently arrived in town and find myself short of friends. I’ll admit the city is a bit cold to strangers. I’ve heard you described in certain quarters as one who would help a new arrival find their feet, in return for… certain recompense. You watch my back and I’ll watch yours, as they say. I may not be much more than an ear to the ground currently, but helping a man up today means he can fight beside you tomorrow, you know.
My card. I hope to hear from you shortly.

___________________________________ DECAYING
Discretely removing any inconvenient
razorblades from the candyfloss of life.

Dangerous - 75
Persuasive - 55
Shadowy - 51
Watchful. - 62

edited by Decay on 1/9/2020
edited by Decay on 1/20/2020
edited by Decay on 1/31/2020