Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

Good… Morning? Is it morning down here? No matter, who can really tell.
Allow me to introduce myself… My name is Lt. Howes, no first name given (or needed, truthfully)
I’ve been attempting to make a go of it on my own for a while now, but I finally find myself looking to reach out.
Current stats are as follows:
Watchful: 79
Shadowy: 54
Dangerous: 95
Persuasive: 85
I’d like some help becoming more sneaky, as I often find myself being quite boisterous at inopportune times.

Any help, of course, would be appreciated
(Edit: A Patron has been found! Thank you friends!)
edited by lthowes on 4/6/2019

Greetings and Felicitations, Delicious Friends!

Please permit me to introduce myself (a trifle forward, I know, but without a mutual acquaintance to do the honours, what else can I do?) My name is Vorwoda Hawksby - Lord Vorwoda Hawksby on the Surface, but I’m a bit vague as to the applicability of surface titles here in the Neath. Still, the Urchins have let it get about that I’m a nobleman, so there it is, I suppose, what? I’m a chap of early middle age, an operetta librettist, an amateur detective, an excellent swordsman, and a terrible shot. I came to the Neath, on a quest to avenge my beloved, a Lady tragically cut down in her prime by a villain who has fled here below.

In any case, it’s the &quotrevenge&quot and &quotterrible shot&quot parts that bring me here, as the latter makes the former a touch difficult. I’m hoping to find a Patron who is a Shattering Force who might be willing to improve my marksmanship.

My current unmodified abilities:
Watchful: 89
Shadowy: 57
Dangerous: 76
Persuasive: 80

I’d be terribly grateful for any assistance!

And to gratify the OP’s request for a riddle, here’s one of my favourites, which I learnt as a child from my dear mother:

'Twas whispered in Heaven, 'twas muttered in Hell,
And echo caught faintly the sound as it fell;
On the confines of Earth, 'twas permitted to rest,
And the depths of the ocean its presence confessed;
'Twill be found in the sphere when 'tis riven asunder,
Be seen in the lightning and heard in the thunder;
'Twas allotted to man with his earliest breath,
Attends him at birth and awaits him at death,
Presides o’er his happiness, honor and health,
Is the prop of his house and the end of his wealth.
In the heaps of the miser, 'tis hoarded with care,
But is sure to be lost on his prodigal heir;
It begins every hope, every wish it must bound;
With the husbandman toils, and with monarchs is crowned;
Without it the soldier and seaman may roam,
But woe to the wretch who expels it from home!
In the whispers of conscience its voice will be found,
Nor e’er in the whirlwind of passion be drowned;
'Twill soften the heart; but though deaf be the ear,
It will make him acutely and instantly hear.
Set in shade, let it rest like a delicate flower;
Ah! Breathe on it softly, it dies in an hour.

With thanks in advance for any assistance,
Your Humble Servant,
Lord Vorwoda Hawksby
edited by Vorwoda Hawksby on 4/5/2019
edited by Vorwoda Hawksby on 4/6/2019
edited by Vorwoda Hawksby on 4/11/2019

Here do I creep, cautious, without sleep.
I am Leisuma and Leisuma is me.
What manner of person here idles,
Planning mischief and dangerous trials?

Let me be your guard though of stone I’m not carved.
Lend me your stealth and through me gain wealth.
Or grant me ferocity and - for you -
I’ll commit atrocities.
If none of these, then perhaps I can still please.

I have some wit, but need more to complete my kit.

W: 6
S: 6
D: 6
P: 33
edited by Leisuma on 4/14/2019

Hello all. I’m trying to become a POSI, but for rp reasons it’s tough. My unmodified stats are:

W: 40

S: 22

D: 90

P: 33

It’s annoying to boost persuasive when the roleplay makes no sense for the character, so a patron would be greatly appreciated.


Good day. I believe the answer to the riddle is a candle. My name is SkinMedley and I would love to be a protege to someone, anyone. I am not too new to this game but I am still a bit unfamiliar with it. I like animals. I have two cats myself.

My raw stats are:

Watchful: 68
Shadowy: 70
Dangerous: 50
Persuasive: 59

Here’s a little riddle I know: I lose my head in the day, and it returns at night. What am I?
edited by SkinMedley on 4/22/2019
edited by SkinMedley on 4/23/2019


Sergeant Becker Caelan, professional Trickster, at your service:

  • Known for having a sharp sword and a sharper tongue.[/li][li]Currently in search of the Marvellous.[/li][li]Chiropteromantic Zodiac is the Shepherd.[/li][li]Always on the hunt for delicious friends in high places.

Unmodified Stats:

  • Dangerous: 111[/li][li]Persuasive: 114[/li][li]Shadowy: 91[/li][li]Watchful: 98

Many thanks in advance.

[Updated as of 4/28/2019]:
I have been contacted by a patron of Legendary Charisma as of recent.

[Updated as of 6/15/2019]:
Now that I have reached the status of a Person of Some Importance, I no longer require the aid of a Patron.
However, please do not let this information prevent you from contacting me if one wishes to.
Here’s to making many more delicious friends.

Now for a riddle:

  • I can bring tears to your eyes; resurrect the dead, make you smile, and reverse time. [/li][li]I form in an instant but I last a life time. [/li][li]What am I?

edited by rektedbeck on 6/16/2019
edited by rektedbeck on 6/19/2019


I am seeking a Patron for a young mind addicted to exploration and adrenaline.
I am hoping to improve my skills related to stealth and combat.
Open minded. ;)

Unmodified Stats:

[ul][li]Watchful: 67[/li][li]Shadowy: 42[/li][li]Dangerous:48[/li][li]Persuasive: 44[/li][/ul]A riddle I wrote quite a while back:

Hypnotic dancer -
Dangerous slave;
The bane of he who gave her.

Hypnotic dancers -
Hoards of locusts;
Destroying those who free her.

Do not touch the dancer!
Let her dance;
Carefully, be her master!
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 5/20/2019

Greetings, my friends of dubious humanity!
I, Charles Hawthorne, duelist with friends both in high places and the lowly ports of the Unterzee, is seeking a tutor in matters of cunning and persuasion. It may appear as such, but I sadly compensate for my folly using various items and trinkets. Ah, the prices.
Watchful: 85
Shadowy: 52
Dangerous: 97
Persuasive: 70

My favourite’s a riddle overheard in the night when the mists speak: What are the words which burn the skin?

Hail to those with the vaulted titles of
Legendary Charisma, Invisible Eminence, and Shattering Force:

I am DogSpirit, a generally friendly soul
(unless there is need to be otherwise)
making my way 'round the Neath as best as I am able.
As such, I have need of skills broadly ranging and seek patronage.

I humbly present my current skillset, as of 6/11/2019:
Persuasive 66
Shadowy 58
Dangerous 53
Watchful 90

By way of thanks, I offer the following:

What does man love more than life
Fear more than death or mortal strife
What the poor have, the rich require,
And what contented men desire,
What the miser spends and the spendthrift saves
And all men carry to their graves?

DogSpirit, I believe the answer to your riddle is right here ->

As for proteges seeking patrons…
Mortimer Brickton, a self-made detective looking for vengence and justice, and an improvement in any attributes:
67 Watchful
30 Shadowy
73 Dangerous
28 Persuasive

And Jay Nighte, someone who is completely trustworthy and will not use any skills you teach them against you:
30 Watchful
56 Shadowy
42 Dangerous
68 Persuasive

A riddle: Take me out of a window, and I leave a grieving wife. But stick me in a door, and I can save somebody’s life. What am I?

EDIT: Stats updated
edited by Jay Nighte on 7/2/2019
edited by Jay Nighte on 7/2/2019

Good evening friends,

I’ve been wandering about Fallen London for a while and have just come to seek your help. I made the mistake of becoming a seeker rather too early and watchful suffered for it.


Watchful 74+13


Shadowy 82+3


Dangerous 87+3


Persuasive 111+7

I just realized. If only proteges can post here, how do patrons let them know they’re interested? Can they send invites, I thought that was something only proteges could do. Guess I was wrong?

Updated stats, and also, both now have a Patron for Dangerous.

I am looking for a patron, if possible. My attribute are as follows:

Dangerous 22
Persuasive 21
Shadowy 19
Watchful 17

Just let me know what I need to do!

Greetings, all.
I am Gidgo130, a somewhat new player in need of a Shattering Force as a Patron.
My unbuffed stats are:
And how exactly does Patronage work?

[quote=Gidgo130]And how exactly does Patronage work?[/quote]You and your Patron will spend Free Evenings (which are replenished every week when Time the Healer comes), with the lesson providing a fairly large increase in stats for you. You can proceed to spice it up with roleplay, other social actions, or whatever else strikes your fancy.

Greetings, I am in need of a patron in persuasion.


[color=#c2c2c2]Hello everyone, i am currently looking for someone to tutor me in the field of shadowy skills.[/color]
My character’s name is Oldwen, he is a nobleman from the surface that used to hunt as a hobby, and came to Fallen London looking for bigger and more exotic preys, pursuit in which he ended up being nearly killed by the vake, turning him into a tomb colonist, and is currently looking for revenge.
Until know he only focused in training his migth or his mind, or occasionally spending time drinking wine in veilgarden XD, and he fears that when the time comes, he won’t be swift and agile enough to battle his foe.

[color=#c2c2c2]This are my stats without items:[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Watchful 91[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Shadowy 59[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Dangerous 116[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Persuasive 98[/color]
edited by Oldwen on 8/4/2019

Good evening. I aim to increase my domain over the shadowy skills. Any healp will be greatly appreciated.
My current situation is as follows:

W: 48
S: 51

If the idea of being my patron entices you, feel free reach out to me. I’ll see that you’re answered in a timely manner.
Thanks in advance.