Hello. Still in s search.
Watchful 76
Shadowy 47
Dangerous 73
Persuasive 88
I’m not a very talkative type. Looking for a Patron in Shadowy
Hello. Still in s search.
Watchful 76
Shadowy 47
Dangerous 73
Persuasive 88
I’m not a very talkative type. Looking for a Patron in Shadowy
I Have a Patron… for now.
My Profile
Dangerous 61
Persuasive 65
Shadowy 42
Watchful 73
Good afternoon, accomplished Gentlefolk of the Neath.
I am a somewhat recent migrant to these parts. While a large part of my coming here was due to a desire to assist a Captain of my acquaintance, I have found the twisting tales of Fallen London to be most intriguing. When I discovered a long time lover of mine had also descended to London, we quickly arranged to be married. As such I expect my stay to be somewhat more protracted than initially expected.
Given that I now have a family to provide for, I am keen to sharpen both my skills and standing. Of late you may have spotted me plummeting from the Spite, mocked by my preening maccaw Modesty. While nursing the resulting concussions, I am often found talking (in vain) to a rather unusual plant in my lodgings or scheming another disastrous expedition in the Forgotten Quarter.
At present I would like to improve my Shadowy. I am regularly humiliated by Urchins at hide and seek, which I feel bodes ill for more treacherous uses of the skillset. Should that prove impractical, honing my keen Watchful abilities would lend itself well to my present career as a Watcher.
Although I am not much given to riddles, I understand the unreasonable dictates of tradition.
A House stands in the heart of the city. Although the blind enter, the seeing leave. What is it?
Yours in sincere admiration,
edited by Arretu on 2/17/2017
Dear Friends,
I have been roaming the 'Neath for about two weeks, and I am dying to learn how to talk to someone.
These are my ‘significant figures’:
Watchful 58
Shadowy 42
Dangerous 47
Persuasive 51
I would like to receive instruction in ‘Shadowy’. I have found lurking around the alleys of Spite and doing other rather questionable things rather difficult. The other arts don’t seem to be as difficult to master.
It’s hard to say where you’ll meet me, but I like Covent Garden and Marylebone.
Send me a card, maybe?
Saluti buoni amici del Neath!
Xcea, here, for her daily dose of desperate. These days are harsh, incredibly harsh… I can’t say much, but I escaped from my home in Italy after the rebellions started to take over. I left everything… My family, my love, my life…
Now the Neath is my new life, but it’s been a tough time here! It’s fallen upon me to desperately need An Invincible Eminence and A Shattering Force to teach me their ways!
Watchful 90
Shadowy 48
Dangerous 75
Persuasive 103
My evenings are always free, so I shall never miss a lesson!
Grazi, cari amici, dal tuo unico e solo, Xcea!
I return, good people of the Neath, to throw myself upon the mercy of some kind soul filled with strength that they may share their secrets with me. I am now in search of a Shattering Force! My dear patron, wonderful as can be, and I have parted ways and so I think it imperative that I begin working on what other skills I may.
At current, my abilities, sans items or companions, are as below -
Watchful: 63
Shadowy: 46
Dangerous: 32
Persuasive: 95
I’ve made some gains since my last visit, but I think there’s still much yet for me to learn.
What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees
Up, up, up it goes,
And yet never grows?
I am a new traveler seeking to improve my fighting skill, as a lonely wolf i won’t seek any help to hone my mind and sneaking skill. I don’t seek to become particularly connected to society. But my tendencies to prevent myself from harm, prevent me from acquiring enough self defences skill. As i seek to hunt the vake, i hope to get some help to pursue this endeavour.
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Watchful: 51[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Shadowy: 35[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Dangerous: 14[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Persuasive: 23[/color]
What hide themselves, every time you don’t expose yourselves to the provider of life ?
Easy enough, i think …
A mountain Mme Hiyami ?
edited by Noz WOLF on 2/25/2017
edited by Noz WOLF on 2/25/2017
Greetings, fellow Londoners!
I am in search of an Extraordinary Mind who might educate me in the ways of perception.
Watchful: 92
Shadowy: 100
Dangerous: 96
Persuasive: 96
I would be ever so grateful for assistance.
Good evening fellow citizens of the Neath,
As I somehow got all my stats above 100 on my main account without a Patron, I have felt like I may be missing out on the experience. Thus, I am looking for a Shattering Force (Dangerous) who may assist Ashton, my alt account. As of this moment, their base stats are at:
Watchful: 28
Shadowy: 37
Dangerous: 57
Persuasive: 39
Ashton is rather stoic and can be rough at times but whilst they may have questionable morals elsewhere, they would not betray a Patron.
Any help and/or guidance would be very much appreciated.
Edit: Ashton now has a Patron!
edited by MoonstoneRune on 3/1/2017
Dear Sirs and Madams,
After some breathtaking voyages across the Sunless Sea, recently I’ve moored my vessel in this fascinating and surreal city. As I feel less secure in webs of streets than on stormy waves, I am looking for a familiar face, a friend, a guide - a Shadowy patron.
Watchful: 15
Shadowy: 36
Dangerous: 16
Persuasive: 34
edited by effreet on 3/2/2017
Greetings fellow fallen Londoners!
My name is AtlantaOfArcadia I have recently entered the world of fallen London! I am seeking a patron of any sort, I simply hope to improve my knowledge.
My current statistics are (without items):
Persuasive: 27
Watchful: 39
Dangerous: 26
Shadowy: 31
I’ll appreciate any help offered!
Here is the link to my account: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/AtalantaOfArcadia
Citizens of the Neath,
My career is getting to the point where I will no longer be able to experience this aspect of Neath, something I very much want to participate in.
However, even as I make great bounds in some areas, my Shadowy and Dangerous qualities stagnate. I’d appreciate some help in either of those areas, for I feel out-of-place in the Spite and frankly foolish in The Flit.
Current statistics:
Watchful: 91
Persuasive: 77
Watchful: 91
Dangerous: 57
Shadowy: 53
Thank you, future patron,
edited by Viq on 3/4/2017
My fellow Neathdwellers,
I am a relatively new arrival in these fair parts. A gregarious and scholarly type (though alas, my Hedonistic stat may speak of a certain tendency to be diverted by matters sensual.) Having made relatively rapid progress in certain respects, I find myself toiling somewhat in some others. Humiity and reality compel me to concede that I would benefit enormously from the patronage of one more experienced in those aspects. Should anyone be willing to assume this role, I can offer nought but my gratitude, friendship and (if I have understood correctly) my Making Waves, at least until such time as I have use for them.
My unadorned attributes are as follows:
S: 63
D: 55
P: 100
With anticipatory and substantial gratitude.
Good morning fair denizens of London below.
I would be most delighted to find a suitable patron so that my education may continue. I am fairly new yet am considered a fascinating and devious lady. I would like to continue making my name - I am friendly yet I can be sly; gregarious except when I’m not.
My unadorned attributes are:
Watchful: 28
Shadowy: 34
Dangerous: 20
Persuasive 42
Perhaps I’d like to start with Watchful (or Dangerous) and go from there?
I offer tea, coffee, chess and unending gratitude.
Hello everyone,
I have recently discovered the Patronage option in my lodgings and I’m very excited to meet someone who can help me in my journey through the Neath. I enjoy frequenting Veilgarden and Spite, but I’ve become intrigued by the goings-on in Ladybones Road. I am seeking an Extraordinary Mind to help me become more watchful.
Watchful: 77
Shadowy: 71
Dangerous: 42
Persuasive: 91
Thank you in advance to my future patron! My profile may be found in my signature.
EDIT - Thank you Gideon Stormchaser for being my patron!
edited by Aumin on 3/5/2017
edited by Aumin on 3/6/2017
edited by Aumin on 3/10/2017
edited by Aumin on 4/13/2017
Sirs, Madams, and Gentlepeople,
Quite recently I have made my way back to the Neath to find a Patronage option. While most of my stats are rather high, my Shadowy has been quite low. I would be quite ecstatic if a Shadowy Patron were to assist me, and I’d be sure to attempt to help them in whatever needed.
W: 101
S: 61
D: 87
P: 82
Kindest regards
P.S. Yes, I do have a few levels of Seeking. Those are for far later in my journey, I promise.
I’m looking for Patronage, preferably from a Shattering Force. My noble family was laid low by enemies when I was young, and I was sent to live with an elderly relative. When she died I was left to fend for myself. I came to the Neath to escape my enemies and to gather power. Someday, I swear I’ll have my vengeance!
I’m ruthless with those that oppose me, but I’m loyal to my allies. If you offer me patronage, I’ll give you my allegiance.
Watchful 66
Shadowy 65
Dangerous 51
Persuasive 62
Edit I no longer need a patron.
edited by Leuca on 5/1/2017
I´m Starplatinum I love my hedonistic lifestyle
My unadorned attributes are as follows:
W: 55
S: 51
D: 59
P: 69
I´m looking for a shadowy patron
Hello, Citizens of the Fifth City. I am Razzputin, an aspiring ne’er do well here in the depths of the 'Neath.
I seek someone with a glib tongue, the gift of the gab, a Legendary Charisma to watch from a side (and perhaps distract a copper or ten).
My credentials are bare to you esteemed gentlefolk:
Watchful - 63
Shadowy - 45
Dangerous - 62
Persuasive - 71
I lay my top hat at your feet. A dark riddle as my parting card: There is a certain crime, that if it is attempted, is punishable, but if it is committed, is not punishable. What is the crime?
Evening delicious friends. I currently have found a watchful patron, who is generous and helpful. Once I have learned all sorts of watchful lessons, I shall be in search of someone from the shadows. I am, however, always willing to accept calling cards as I am still new in the 'Neath. Your attention has been gratefully accepted and I hope to get to know more of you as time goes on.
[quote=mattygroves]Good morning fair denizens of London below.
I would be most delighted to find a suitable patron so that my education may continue. I am fairly new yet am considered a fascinating and devious lady. I would like to continue making my name - I am friendly yet I can be sly; gregarious except when I’m not.
My unadorned attributes are:
Watchful: 28
Shadowy: 34
Dangerous: 20
Persuasive 42
Perhaps I’d like to start with Watchful (or Dangerous) and go from there?
I offer tea, coffee, chess and unending gratitude.
I am in search of a patron that could help me better understand the mysteries of the 'Neath. An Extraordinary Mind that knows the dangers and the rewards in pursuing the truths of the Bazaar, the Lost Cities, the Correspondence, the Underzee and everything of the sort.
My unadorned attributes are:
Watchful: 77
Shadowy: 72
Dangerous: 83
Persuasive: 90
I offer my friendship, gratitude and, of course, help in all that I can help with.