Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

Hi I’m fairly new to the game but loving every minute f t.
My current vanilla stats are:


I’d really like help raising Persuasive as I don’t seem to be getting anywhere with it at the moment (in Veilgarden).
I’d also like a bit of help with Shadowy as well if possible.

my profile is at

I, Drakar von Drax, am currently looking for a An Extrordinary Mind [Watchful].

Current stats
Watchful 85
Persuasive 108
Shadowy 100
Dangerous 106

I am currently seeking a skilled patron That can expand the horizons of the mind. I am exploring the fallen cities and am enjoying what bit has to offer.
edited by Drakar von Drax on 1/23/2017

I am a newcomer to the city but have found myself enthralled by it. I am currently a minor poet and would like to improve upon all my skills. They currently sit at:


Thank you for your consideration. I leave you with this question: What is orange and sounds like a parrot?
edited by Mstephans on 1/25/2017

Hi everyone! I’m fairly new to the game, but loving it so far!

Currently looking for a shadowy patron, thanks for consideration!

My stats: W 60/S 53/D 61/P 74

Good evening, all you fine meatsuits! My name is Quinn Aldridge, and I am seeking an Extraordinary Mind to help me with my watchful. But first, before I go any further, a complimentary riddle;

10 humans are abducted by aliens. The aliens want to eat the humans, however their moral code prohibits this if the humans demonstrate themselves to be rather clever. The aliens give each abductee either a purple hat or a green hat. The 10 are lined up in a single file line, each facing forward, such that the last person can see the remaining 9’s hats, the second to last person can see the remaining 8’s hats and so on. No one can see his or her own hat.
Before the humans are given their hats, the aliens give them five minutes alone to discuss their strategy.
The aliens then proceed, starting from the last person, to ask each of the abductees what the color of their hat is. The humans will be let go, provided they pass with a 90% correct answer rate - that is to say, 9/10 abductees correctly guess the colours of their hats.
During the questioning, the abductees are not allowed to say anything besides their guess for the color of their hat when it is their turn. Doing so will result in their death. Additionally, they can not step out of line or touch any of the other abductees to signal them what their colours are.

And now, you fine fellows, my stats:

Watchful: 77
Shadowy: 71
Dangerous: 58
Persuasive: 117

I would be honoured to work with any number of you! Please contact me, whether you’re interested in being my patron, or are in need of an acquaintance to act suspicious with. G’evening, and thank you for hearing my pleas.

Hello good sirs and or madams, I am a former commander (maybe) of a regiment in the battles against hell (Could be) I need a patron to teach me to be more dangerous. This would assist me greatly, my name is of course Commander Dalton. Here are my statistics:

Watchful: 50
Shadowy: 29
Dangerous: 32
Persuasive 17:

Thank you kind folks, and don’t forget… Viva la revolution!


I am but an humble citizen of the Neath, seeking the patronage of a lady or gentleman of esteem. What little skills I possess, I will gladly place at your service, along with my unwavering loyalty.

Many thanks!

Fanny Morrison[/i]

On the OOC note: I’m quite new to the game and even more so to the forums. A fair degree of cluelessness is guaranteed ;)

Watchful: 64
Shadowy: 41
Dangerous: 44
Persuasive: 46

And the riddle, of course:
Child of the forest, swift and full of grace
And countless comrades move with equal pace;
O’er many roads I pass, yet leave behind no trace.

Hello, I am professor Grey, a scholar of the correspondence and avid seeker of the secrets of the Neath. I am seeking the patronage of an invisible eminence. Despite the tragedy that was my time with the Cheesemonger I have found myself obsessed with the intrigue of the Great Game and all things Shadowy. I am thus seeking an invisible eminence as a patron, to help further my abilites so I may discover more secrets in the shadows and perhaps, keep some.

I would very much like to engage in heists to acquire better lodgings as well as enmeshing myself in the Great Game in Wilmots End. Thus the help with my Shadowy would be most appreciated.

My current abilities are

Watchful 106
Shadowy 68
Dangerous 72
Persuasive 125 (I have written many symphonies)

When is a man drowned, but still not wet?
edited by HunterS on 1/27/2017

Edit: [i][url=[/i]]Updated[/url]

Hello Ladies and Gents and those of other, less specific labels or kinds.

I should like it if I were able to introduce myself with so much as a quarter or the eloquence so many of you have managed, but alas, I am but deemed fascinating and, of all things, ferocious. I am rather a clumsy person, one who is trying to keep above the general confusion that is this new London. Admittedly, I have had some better luck than I first thought - for certain, my head is still attached… Or so it appears. My tongue is intact, my limbs still whole. I have yet to fall too far afoul of any entity and it is my greatest desire to keep from doing so. I try to keep things slated in my favor, though my skills are perhaps not quite up to par.

Unclothed, bare, my sums seem quite small. I do promise, however, that I shall do my utmost to flourish and to blossom beneath the sun that your guidance will be.

Watchful 11
Shadowy 16
Dangerous 21
Persuasive 53

I think, perhaps, that it would do me well to be persuasive, no? I am hoping that it would help me to keep afloat even in the event some of my other, perhaps less savory deeds were to come afloat…

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.
edited by Hiyami on 1/29/2017
edited by Hiyami on 1/30/2017
edited by Hiyami on 2/24/2017

×☆Irieth×☆ (an exceptional friend) seeks a serious patron for the first time, to help catch up with Shadowy and to experience this particular nurturing relationship with another, preferably a lady.

I will soon reach 100 so this is a limited time offer. If you pledge yourself to me I will be most grateful and indebted. And my Iri always repays her debts.
Watchful 108
Dangerous 113
Persuasive 128
Shadowy 85

I just returned from a trip to Hell itself, then survived the hauntings of the Marshby mansion, so my sanity alas is not what it should be anymore. The things I’ve witnessed, the things that claw inside my brain, haunting my waking moments and dreams alike, I am now and forever branded… Well, the price to pay for knowledge. I sincerely hope a patron will help guide and share my future endeavors, and perhaps not at such steep price!

Best regards,
Irieth of Snow×☆Irieth×☆

edited by ☆Snow☆ on 1/30/2017
edited by ☆Snow☆ on 1/30/2017
edited by ☆Snow☆ on 1/30/2017
edited by ☆Snow☆ on 2/1/2017

Hello ladies, gents, and everyone else,

I am Max Inilla, a humble doctor who lost a great deal following a disaster involving a fire and a rather large quantity of rubbing alcohol, and thought to turn her hand to seeking her fortune in the vast and wondrous world below the surface. Unfortunately, I am still but a stranger in these grim lands, and would very much appreciate someone’s guidance and advice to settle in. It would be most marvellous if someone could teach me the art of being observant, how to travel silently in the shadows, or improve my self defence.

In return, I will gladly repay you with my unwavering loyalty and service.

With thanks,
Max Inilla

My stats are:

Watchful: 75
Shadowy: 76
Dangerous: 78
Persuasive: 95

So I’d most appreciate help from an Invisible Eminence, an Extraordinary Mind, or a Shattering Force.

Thanks in advance!

What gets wetter the more it dries?

Greetings, Larissa Stokes is the name. When I am not roaming about the Shrine of St. Joshua and keeping on par with the latest news in the Great Game or following suspicious-looking neddy men around (one of them is bound to be the new Jack! I am sure of it!), you can find me taking my little strolls among the ruins of the Forgotten Quarter, far away in thought. Somehow, the atmosphere reminds me of the shiny days of glitter back in the Surface…

Anyhow, becoming a Master Thief is not an easy task as I had expected, and the Black Ribbon stories are dangerous but not that all engaging; so I would be delighted to meet a special someone that would show me the ropes in walking amongst the shadows, or how to best employ lethal and explosive gadgetry…

I look forward to your response.

Stay safe.



[ul][li]W 94[/li][li]S 65[/li][li]D 73[/li][li]P 95[/li][/ul]Shadowy and Dangerous have been a pain to level up lately, so it would be great to have help in (one of) those departments…

Profile link:


I’m fairly new to Fallen London and would greatly appreciate a Patron of any type.

My vanilla stats are:

Watchful 50
Dangerous 33
Persuasive 25
Shadowy 39

Hello, I have been searching for a patron for sometime now but unfortunately have not found one. I am searching for either an invisible eminence or a shattering force to help improve my abilities.

My current attributes are

Watchful 127
Shadowy 77
Dangerous 81
Persuasive 145

I would be very grateful to be ones protege.
edited by Hunter Grey on 2/8/2017

Watchful 89, Shadowy 82, Dangerous 79, Persuasive 76

My main goal for the moment is to become a Person of Significant Importance, and I can modify a handful of those stats to become 100. I’d still like some training, in any and all of them. Once I work my alt up to any reasonable statistic I’ll look towards getting them a patron as well.

Good wishes to all!

Not looking anymore
edited by Waterpls on 2/27/2017

Watchful 81, Shadowy 90, Dangerous 148, Persuasive 71

My main goal for the moment is to level all my under 100 stats to 100 as fast as possible. I’d still like some training, in any and all of them(outside dangerous). Once I work my alt up to any reasonable statistic I’ll look towards getting them a patron as well.
Especially Persuasive, Watchful.
Good wishes to all!

Greetings Gentlefolk,

I am Morianne, and I am new-ish to the game, in my first week. I seek the wisdom of a Patron to help me navigate the currents of Fallen London and help me decide how to shape my character. My stats are currently:
Watchful 37
Shadowy 27
Dangerous 23
Persuasive 31

I am open to most socials with the exception of Loitering and romantic socials, so please drop me a line! I look forward to hearing from you!

Good evening, friends. My name is Lady Occamy–charmed, I’m sure.

I am new to this world of Fallen London, and so far, it has intrigued me. It’s all so delightful: the danger, the people, the parties. I always have had soft spot for the more indulgent things in life… Although I must say I have no fondness for violence or brute force.

I wish to make a name here; to be connected. Some say I have a way with words. Perhaps I could hone that skill into a more… &quotLegendary Charisma?&quot Here is where I currently stand, and although this may change, I will do my best to keep you informed.

Watchful: 22
Shadowy: 24
Dangerous: 11
Persuasive: 50

Before I depart, I’ve heard that it is somewhat of a tradition to leave behind a favorite riddle. Here is mine:

A man was driving a black carriage. The moon shone no light. The streetlamps were off. A black cat crossed the road in front of him–how did the carriage driver know to stop in time?

edited by occamysRazor on 2/20/2017

Good Evening!

I dont want to reveal my stats, but since im fairly new here it’s useless to mention im well below 100 in all of them except persuasive.

I seek a patron for dangerous, but all are fine because Im more keen on different matters:

I want a patron that actively engages with me in Roleplay.

Actively doesnt mean that he / she has to answer the moment I write, it means that my patron doesnt forget about it, and tries to get back to me whenever his time permits. Roughly a message every other day would be nice.

I want to roleplay the patron / proteges relationship, what form it will take is up to how things play out.
Writing each other Letters, meeting in places, acting out such meetings etc.

We could get it started in any number of ways. Your character might stumble upon me in any number of ways:

  • In Veilsgarden giving a Speech, reciting a poem, discussing philosophy, flirting with women / men / Rubbery people / Devils of both gender
  • High Society events, being involved with bohemians, living life to its fullest
  • shopping in Spite
  • at the shuttered Palace
  • Seen my name on a book (I published cheap horror stories and fungal poetry)
  • You get the idea… lots of more opportunities…

Yae itself looks like my Profile picture…

I had a pretty long description that got lost… Iw ill rewrite once I have time. =)
edited by Yae on 2/25/2017