Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

On one of your weekly trips to terrorize the local opera, your cloak - midnight, billows rather spectacularly - snags on a lamppost. You whip around - rather fetchingly, you think - to face the offending fixture. Was it even there before? A cat is perched on its arm. It looks almost smug. You follow the flick of its tail to see an ad posted, very conveniently, at eye level. It says -


SEEKER: Dee the Dipper, a puissant, devious individual of mysterious and indistinct gender. Salubriously subterranean.

{ Watchful 84 | Shadowy 81 | Dangerous 77 | Persuasive 83 }

SOUGHT: You, delicious denizen, wise in the ways of shadows, blessed by the cunning of cats.

To you I offer companionship and the unburdened stores of aristocrats.

&quotI rise, I fall, I wait, I crawl. Death of many, yet life of all.&quot
edited by ambivalent on 9/26/2017

Good evening, denizens of the Neath.

I, Howard Faith, am reasonably new to the Neath, and would love to unravel its mysteries with a friend and a patron at my side.
Of course, I understand that my pursuit of mysteries will lead me down a path some may consider unsavory, and thus, I’d love some help becoming more Shadowy, so that I may be unseen as I leave no stone unturned.

My base attributes are:

Watchful 43
Shadowy 35
Dangerous 30
Persuasive 34

I currently lead a rather active life in the Neath and will be happy to spend any time of my day to play chess, attend social meetings and even tend to your wounds, if need be. I’d be most happy to accept your patronage and friendship.

StaceyF has no idea at all what is going on. She just presses buttons and hopes that they aren’t going to blow up in her face. She’s also a bit of an enigma being magnanimous and ruthless at the same time. You just don’t know what you’re going to get.

Watchful: 78
Shadowy: 61
Dangerous: 68
Persuasive: 79 (+12)

Would prefer someone shadowy or dangerous.

You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present, but the future can never taint me.
edited by StaceyF81 on 3/24/2017


My name is Mr Fahrenheit, or Fahrenheit200 in game. I am a sinister and mysterious individual seeking an Invisible Eminence to tutor me.

My stats are as follows.
[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]WATCHFUL [/color]35
[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]SHADOWY [/color]78 [color=rgb(255, 255, 255)][/color]+5
[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]DANGEROUS [/color]48 [color=rgb(255, 255, 255)][/color]+3
edited by Mr Fahrenheit on 3/25/2017


Silas Hollow is a confused artist trying to find his way in the Neath, putting his last hopes of lasting happiness in a mysterious card game he’s heard only rumors of. He’s just started wandering the Flit, and is in need of someone showing him the ropes.

Watchful: 60
Shadowy: 48
Dangerous: 50
Persuasive: 63

I’m looking for a patron to help improve my Shadowy.

EDIT: I have a patron now! Huzzah!
edited by KittyHamilton on 3/25/2017

Watchful: 83
Shadowy: 61
Dangerous: 90
Persuasive: 88

I am Kiwimom1 in the game, a powerful individual seeking to follow the road to become a person of some importance. However, my shadowy is - shall we say - sub par. I am therefore seeking patronage from an invisible eminence to bring my shadowy up to the level of my o their skills.

I am an irresistible, breathtaking and sagacious lady in search of a patron to nurture my dangerous, watchful or shadowy qualities.

Watchful: 76
Shadowy: 61
Dangerous: 77
Persuasive: 98

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

edited by HeraTeleia on 3/25/2017

Looking for
An Invisible Eminence [Shadowy]

Watchful 74
Shadowy 70
Dangerous 95
Persuasive 90

Fallen London username is Vishiyra

What kind of box is opened when it’s closed?
edited by Vishiyra on 3/27/2017

Just to add to this: patrons are no longer able to adopt protégés, but protégés are able to ask patrons for help. (Aka you’ll need to send the request yourself, it is apparently down for reworkingfor patrons)
edited by suinicide on 3/29/2017

Hello All, I’m currently looking for a patron for Either, Watchful, Shadowy or Dangerous, I would absolutely appreciate any help in regards to this

  • Watchful: 71[/li][li]Shadowy: 65[/li][li]Dangerous: 61[/li][li]Persuasive: 113

My Username is : Cybex

I seek training in Watchful, for I need the sharpest sight and the quickest wits to see my ambitions through.

My stats are:
Watchful 75
Shadowy 22
Dangerous 68
Persuasive 20

I simply, totally, irresistibly, terribly, want know.


I seek most humbly one who may instruct this simple, lacking vessel in the arts of Sublety and Stalking, Fisticuffs and Ferociousness, or Deduction and Cunning. One patron for each would be most acceptable -humbly that is, like the lowly worm.
Sadly I will soon be unable to absorb the dazzling knowledge and insight one of your esteemednesses can offer, so I beseech you, please let me absorb! PLEASE!

Edit: Kind thanks and most humble prostrations are proffered to those who went above and beyond to try and assist in Illumination…however I am now sadly too dazzling to accept such! I beg to differ -is the candle wick aflame, compared to the Sun? Yet I do not make the rules…yet…


edited by reaperOscuroCore on 4/5/2017 [li]
edited by reaperOscuroCore on 4/5/2017[/li][li]
edited by reaperOscuroCore on 5/10/2017

Hello, I’m looking for A Legendary Charisma [Persuasive]. My Attributes are currently:

Watchful 22
Shadowy 16
Dangerous 19
Persuasive 21

Who makes it has no need of it. Who buys it has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
edited by hanzomccree on 4/6/2017

UPDATE: I have found a patron. Many thanks to Armdis for offering their expertise.

Good afternoon. You may call me CZ and I am seeking A Legendary Charisma [Persuasive]. My unaugmented stats are:

Watchful 68
Shadowy 43
Dangerous 54
Persuasive 80

You may send your Calling Card here:

Ironically, I am currently humorless, but I hope my lack of riddles won’t hamper my search for a patron.
edited by chihuahuazero on 4/16/2017

Seeking an Invisible Eminence to teach me the ways of Fallen London
Watchful 33
Shadowy 6
Dangerous 5
Persuasive 38
In Fallen London I’m also known as Eukaryote.

BFW: edited to fix text
edited by babelfishwars on 4/18/2017

Protege’s and Esteemed Patrons who may be hungrily patrolling these adverstisements, I ask: have you had trouble with connecting one with another? I currently am a PosI and able to gain a patron, yet I find myself unable to do such…have the rules changed? Have PosI no longer able to be patronised, even if their stats are less than 100?

Have you sent a calling card? Other than that, FBG is working on some sort of change to the system, so its possible something got knocked out that wasn’t suppose to.

I think that PoSI cannot become protegés. My PoSI characters do not have the option to seek a Patron, whereas my others do. So Drake was able to become a Patron to a non-PoSI alt, but not to Tanith, even though her Dangerous is under 100. (Even without gear, when even her modified Dangerous is under 100, she still doesn’t have the option to seek a Patron.)

So that would explain why I wasn’t able to be a patron for Arden Terraward. I don’t know why it didn’t work for Cybex, though.

Nice to meet you again! A certain rather ambitious character is seeking a person with a proud name &quotShattering Force&quot or &quotInvisible Eminence&quot to increase her Dangerous or Shadowy abilities. Current unaugmented stats are listed in the signature. The thing is, I don’t have any problems with raising Persuasive and Watchful, and I really love their storylines; but Shadowy and especially Dangerous ones don’t really fit this character. So it would be really nice to find a patron - a proper lady should be open-minded and know a lot of things to become a person of some importance, but maybe she doesn’t need to hunt rats and rob churches by herself.

Also do you know what’s greater and eviler than the Judgements? The poor have it, the rich don’t need it. And if you eat it, you’ll die.
(I’m sorry if this particular riddle was in the thread before; it seems rather popular, but it touched my soul.)

UPD: found a Shattering Force, thank you!
edited by motherofpigeons on 4/11/2017

Hello all, I’m looking for an Invisible Eminence to help me with shadowy!

My stats without modifiers are
Watchful 100
Shadowy 78
Dangerous 82
Persuasive 84

Feel free to send me a calling card here!