Hi. I’m a new PoSI looking for a Legendary Charisma to be my patron. I’m currently working towards becoming a renowned author. I will be happy to repay you with any assistance you may require.
Watchful 109
Shadowy 55
Dangerous 93
Persuasive 73 edited by Itsurin on 12/19/2016
Hello there! I am really enjoying this game but just found out I could enjoy it more by interacting with a patron. I am open to any and all social actions and am very active, playing everyday. I am happy to return the favor in anyway that would be helpful to you! =)
Patron I’m looking to find: An Extraordinary Mind (since this is the job I chose, however, if none are currently available, I’d love a patron of any of the other stats.)
My stats are:
Watchful: 45
Shadowy: 54
Dangerous: 54
I look forward to meeting you soon! Feel free to message me on here or send a social action so I know that I may send you a calling card. =)
My name is Elliot Hazel and I am a lowly Enquirer, new to Fallen London, hoping to make a name for myself as a detective and protector of the vulnerable. In my previous life I was a Lieutenant-Colonel of Her Majesty’s Royal Army and decorated veteran of the Great War, and although my past profession lent me many skills that could help me in my Neathy pursuits, I’m afraid they still leave much to be desired. If I could be so bold as to ask for your patronage, I assure you you could not find a more diligent, attentive protégé. I have the following unaugmented skills to recommend me:
Lucien Murvel, at your service. I am a crafty and intriguing gentleman, or at least that’s what some might say… Alas, as crafty as I might be I still lack quite some experience which has lead to more than a few, ah, disastrous happenings.
Therefore I am now avidly searching for a patron who would be willing to bestow some of their immense knowledge on some fresh faced but motivated fellow as me! All manner of knowledge in any field would be highly appreciated - I am, most of all, eager to learn and would be overjoyed if any of you wise individuals would take interest in me.
My most humble skills are as follows:
Watchful: 51
Shadowy: 72
Dangerous: 20
Persuasive: 60
As you can see I, in my eagerness, honed my skills in a rather unbalanced manner. It quite certainly fits my personality, though.
By way of introduction, I am a part-time author of penny dreadfuls and a dispassionate observer of social mores, being just as likely to mix with clergymen as well as revolutionaries. I request a patron of either Extraordinary Mind or Legendary Charisma, since I would like to develop my skills in shrewdness and cunning.
My interest in riddles and guessing games is sadly lacking, but lovely readers may mull this one over at the local honey den: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
I look forward to making your acquaintance.
Update: Two extraordinary individuals have kindly offered mentoring in watchfulness and persuasiveness, and I thank them for their swift response. Thank you all for your consideration. velkma is my username
UPDATE: I have found an interesting patron who smells of cat!
"It was all true
A parlour strode, and the night sets forever
I stray in the quiet cold
And you gird me when I dare to listen"
We’ve been exploring the mysteries of London, my soul and I. What we got so far you may ask? Some astonishment, some detachment and some punishment!
But I feel If I had learned to swift into shadows better, my soul would be happier! Is there anybody to mentor me in shadowy skills?
I tanked my Watchful seeking the name, and would like help from a Extraordinary Mind in raising it back up again. edited by vahalla on 12/25/2016 edited by vahalla on 12/25/2016
Greetings, gentlemen, ladies, and those of other nomenclature. I am Lord Tokoz. Lord of what? Oh, it doesn’t matter now. Most delighted to meet you, I’m sure. Please excuse the chittering from the darkness. I find it prudent to keep some of the Scuttering Company about. My work? Oh, dabbling mostly. Living off old funds, dancing about Veilgarden, and an occasional trip around the city for various reasons. There’s been a bit of bother with the constabulary, but other than that, I quite enjoy my time here.
… Hmm? Rumors about me, you say? How utterly fascinating. I would love to hear some.
Oh my. Quite a number of bold tails. That I’m a shadow of the London Night, robbing even her criminal kings? That I am a favored ally of Hell itself, ferrying souls it’s way with a Spirifer’s Fork? That I lust after forbidden knowledge, and have thrown others to madness in order to obtain it?
How very amusing. How very amusing indeed.
(('Ello there. I’m Tokoz, new player to this great game, and playing a somewhat morally complex but rather ruthless bastard with a few aorta of gold. Not a whole heart, but he has pieces. Looking for any sort of Patron, but I would prefer an Invisible Eminence, then a Shattering Presence, Followed by an Extraordinary Mind. Had somewhat better Shadowy, but a recent event I will not spoil involving a Train resulted in some altering. Even if I don’t find a patron, would love to find some people to ally with in general, so if I end up taken, feel free to send a card anyway.
**Edit: I’ve found a patron! Thank you all for reading!
Hello! I am Miranda Brighteyes. My stats are:
Watchful 56
Shadowy 23
Dangerous 26
Persuasive 40.
I would very much appreciate a Patron that can help me to focus on Watchful or Persuasive. Although Persuasive is slightly preferred, I’d be thrilled with either!
So far, I’ve been mostly focusing on enjoying and exploring the city, rather than trying to quickly level up my skills. I particularly enjoy making my name by solving cases in Ladybones Road, although it’s a bit of a walk from my bookshop rooms in Veilgarden. If the case has some sort of an ethical dilemma, I try to do what’s right, instead of what might be the most profitable. I also try to be friendly to devils, Rubbery Men, and the like. In the future, I want to become Stormy-Eyed, try an expedition in the Forgotten Quarter, learn about the Fallen Cities, and solve many more cases!
I am seeking an invisible eminence to raise my watchful after an…unfortunate incident. I am in dire, dire need. Please send me a calling card, write me a letter, or message me.
BadCat, the thief with a heart of gold-alloy is looking for a Patron. Maybe you could find it within your graces to take her under your tutelage? Just be sure to keep a firm grip on your pocket watch!
***Edit: I have acquired a Shadowy patron. Thank you very much. I already feel more Wily.
Greetings, all. I am Hieronymus Drake, once a colonel of dragoons, now stuck in this dreary place seeking forbidden knowledge and the bloody bastard who murdered my brother. He was the best of us, you know. I’m settling in quite nicely at the University, but every now and then I feel the need to get my hands bloody down at Wolfstack Docks. I’ve been to court, but I detest the place; I’ve written some quite excellent symphonies, but I’ve been banished more times than I can count. Where I’m lacking is in a certain subtlety - I was a dragoon, not a bloody scout, you know. Thus I find myself at:
A bit lopsided, eh? I find myself in need of an Invisible Eminence to show me how to sneak into a place without breaking anyone’s head.
Miss Brighteyes, I believe that you are a river. My own favorite riddle is not fit for polite society, I’m afraid. It has to do with popped maize, the Italian manner of dealing with ladies of negotiable virtue, and the deference due to a superior officer.
I am, by the way, not particularly mysterious in my gender - just impatient with impertinent bloody quizzes. edited by bjharts on 1/13/2017
My Watchful Alt, Alice Tintin, is looking for a Shattering Force or Invisible Eminence to help round out her FL experience. Her current stats are: Watchful 108, Shadowy 78, Dangerous 81, and Persuasive 116.
Mr Salts is searching for an extraordinary mind to seek the name. They know how foolish it is to do so, and they have accepted their fate, but they still have much to learn. So much to learn.
One night I dreamt of a dark figure flowing in shadows against the wall, all I remember is a crippled smile. I kept wondering… was it me? Was it even a dream? Thing is, I need an invisible eminence to help me find out!
It seems I’ve grown a lot since I’ve last posted here, so I deleted my previous post.
It seems now the only stat I’m lagging behind on is Shadowy. As noticed previously, it does seem hard to gain. Help with Watchful and Dangerous will be appreciated, too, but what I really need is an Invisible Eminence Patron.