Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

Dear Delectable, Delicious, Denizens,

I find myself, as others before me, in need of some insightful input.

My raw stats are - Watchful 119, Shadowy 73, Dangerous 71, Persuasive 138

I would be particularly pleased for help from an Invisible Eminence or Shattering force as I would like to even out my stats, but would be equally honored for Patronage in other areas.

At present I am engaged as an Author and am thoroughly enjoying investigation and conversation. I am closest to the Great Game and am close to the Bohemians. I hope to further my academic career and am working towards this end.

If established personages of accomplishment would care to share their expertise and take me under their wing, I would try my utmost not to be boring.

Yours in humble anticipation
Immortal Siegfried

I thank the Lady Taimi Felix for accepting me as her shadowy protege.

Now Here’s a riddle:
The manufacturer doesn’t need it, the buyer doesn’t want it, and the user doesn’t know that he’s using it. What is it?
edited by Lord Reinhardt Siegfried von Licht on 5/16/2015

Dearest Patrons,
Being a delicate lady, I rarely find myself in need of physical prowess. I often find that a keen wit, sharp tongue, and quick fingers do the trick. However, I have found myself wandering into more dangerous parts of London, and as such request a Shattering Force to help me defend myself against unsavory types.
My base stats are
Watchful 71
Shadowy 39
Dangerous 23
Persuasive 67
Regards, Mahonagy.
(I feel as though I do not need an Exceptional Mind, as my mind is exceptional enough, but help from an Invisible Eminence would also be appreciated!)
A favorite riddle of mine goes like this:
A man is lying in a field, dead. Next to him is an unopened package. What is the package and how did the man die?
edited by Mahonagy on 4/8/2015
edited by Mahonagy on 5/1/2015

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]To whom it may concern:[/color]

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I cast this missive in the the ether, trusting fate to guide it the hand of my future patron. I am currently seeking vengeance in Venderbight, but have found my skills to be insufficient for the task. As such, I seek instruction in the dangerous arts. You will find me a diligent protege, and I hope this will be a mutually beneficial relationship.[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Watchfull[/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] [/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]82[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Shadowy 43[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Dangerous 57[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Persuasive 72[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I love riddles - here’s a fun one:[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]If you throw me out the window, I will leave a grieving wife,[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]If you bring me back, through the door, I could give to save a life.[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]What am I?[/color]

A husbands corpse.

Depending on the man, it might leave a cheering widow, though.


I seem to be having trouble finding a safe place to concentrate in advancing my more dangerous qualities, so I’d appreciate if a Shattering Force could give me some guidance.

W: 98
S: 91
D: 91
P: 98

Seeing as how my stats are pretty balanced, with one slightly lower (at the time of this original posting, anyway…), how about this riddle:

You have nine First City Coins, one of which is counterfeit. The real coins all weigh exactly the same, but the counterfeit is slightly lighter. There is a simple balancing scale that you can use to weigh the coins against each other. What is the minimum number of weighings it would take to guarantee finding the counterfeit coin, and how would you do it?
edited by Yoten on 4/24/2015

Akin to all those who gathered here, i find myself in need of a patron for occasional mutual amusement and other more conventional benefits.
With stats at 58/51/48/59 guidance of Invisible Eminence or Shaterring Force would be most welcome.

And for those who crave riddles, here’s slightly backhanded one:

Inlaid with gold and clad in silk,
A window to the world despises his ilk.

I found a Patron. :)
edited by Saran on 4/11/2015

My delectable tidbits,

My current Patron has taught me all he can in the world of the watchful eye.

So now, I seek a shattering force to help me become more dangerous on the field of martial battle!

Watchful: 99
Shadowy: 69
Dangerous: 50
Persuasive: 68

I look forward to your application to be my patron. I am thoroughly interested in whatever type of relationship you are looking to have with your protege, whether it be casual training on a nightly basis, or more well thought out, long form lessons that we can spend some time writing to each other. My previous patron provided excellent lessons in the mysterious colors of the neath, the oddities of the tomb colonies, and some more…topics…that may garner the attention of the wrong parties if mentioned here.

So, do reach out to me soon so we may work together.

And, your riddle:
[color=#ffffff]Black within, and red without, Four corners round about. What am I?[/color]

The Amorphist
edited by Amorphist on 4/9/2015

(I am fairly new to the game. I have been playing for about three weeks. And I am loving it.)

I am looking for a Shattering Force who can teach me how to handle a pen the wrong way and the anatomical weak points of a Rubbery Man.
I am particularly interested in the study of Infernal Law, and as everyone knows, any respectable lawyer in Hell must inspire dread into his enemies (and clients). Also, I don’t intend to sign all that paperwork with my own blood. I look forward to meeting a Patron.

Watchful: 47
Shadowy: 54
Dangerous: 19
Persuasive: 48

Greetings delicious Londoners,
as many before me, I seek guidance from a Patron. I would like to improve my more violent quality, hence I´m looking for someone with a Shattering Force willing to teach me how to handle a knife, punch someone in a face or how to look formidable.
My raw stats are - Watchful 89, Shadowy 98, Dangerous 78, Persuasive 94

My life can be measured in hours;
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow.
Wind is my foe.
edited by keriss on 4/15/2015

Why, dear keriss, a candle!

And I have returned for more!

Me prior patron was wonderful kind to me, but alas, I learned up all I could and still be hungry for more. I be looking for one to show me the way of the fist and the gift of gab at this point, and thus the establishment of relations with a Shattering Force or Legendary Charisma looking to make some waves would be most fortuitous indeed. Happy to oblige in any manner of professional reciprocation the one such as meself might offer.
W124 S108 D58 P50 (Raw)

If you please, I’d be more than happy to receive your calling cards at the address below…

Thank you in advance!

Salubrious salutions to all and sundry,
I have recently descended to this fallen city and find myself yearning for a patron who may assist me in the secret ways of the neath. As such, I would be grateful if either a Legendary Charisma or an Invisible Eminence would accept me as protege. Accordingly I display my stats here:

Finally, I present a riddle to the audience:

The thunder comes before the lightning,
And the lightning comes before the cloud,
The rain dries all the land it touches,
Wrapping the earth in a blood red shroud.

What am I?
edited by Ren on 4/16/2015

Ladies, gentlemen, nebulous nubs, alarming scholars, amazing academics, and comrades of all stripes, flavors, and dispositions,

I am Septimus, also known as Septus, of the Neath. I have recently been graced by a Barrister of mysterious repute; she, however, is not neither important nor germane. What is relevant, though, is you.

I am seeking mentorship, most of all from an Invisible Eminence of good, scandalous, or (best) mysterious standing. I am unwise to the alleys of Spite; all manner of filth from Flit has rubbed their grubby paws on my pockets, and I seek mentorship on their ways and wiles as your wicked wary ward. A Legendary Mind (or whatever they call Detectives of Amazing Reputation); both are areas in which I lack expertise. I spread around a bit of lucre at Watchmakers’ to dazzle them (apparently a prizefight atop a slippery dome at midnight in a wailing storm was insufficient).

In any event! I am accused of being Shred (W: 49), Wily (S: 47), Puissant (D: 41), and Compelling (P: 91). I hope to speak to you; perhaps over tea or (if you are the vulgar sort) coffee.

Septus, alias Septimus

One-two at first, over at the end,
When gone she is missed;
Sometimes starts as friends.
edited by Septimus on 4/16/2015

Post Script: I have been taken in by a patron of some significance. Thank you for your consideration.
edited by Septimus on 4/17/2015

Good evening folks !

For the Riddle :

&quotI’ve got 3 legs, 6 feet, 8 arms, 2 heads yet 1 eye.
What am i ?&quot

I would love to share some time and learn from a dedicated patron who would raise me over fallen london’s foggy mist !

My personnality would be around :

W 76
S 51
D 33
P 82

i would definitely love to improve my watchfullness and persuasion, but i’m opened to any suggestion on the ways i could/should improve my life down here !

looking forward your kindness !

Your’s, faithfully,

edited by AguSky the Witty on 4/17/2015

Greetings one and all.

My statistics are
Watchful 76
Shadowy 69
Dangerous 68
Persuasive 77

I am interested in the effects of having a patron, and obviously the benefits. I have no preference over discipline area.

I have died to see what it is like. I have braved exile, imprisonment and insanity. I have sold my soul. I am a member of the Black Ribbon, and the Moon League. Perhaps I have a death wish. If I do, I have misplaced it.

A person walks into a bar. They ask for a glass of water. The bartender pulls a gun on them. They thank the bartender and leave. Why?
edited by mischieffoal on 4/19/2015

Hello everyone,

I’m (clearly) looking for a patron that may guide me in improving my sneaky inner weasel and my daring impulses. That, and I’m just curious as to what having a patron will entail for the both of us.

I consider myself the Neath’s detective; I don’t work for any one, single person or government ministry, I simply seek out, and at times protect the truth in order to ensure justice is served in the long run. This means that I balance between the world of law and order and the world of shadows and chaos.

My stats are as follows:
Watchful 84 (+29 with items)
Shadowy 53 (+1 with items)
Dangerous 64 (+4 with items)
Persuasive 90 (+8 with items)

If you’re interested by the possibility of teaching me your skills, send me a card!
My riddle: What gets broken without being held?
edited by Supertoastfairy on 6/2/2015

One is seeking Patrons who may aid one in improving one’s prowess in Watchful, Shadowy, Persuasive, and Dangerous pursuits. One’s present level of skill is as follows:

Watchful 79
Shadowy 71
Dangerous 64
Persuasive 73

One has a certain interest in matters that are perhaps, best left alone: certainly this seems to be the consensus of most of the Neath. One has spent much time in the Mirror-Marches as a result of this fascination; for this and other reasons, one prefers not to divulge too many details about one’s personal life, including one’s gender. Perhaps this is merely paranoia, or the mark of too many stays at the Royal Bethlehem, but then again, one has thus far managed to avoid a second trip to New Newgate Prison, or a first trip to the Tomb-Colonies.

A woman walks into a tavern. She asks the barkeep for a glass of water. The barkeep, instead, produces a ratwork derringer and points it at her in an appropriately menacing fashion. The woman thanks him and leaves, and there is no stain on the barkeep’s reputation for his treatment of a perfectly respectable lady: indeed, he gains a reputation for courtesy, cleverness, and magnanimity. Why?

Hello my friends, fellow inhabitants of the greatest city under the world!
I am seeking the patronage of a dangerous fellow, madame, what have you. Though my astounding charm, quick fingers, sharp intellect and watchful eye have provided me with a wonderful life of romance, scandal, Abstraction, and all the neathy delights our damned city has to offer, I find myself… lacking. In what? Well, I’m usually not one for violence, but the Neath does not discriminate in its dealing out mortal punishments. And while my stays at the Bethlehem and bouts in the Tomb Colonies have overall been quite pleasant, I assure you, riding with that old boatman is one of the very few things I’m not so keen on. Charming old fellow, and he plays a mean game of chess, but alas, I cannot be bothered with physical pain, it really does just interfere with my work. Did I mention that I’m an author? Oh my, I’m sure you’ve read my works before, surely? Ah, I’m sorry. Back to what I’m hear for, dear friends and potential patrons. I am seeking a Shattering Force to instruct me in the ways of fisticuffs, you see. As of the time I am writing to you, my friends I possess an unmodified W-64 S-74 P- 84 and, a pitifully low Dangerous- 30. As you can see, I am in quite dire need of some training in the ways of the Knife and Fist, and would very much appreciate some powerful, lumbering mass to instruct me. I really am quite good company, if you can’t already tell. And if you’re ever in any need of someone to share those last drops of honey with, I would be delighted to help you. Oh, and I’m not one for whining or inefficiency, on account of me losing so many frivolous burdens after my Abstraction. But, for whatever reason, some are offended, likely simply jealous, of the soulless such as myself. So if you are offended by the choices others make in their lives, then frankly stay away, I’d prefer not to be in the company of someone so ignorant of the benefits of such an unburdened lifestyle. Well, goodbye for now friends and potential patrons, I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.
(P.S. Has anybody spotted a small salt weasel, goes by the name Sod, white and charming, the fellow. He seems to have run off again, though I’m not sure why. If you do find him, a reward awaits upon his return.) Oh, and It seems I’ve forgotten about the riddle. I appreciate the interest in some sort of intellectual challenge but I really find them droll, they never accomplish anything. Have you ever considered poetry? It really is much better, I assure you.

Hello everyone,

I’ve only just started playing, but I would love to have some help from a patron, although I don’t know what that entails.
My stats are:
W: 18
S: 16
D: 10
P: 17
I don’t really have a particular goal in mind.


[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]A basket contains 5 apples. Do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket?[/color]