I seek a patronage from a legendary charisma. Although patronage from the shattering force and extraordinary mind would not be sniffed at. My current skills are:
I’m a master thief, with a close association to Hell. I am identified with the school of Nocturnals, and a member of the society of Black Ribbon. Recently i have been exploring the orphanage, which has led to a number of games of chess with the Boatman, curtsey of Poor Edward. I am also a regular visitor to the Royal Bethlehem Hotel. I suppose you could say I have a lack of disregard when it comes to my health and sanity, but I think it’s to be expect when you look into as many mirrors as I do.
A riddle: What is greater than god, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it ,and if you eat it you’ll die?
New Londoner seeks patronage. An invisible eminence would be most desired but I would be more than appreciative of help from any quarter.
I promise any potential patron that I will give at least a two week notice if I ever decide to stab you in the back after learning all that you have to teach me.
If you throw me from the window,
I will leave a grieving wife.
Bring me back, but in the door, and
You’ll see someone giving life![/quote]
My friends, I had a bit of trouble finding myself a Shattering Force recently, so I’d like to extend the request of patronage to anybody with the following credentials:
[b]A Shattering Force [Dangerous]
A Legendary Charisma [Persuasive]
An Invisible Eminence [Shadowy]
I’m sure I could learn a great deal from any sai or seh with these particular merits, and I swear I will be a responsive and overly excitable protege. Do look me over.
they have quite the reek of blood even before you pickle them, but they are delicious… erm, or so i have heard from sources who would prefer to remain anonymous.
Hello, fair citizens. Or revolutionaires. Or collonists. Or, uh, squiddy… people… things. And, apparently, ferrets.
I consider myself a budding scholar, but I’m not above pursuing knowledge at the point of a blade-
My current abilities are:
Watchful: 38
Shadowy: 13
Dangerous: 35
Persuasive: 16
At current, I seek a Great Mind to help me quicken my wits and unearth the secrets of this strange new world-though any friendship is welcomed!
My favorite riddles shift frequently: At current, I’m a fan of:
What, when placed on a scale, will weigh more on the moon than on earth?
And now, a third riddle
What tastes better than it smells?
a tongue.
they have quite the reek of blood even before you pickle them, but they are delicious… erm, or so i have heard from sources who would prefer to remain anonymous.[/quote]
Greetings my fellow sapid citizens of our fine London! I am a great admirer of all devilesses both loud and quiet. One day I hope to take up residence at the Brass Embassy to make encounters with them more than a matter of chance. To aid in this endeavor I seek a patron to teach me in the art of persuasion and a confidant whom I can readily rely on to assist in dousing the flames of scandal which regularly flair up when courting such delightful creatures.
I love horror stories and tales of the strange and fantastical. Perhaps one day I shall attempt to take up the pen and try my hand at crafting a few myself. I abhor what simpletons refer to as an honest day’s work and am a friend to bohemians and a staunch ally of lovers of excess. I am of the opinion that the tastiest meal is that which you neither need pay nor ask for. With that thought in mind, I wonder if anyone has any spare First City coins.
I am one handsome Enquirer who has only joined a few days ago. I have not unlocked any location save the ones already open (Ladybones Road, etc) I wish to increase my Shadowy.
An Enquirer who loves solving mysteries and playing with words and hearts; she’s finding herself on the wrong side of the law with an alarming frequency, though her main worries are the horrible dreams that keep her awake at night (if such a thing exists in the Neath) and the scandal that follows her everywhere (she’s sure her devilish acquaintance have nothing to do with this. Maybe.). She would love to meet an extraordinary mind able to help her to become an even better delver of secrets.
[the link to my profile is in my signature] edited by Huey on 5/7/2015
I seek an Extraordinary Mind to guide me. The nightmares are becoming too much. So is the greed. I feel I shall never come to possess all that I desire.
You may regard me as a successful Author who has delved into many facets of life in the Neath. I am often seen roaming the Shuttered Palace and many other functions of Society, however lately I have taken a shine to more scholarly matters. Between my constant rendezvous with devils and the fairly regular social trips to the Tomb Colonies, where I have many good friends, I would enjoy the correspondence of an Extraordinary Mind to allow me extra insight into the world around me.