The answer to the riddle is nothing, except for perhaps the last one. Fairly certain you got that one wrong, I have been known for my riddles. Behind robberies.
I am:
Watchful 58
Shadowy 43
Dangerous 41
Persuasive 46
Currently looking to develop An Extraordinary Mind [Watchful]
Just started exploring this little adventure. To me, the whole world is a bit of a riddle so far. Still, such aspirations I have. And I am not below the minor debt or, erm, piece movement as long as I get some gain for it.
I am not skilled at fashioning riddles unfortunately.
Update 4/13/15: I appear to have caught the attention of an interested party. Thank you fellows.
edited by Marxinol on 4/14/2015
This seems like a handy sort of place… if I can gain patronage at the price of a riddle, I would call it a bargain.
Watchful 71
Shadowy 52
Dangerous 61
Persuasive 66
I aim for a well-balanced approach to life, seeking to sample all that the Neath has to offer. Hedonistic and rapacious, I am eager to take all that is offered… and steal whatever isn’t. I pursue vengeance for a lost loved one - all the way down here - but man cannot live on hatred alone. Surely, with enough honey, enough wine, and enough pleasurable company, the dark pit in my heart can be filled…
…ahem. Like I said, I try to balance my pursuits, and as such, I’d welcome any kind of Patron. However, I’ve found it particularly difficult to keep my Shadowy skills sharp, for some reason. They lag behind the rest, despite my best efforts… so an Invisible Eminence would be ideal, if one is available.
Ah, and a riddle, yes? I hope this one has not been used before…
Buckets, barrels, baskets, cans…
What must you fill with empty hands?
And a second one, just for good measure - not much of a riddle, but a lovely little ditty!
Two brothers wanted to race, of course
To see who had the SLOWEST horse.
When neither wanted to spur his mare,
What must they do to make it fair?
Oh, and…
I do not think any mistakes were made… if you eat nothing, then certainly, you will not live long. Well… perhaps TECHNICALLY, you could survive by drinking suitably nourishing draughts, or even gain the energy of a meal by injecting it directly into your veins - but that is mere sophistry. The spirit of the riddle is preserved regardless.
(Oh, and before anyone asks - yes, my name is BlakeTheDrake within the game, too.)
edited by BlakeTheDrake on 3/26/2015
My dear friend, you fill gloves with empty hands… and your two brothers need only switch horses!
Watchful 73
Shadowy 40
Dangerous 43
Persuasive 101
I seek a patron of anything except the more… persuasive arts.
As for riddles…
Two problems that require similar leaps in logic.
You have two ropes and a lighter. Each rope takes exactly one hour to burn but they do not burn at a constant speed (meaning that cutting one in half will not necessarily guarantee 30 minutes of burn time). Using only these tools, how can you tell when exactly 45 minutes has passed?
And second…
You have a 5 gallon bucket and a 3 gallon bucket. How can you measure exactly 4 gallons of water from the faucet if you don’t have any other containers?
The first thing you’re going to need is Samuel L. Jackson. You put him next to Bruce Willis. Then get Jeremy Irons and give him a cell phone. Give Mr Jackson the other phone.
Then you’ll have 4 gallons, a boat load of gold bullion and a pretty clever Chester A. Arthur reference.
But if a train traveling a 80kph leave Aberdeen headed to London and crashes after 1 1/2 hours, where do you bury the survivors?
You ignore the screaming and bury them in a ditch outside of Edinburgh because they’ve seen too much!
Greetings! I’ve never thought i would require a patron, but it seems that i’ve reached a point, where a friendly patronage would be appreciated.
Looking at the mirror:
Watchful 53
Shadowy 40
Dangerous 49
Persuasive 70
I am rather open-minded in my pursuits, but would prefer to work on Shadowy at this point. Still, i’d be glad to work on other aspects, if no Invisible Eminences are looking for protege at the moment.
Sincerely yours,
Det. -
[color=rgb(119, 119, 170)]You have a 5 gallon bucket and a 3 gallon bucket. How can you measure exactly 4 gallons of water from the faucet if you don’t have any other containers?[/color]
First you fill the five gallon bucket, then you pour that into the three gallon bucket until it fills up. After that you empty the three gallon bucket, you then empty the rest of the five gallon bucket into the three gallon bucket (The 5 gallon is now empty and the 3 gallon has 2 gallons). Finally you fill the five gallon bucket and pour one gallon from the five gallon into the three gallon bucket, so now the three gallon is full, and the five gallon bucket has 4 gallons remaining.
Watchful: 96
Dangerous: 61
Shadowy: 44
Persuasive: 56
I’m fine with any patron, thank you.
Now for the riddle. You’re in front of two doors, one leads to happiness and the other death, there are two people, one always lies and one is always honest. If you can ask only one question to each person (it has to be the same question) to find out which door is which, what do you ask?
edited by peppep25 on 4/4/2015
edited by peppep25 on 4/6/2015
Ask which path the other guy would say is the safe path, and then choose the opposite.
Classic Knights and Knaves puzzle.
What is that wonder I saw outside before the Doors of Day? White they whirl, strike stone, and bury themselves black in the sand. Delicious friends, guess my riddle.
I spend my vacations in the Mirror Marches, I sleep with Correspondence Stones on my pillow, I’ve written stories that my friends at the Palace would never admit to have read, but that sent many a debutante looking for the honey-dens of Veilgarden.
I am:
Watchful 71
Shadowy 60
Dangerous 61
Persuasive 80
I seek any patron interested in helping me to improve myself, for my interests are vast and varied, and no matter the skill, I will find an application for it.
edited by Lokapala on 3/30/2015
[quote=OctaviaCrowe]Ask which path the other guy would say is the safe path, and then choose the opposite.
Classic Knights and Knaves puzzle.[/quote]
a followup riddle. if you are the liar, and wish to ruin this solution, or at least muddle the asker, how do you best do this?
edited by Grenem on 3/30/2015
Say "He’d tell you the wrong way!"
Wait, you said you can ask EACH? Now that’s tricky.
edited by OctaviaCrowe on 3/30/2015
[quote=OctaviaCrowe]Say "He’d tell you the wrong way!"
Wait, you said you can ask EACH? Now that’s tricky.
edited by OctaviaCrowe on 3/30/2015[/quote]
now, the way i’d do it, to mess with your solution, as the liar, is say, "we don’t actually know the safe route, and i don’t know which door he’d point to."
(as the honest person, if you want to mess with them, say "I don’t know." this is, in fact, true, as the liar can also point back the path you came, or say neither, or any number of unimagined options. it doesn’t work as well, but it does confuse you for a second if you aren’t careful.)
either of these can be broken, i’m sure, but this’ll throw them for a while- at least in my opinion. i could be wrong.
Grreting deliciuos friends
I am a relatively new arrival to the neath and just cannot keep myself out of the more scandalous activities of the fifth city.
Twice now i had to take a less that voluntary (but still quite educational) vacation in the tomb colonies.
I would greatly appreciate a patron to help me increase my watchfullness or persuasiveness to that i might avoid this in the future.
my base stats are as follows:
watchfull: 42
shadwy: 37
dangerous: 42
perusasive: 44
hmm my favourite riddle…not sure really, i think i might have to go with a classic from a book i read a long time ago:
"What have I got in my pocket?"
(i suppose it’s not that obscure anymore now that they made that book into several movies though)
looking forward to making your acquaintance
EDIT: ok this might help acually make the connection…
edited by Nomade on 3/30/2015
Good morning/evening/afternoon/noon/night potential patrons.
I am a part-time rat catcher and a full-time killer of … err … well let’s just say I’m not afraid to get my hands a little dirty if the situation arises, which is quite common in the Neath. But alas, it seems that my skills in the killing of things is not sufficient for a rather large amount of activities, which is why I would like to have a patron help me raise my dangerous-ness.
My unaltered stats are as indicated below:
Watchful: 30
Shadowy: 16
Dangerous: 67
Persuasive: 17
EDIT : Forgot to mention this was for an alt character, by the name of Wilpin
EDIT2 : Weird stuff happened to my riddle once I edited, so sorry for the lack of riddle.
edited by Scarlet on 3/30/2015
Greetings, all. I am still looking for a shadowy or dangerous patron. If any one could help - that would be fantastic!
Dear All,
Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am looking for a Patron to help plumbing the deepest depths and darkest secrets of Fallen London. Perhaps, an Exceptional Mind won’t mind to guide a Protege looking for guidance?
Character: agewisdom
Watchful: 22
Shadowy: 17
Dangerous: 19
Persuasive: 25
edited by agewisdom on 3/31/2015
I find myself in dire need of improving my chicanerous skillset. Circumstances have recently put me into a position where I need a higher level of subtlety than I have ever before achieved. In pursuit of this, I would like to request patronage from an Invisible Eminence.
Surely we can help each other.
Watchful: 51
Shadowy: 72
Dangerous: 43
Persuasive: 61
A poor man is sitting in a pub. He sees that the man next to him is extremely rich.
Poor man: I have an amazing talent; I know almost every song that has ever existed.
The rich man laughs.
Poor man: I am willing to bet you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing a popular song that includes a lady’s name of your choosing.
The rich man laughs again.
Rich man: OK, how about my daughter’s name, Joanna Armstrong-Miller?
The poor man goes home rich.
What song did he sing?
edited by kingcarnie on 3/31/2015
Happy Birthday to You.
I seek dancing partners upon the shores of F_____ London. Polka-partners with knives preferred.
I seek the Vake. I hope to play with wax by moonlight. I desire the assistance of an Invisible Eminence in skullduggery; my experience with skulls is in matters quite unrelated.
Watchful: 21
Shadowy: 17
Dangerous: 52
Persuasive: 19
A riddle, from the Exeter Book:
I am wonderful help to women,The hope of something to come. I harmNo citizen except my slayer.Rooted I stand on a high bed.I am shaggy below. Sometimes the beautifulPeasant’s daughter, an eager-armed,Proud woman grabs my body,Rushes my red skin, holds me hard,Claims my head. The curly-hairedWoman who catches me fast will feelOur meeting. Her eye will be wet.
Ciao a tutti.
I’m Padroncino Vargas. I can often be seen in the company of devils, and I frequent the fine college of Benthic - omnes adsint, quamvis dementi, quamvis nefasti.
Watchful - 92
Shadowy - 84 (for shame!)
Dangerous - 87
Persuasive - 102
I am mainly seeking assistance from An Invisible Eminence, but if any among you is feeling generous enough to help in other ways, please do feel free.