Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

Hello! I am Roobz, a recently-liberated victim of newgate, aspiring silver-tongue and secret hoarder who wishes to discover all of the secrets of the Neath, to have supreme knowledge and be the most charming of the wise.


I am looking for mainly a persuasion/watchful patron, but I’ll go with any patron that will have me!

Sadly, I’m not one for riddles and wordplay, so I will end this post here, my name in-game is the same as here.

Is there an extraordinary mind willing accept a protégé for watchful?
I’m a returning player that hasn’t played since 2011 (I quit due to echo bazaar’s constant social media hammering) so I decided to begin anew. Sadly while much of the game has improved since then the early game watchful storylets are just dreadful and I’d like to rush past them as quickly as possible.
My current stats are:
watchful - 23
shadowy - 43
dangerous - 24
persuasive - 27

Thank you, but I am in good hands now!
(Patron found!)


I’ve been about for quite some time but I ahhh… got lost for a while on Watchmakers Hill. Or was it at my Lodgings…? I forget. But I’m very clearly in need of some assistance!

I started playing a while ago, but dropped off, and Sunless Sea kindled my interest again (love that game!). My immediate goal is to get my Watchful up to 100 become a zee captain (and all those lovely steps in between!), but will likely stick around afterward, as I’m taking a shine to the game… again. I’m looking for a Watchful patron for mutual gain.


Name in-game is same as here. I’m not positive how this relationship works, but I’m game to have fun!

Thanks in advance!
edited by Handy81 on 2/19/2015

To whom it may concern.

A devious and perceptive gentleman by the name of B Florence Lompont, sporting scores of 17 watchful, 30 shadowy, 10 dangerous and 14 persuasive is hoping to become a really shadowy guy some day with the help of a patron - an invisible eminence.

I would rather not partake in the riddle game at this time.

Respectfully yours with sincere gratitude,
edited by B Florence Lompont on 2/18/2015

I would very much like to become A Shattering Force [Dangerous], but I will require some tutelage in that regard. I am a puissant and intriguing individual of mysterious and indistinct gender, or so they say (33 Watchful, 27 Shadowy, 45 Dangerous, 32 Persuasive), so I’ve already made some headway, but I still have a long row to hoe. Any assistance to reaching my goal would be appreciated, and once that goal is met, I will of course ‘pay it forward’ to my fellow players. If I can be of some small assistance to you, I would be most pleased.

If you are interested, please send your calling card to FredMSloniker. I await your correspondence!

As for the riddle tax: I was once asked to provide a particular substance to an acquaintance, of which I had none. I gave him another substance, and yet I am now uncertain whether it was suitable or not, for it seems that, if it was, it wasn’t, but if it wasn’t, it was. Perhaps you have faced the same dilemma and know of what I speak?

EDIT: I have found a patron! Quite a wonderful fellow! Many thanks. Feel free to send me a calling card regardless if you wish.

Greetings, fellows. Allow me to introduce myself.

I am a recently appointed campaigner by the name of Somner, with current attributes running at 54 Watchful, 56 Shadowy, 50 Dangerous, and 70 Persuasive. Though my primary focus has been rubbing shoulders with big names and inching my way into high society, it is with alarming frequency that I notice my lack of knowledge in the way of self-defense is sure to get me put on a slow boat down the river if I do not acquire assistance in improving such talents soon.

And so I seek a &quotShattering Force&quot to aid me in this endeavor… I am available to assist in any meager ways one of my up-and-coming stature can. Please send any letters and invitations to my abode near the Observatory. (Alas, if I’d only known of the aggressive mushrooms and marsh wolves sooner… such a fine home, though.)

As for a simple riddle: There are three items in the palm of my hand, black, red, and blue, yet one of them is not so named for it’s color, though all share a similar word. What is this odd one out that I speak of?
edited by Somner on 3/8/2015

Recently arrived to Fallen London, I seek a patron- an Invisible Eminence or Shattering Force would be much appreciated in helping me to improve my sadly lacking Shadowy and Dangerous. Invisible Eminence would be appreciated more, as I find myself requiring Shadowy more than Dangerous. Current unmodified attributes run at 47 Watchful, 19 Shadowy, 14 Dangerous, and 33 Persuasive.

As for the riddle tax- &quotTen men’s length. Ten men’s strength. Ten men cannot break it, but a young boy walks away with it.&quot

Well now, Having recently come to the neath after one who murdered my beloved someone to show me the ropes in this strange underworld … that I hear tried to conquer Hell … how you conquer a place us men of science know not to exist I do not know but onward. I am in search of a patron to help improve my watchful skill as I hope to find the secrets and the science of this realm. Stats unagumented (subject to go up fast as all are low but will be under 100 for quite some time) watchful 19, shadowy 5 (my mind does make me stand out what can I do)? Dangerous 12, persuasive 13 (listen to me or die) and I seem to have picked up three scandal along the way hmm … perhaps one should not say hell is a myth where the church still rules?

Well Bonjour I am Darwin Dawson and I simply need a push from a kind and gentle patron. I am a persuasive shadowy watchful gentleman at the moment with P80 S67 W50., my Dangerous sits at 48 and I would love if someone would help me increase it. So please I do hope you’ll consider me and at the very least befriend me. I always welcome new friends

Sorry prospective patrons, but I’m taken. He’s an absolute prince. :cool:

Oh, great and mighty polymaths of the city-formerly-known-as London, I beseech thee in attaining wisdom in the areas of watchful and shadowy-ness; in that order. Please respond at your earliest (or latest) convenience, whichever is better for you.
Aldrich Montague Esq. IV

I recently arrived in the neath and while I certainly managed to carve out a little place for me I realized I could use the help of someone more experienced than me, someone quite dangerous I would say.

Tall as a house, round as a cup, &all the King’s horses can’t draw it up.

My [rather un]wholesome androgyne is well-occupied between their new adjunct position at Summerset and ongoing duties as a curate to some of the odd folk who dwell in the swamps between Hill and Zee. Quietly cataloguing chthonic blueprints and closet-skeletons while maintaining a passable façade of propriety is hard work. They’d surely benefit muchly from the discreet counsel of An [color=000000]Invisible[/color] Eminence as concealment of body and mind alike are invaluable when collecting secrets both social & primordial…

(WTCH 93 / SHAD 64 / DNGR 76 / PRSV 89)
edited by bitterhorn on 2/25/2015
edited by bitterhorn on 2/25/2015

Hello my dear compatriots!

Allow me to entertain you, not just for a moment, but for as log a duration as you would please! I happen to be in search of someone so incredible they represent the pinnacle of achievement in their field, such as an [color=#990000] Extraordinary Mind[/color] or an [color=#33ccff]Invisible Eminence[/color] in hopes of being able to request the Honor of becoming the protégé of such an outstanding member of High Society. If anyone who comes across this wistful message by chance fits this description and would care to take such a fellow as myself ([color=#999900]W:58,S:30,D:22,P:29[/color]) underneath their wing, I would pledge nothing less than the utmost loyalty to their service. You may find my residency atop a rooftop shack under the official title of [color=#cc0000]DrVonKonnor[/color]. A last touch, my resumé:

And as a Parting gift, I present you with the following enigma:

[color=#0033ff]What is that which is always behind time?[/color]

Farewell and good tidings! Do avoid the nightmares!

edited by DrVonKonnor on 2/24/2015
edited by DrVonKonnor on 2/24/2015

heyy. my name here is the same as in fallen london. my stats without equipped items are as it stands


id appreciate help with my dangerous most! im not much one for riddles, (if i tried id just end up quoting the hobbit) but ive been reading a book about poetics stuff, and apparently there is an expression for ‘nothing’ that goes ‘a king without poets’ which i thought was amazing. when it comes to fallen london, i shy away from betrayal (more or, as it stands, due to the way our dear society functions, less) and am rather fond of the urchins. (as well as, for some nebulous reason, the rubbery men) i am probably loyal. probably. probably not gonna accidentally backstab anyone, and not highly likely to sell my soul in the near future.
id appreciate acquiantances, too, if anyone is interested.

&quotMy house is not quiet, I am not loud; But for us God fashioned our fate together.
I am the swifter, at times the stronger, My house more enduring, longer to last.
A times I rest; my dwelling still runs; Within it I lodge as long as I live.
[b][i]Should we two be severed, my death is sure.&quot

Greetings, Exceptional Friends!
Might any of you know where i might find a venerable patron?
Preferably a ‘Legendary Charisma’ to show me the way of words.

Currently, my Watchful is at 71.

While my Shadowy is at 73.

And my Dangerous at 67.

Lastly, my Persuasive at 85.

I would greatly appreciate any help in my endeavors here in the Fifth City.

Your liege, PWNZR

I’m looking for any mentor asides from shadowy and persuasive (My persuasive is ridiculously higher then my other other stats and I’ve gotten a regular trainer for shadowy)

My base stats are

As you can see my stats are quite unbalanced and I need some help from an extraordinary mind or a shattering force

Greetings, good people of the Fallen City,

I am looking for a master to educate me in the basic skills, I am new to Fallen London. My focus is on Watchful, but any skill will do, I really need tutelage. Much obliged.

Watchful - 45+9
Shadowy - 17+7
Dangerous - 10+1
Persuasive - 39+1

My profile:
edited by Isaiah Hazardway on 3/1/2015

Greetings again, fellow Neathy dwellers! As I seem to have not found a Patron yet, I may as well re-inquire as to procuring one.
Appreciated most would be an Extraordinary Mind or a Legendary Charisma, but tutelage in any of the four stats would be most appreciated.
EDIT: Patron found, thank you to Lady Taimi Felix
edited by amethystcat on 3/5/2015

[March 4th; ETA - Shadowy Patron get! Thanks, Lady Taimi Felix!]

Esteemed colleagues, parishioners, &c.,

While one likes to think one has attained some little importance in ones small way, some time spent in meditative seclusion away from ones duties &London’s many distractions does remind one that one may still have a thing or two to learn about the arts of tact and subtlety.

Certainly, I’d never think to pen an advertisement seeking knowledge of anything Questionable. One must, after all, avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Nonetheless, I must confess that I may have a thing or two to learn yet regarding the proper means of self-defense against the (completely unwarranted) rumor; the suspicion and wounds to ones body and reputation alike that flit about like a whispered plague amongst sinners & socialites both. For shame!

Therefore, upon my imminent return from this… blessed mission to the Tomb-colonies, let the forceful & the unseen know they are welcome to call. Let us be subtle of mind and hale of body, the better to keep our fallen city standing proudly!

(riddle-tax paid in last post; as of this evening [post-yesterday’s ill-fated persuasive grind]: WTCH 98 / SHAD 74 / DNGR 83 / PRSV 94)
edited by bitterhorn on 3/4/2015
edited by bitterhorn on 3/4/2015

Greetings, denizens of the Neath.

My search for an Invisible Eminence seems to have proven fruitless and my wonderings in Wilmot’s End have honed my shadowy skills rather nicely.
On the other hand, if there are some Extraordinary Minds around, I would accept some training and some light enlightenment.

Unmodified stats:

Watchful: 52
Shadowy: 101
Dangerous: 63
Persuasive: 73

The riddle and my first message are in another alley…corner of Blythenhale and Flowerdene.
edited by Hargate on 3/23/2015