EDIT: I’ve found a patron.
edited by ZX99 on 2/4/2015
So I’ve been kicking around here for a while, and my accomplishments are as follows:
W: 82
S: 71
D: 92
P: 86
As you can see, I’m rather good at puttin’ the boot in, not bad at bein’ the life of the party… but maybe a little lackin’ in… whatchacallit? Subtlety. I’d be happy for any kind of patronage, but I’m really lookin’ for a sneaky sort.
EDIT: Someone has already been kind enough to reach out their guiding hand to me. Thank you!
edited by Amethys on 2/8/2015
Dear friends,
I am very new, and my character’s stats are: Watchful 24 / Shadowy 16 / Dangerous 8 / Persuasive 31. I would like assistance with any stat but Dangerous, ideally A Legendary Charisma or An Invisible Eminence- I prefer talking to fighting. Can’t we all just get along?
I’m rather shy but I’ve been described in turn as amusing, similar to a raccoon, and "the strangest person I know". As for a riddle…? I’m not very good at them, so here’s a simple one I know:
Round like an apple, deep like a cup, all the king’s horses can’t pull me up. What am I?
Hello! I’m seeking a Patron. :)
Watchful 19
Shadowy 16
Dangerous 16
Persuasive 27
I wish to have a patron who is A Shattering Force [Dangerous]
I just started playing Fallen London this week. :D
My favorite riddle is one that I wrote for my husband when he was still my boyfriend. It has two answers (that I know of) that work, but only one was the intended answer.
Sinew and blood in me, marrow and flesh I hold.
A spoil from soil, then struck and sold.
And one plus one is one when two of me are left.
Tell me my name, or be bereft.
Here is my profile:
[color=#cc0000]Update: Patron found.[/color]
Hello fellow denizens of the Neath!
Having recently escaped the drudgery of that awful prison. (I was of course innocent but try telling that to the guards!) I’ve managed to stumble my way around the streets so far, not getting into too much trouble I hope. It has however come to my attention that to really become someone in this town the advice and help of a Patron is almost a necessity.
Therefore I would like to announce that I am indeed seeking a Patron and while I would prefer they are An Invisible Eminence [Shadowy]. I understand such individuals are quite a rarity. I’ve decided to undertake a rather momentous task involving a rather impressively large gemstone, but of course it’s all above board I assume you which I why I thought to focus my search as I did. I think though of course that someone could help me also brush up on my people skills somewhat in order to help me achieve my goal. In other words, I am more than happy to accept patronage in other areas of expertise.
Watchful - 42
Shadowy - 45
Dangerous - 42
Persuasive - 56
Please also note I like to chat, play chess and am of course up for all other manner of social activities if your not capable of patronage. While I do like to at least add a little flavor to my messages and requests it is of course not required by any means to enjoy my company. It just happens to make things a bit more enjoyable in my mind.
Oh dear I almost forgot, a riddle didn’t I. Well then, here it goes.
All things I devour: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers.
I gnaw iron, bite steel.
I grind hard stones to meal.
What am I?
edited by Atrak on 2/17/2015
edited by Atrak on 2/17/2015
edited by Atrak on 2/20/2015
Greetings fellow Neath goers!
A bit about my character Arol:
He’s gotten himself quite a hobby in murder and tormenting random strangers to see what effect it has on their mind and body. Arol enjoys cultivating connections with Hell and finding ways to wreak havoc on the Neath while traveling under the radar of the authorities.
His current base stats are:
Watchful 80
Shadowy 79
Dangerous 96
Persuasive 84
I’m interested in An Extraordinary Mind, as I’m having a bit of a drought in increasing Arol’s Watchful.
Thank you for your time.
My favorite riddle:
What’s dark and cold
Both young and old
Can neither be bought nor sold
Except by the brave and bold?
Greetings delicious friends!
I just escaped from prison this week and I need a mentor to help me navigate the pitfalls of Fallen London.
My stats :
Watchful 34
Shadowy 14
Dangerous 16
Persuasive 11
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
edited by spblue on 2/9/2015
Seeking a patron please, kind sirs
I am a watchful fight-y sort of girl, currently pursuing a career in ratcatching. I tried to pursue prostitution, but alas it seems to not be an option.
My current attributes are:
Watchful: 39
Shadowy: 16
Dangerous: 47
Persuasive: 26
I would really rather love someone to assist me with being more dangerous <3
edited by Nanako on 2/9/2015
Hello darlings,
I am a persuasive young lady who likes red, jewels, and stealing jewels to buy red things. I’m currently seeking a patron in the arts of society and influence, for I want to be someone to be listened to.
My current stats:
Watchful 11
Shadowy 12
Dangerous 8
Persuasive 15
Wanted: A Legendary Charisma (Pursuasive)
My favorite riddle is:
What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees,
Up, up it goes,
And yet never grows?
edited by Jeweltone on 2/11/2015
Dear gentlebeings,
I, Mx. H. Htesla, a wandering spirit with an ability to blend in in all locations, seek for myself a Patron of Persuasiveness. I have been long gone from the lands of London, only to return and find such kind people as yourselves offering their skills and time to those such as myself. I have a keen interest in the Tomb Colonies and the impermanency of death in general, as well as felines of all shapes and sizes. I aspire to authorhood, having started writing short stories and finding myself a dab hand at it. If this appeals to you, please contact me so that we may work towards our mutual benefit.
Watchful 31
Shadowy 62
Dangerous 47
Persuasive 31
edited by telluric on 2/11/2015
Update - No patron found, but my lowest stat is 97 with equipment so I guess I’ll cope without.
A Law-Abiding Citizen Seeks an Invisible Eminence
I greet you all: gentles, ladies, miscellanea. I am AlexTFish, and I am in search of a Patron to aid my progression in London’s fine society.
My quirk, such as it is, is that I endeavour quite strongly to only take actions which are both moral and legal. Caring about either morality or legality seems to impose quite a restriction upon those of us exploring this Neathy city; caring about both at once? It turns out to be quite feasible to make progression in Watchful skills, Persuasive traits, and even Dangerous qualities. But the Shadowy arts are harder. So many of the opportunities for advancement would leave one on the wrong side of the law. It would be unthinkable to take up a Profession of Pickpocket, for example.
Therefore, my distinctly uneven stats are: Watchful 114, Shadowy 66, Dangerous 87, Persuasive 85.
However, I of course can’t impose such a criterion upon those I associate with. Why, there would be almost nobody left! As a good Christian I aspire to be willing to associate with those at all stations in society, just like our Lord did.
There are a number of noble and dutiful activities that would be fitting to one of my circumstances, but in which I find myself unable to partake due to insufficient Shadowy experience. I have climbed to the top of an ice-stone dome using gloves I fashioned myself from sorrow-spiders… but I do still bear the wounds from the failed attempt.
So I seek an Invisible Eminence for instruction in the Shadowy arts.
(I am also most willing to share what little Waves I may be Making with any Persons of Importance who might wish to invite me to Dante’s Grill. As long as the statements you invite me to make of yourself are true, I am happy to proclaim them in public.)
As for riddles, well! You wish to speak to me of riddles? I could quote many, but for now I restrict myself to one from the people known as Dal: "What can a peasant get for free that an emperor can never buy?"
edited by AlexTFish on 4/17/2015
I’ve received an excellent patron! Feel free to add me as an acquaintance anyway chaps!
And my favorite riddle?
What has rivers, but no water?
Forests, but no trees?
and cities, but no buildings?
The Amorphist
edited by Amorphist on 2/13/2015
Hm, as much as I prefer to think of myself as the soon-to-rise underdog of the shadows of the Neath, I suppose we must all come to terms with requiring help. If potential patrons really need to know something about me, here it is: I’ve been referred to as "An empty human being" by those I find no need to converse with, I have no moral difficulty with manipulating useful people, I’m not opposed to a merry promenade of pickpocketing, and I occasionally converse with my pet raven. I’m seeking an invisible eminence, I don’t intend any sort of clubbing, planned abandoning to a cave overflowing with sorrow spiders, co-ordinated trickery into any sort of infernal contract etcetera, etcetera, unless I believe I’m being used beyond reason.
Watchful: 20
Shadowy: 22
Dangerous: 19
Persuasive: 22
And now, the riddle: If I have it, I won’t share it (Without profitable reason). If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it?
edited by Tartutha on 2/12/2015
[color=#ff0000](Update! A patron has been found. Thank you all for reading, regardless!)[/color]
A Devilish Lady Seeks a Legendary Charisma[/color]
… to become all the more devilish, of course. Of course that’s not to say I am a Devil or in any way connected to the Brass Embassy! It’s a mere expression and nothing more. What I wish to convey is that I would like my charismatic ways to be refined upon. I am a chaotic sort, that is fair to say, and have every interest in utilising my wiles to part others with their belongings. Dinners, luxuries; souls, that sort of thing. That is to say, quite naturally, that I would never actually part an unassuming citizen from their soul! That is simply the lengths of raw charisma I wish to possess. And should anyone just happen to part with that glowing, warm, vital and tantalisingly ethereal thing called a soul… oh, apologies, I seem to have gotten distracted with something utterly derivative!
You’ll find that my particular skillset could be described as:
Watchful: 13
Shadowy: 19
Dangerous: 10
Persuasive: 34
You may find more about me here. http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Annalea
And now for a riddle to celebrate today’s festivities:
If you break me, I’ll not stop working.
If you can touch me, my work is done.
If you lose me, you must find me with a ring soon after.
What am I?
edited by Annalea on 2/16/2015
Seeking a patron. Any patron would be helpful, although I would prefer An Invisible Eminence, as it seems to not have as many interesting storylets early on as the other areas.
Watchful: 36
Shadowy: 20
Dangerous: 37
Persuasive: 41
edited by Boreaquis on 2/16/2015
edited by Boreaquis on 2/18/2015
Seeking an Extraordinary Mind here.
Watchful: 49
Shadowy: 22
Dangerous: 17
Persuasive: 35
Do allow me to refrain from my introduction; I don’t easily feel comfortable with strangers.
Greetings, Neathly dwellers!
So they wouldn’t let me in your decadent Iron League, despite the fact that I convinced some poor bastard to give me a token on the pretense I was a Prince of America! Oh, bless him, it was hilarious.
The bruiser by the door told me I’m not dangerous enough! Me! Disgraceful.
I’m seeking someone with a keen mind for violence to help me learn how to bash this idiot’s teeth in and get into the League. I’m going to repay you beyond your wildest dreams! Did I mention I was royalty on the Surface? Not American royalty, phhht, America is a republic. No, I am, in fact, a second cousin to the Doge of Japan. You won’t regret it!
(Skills: all of them <20, looking for Dangerous training)
So, not a week after my daring escape from New Newgate Prison, I’ve made a minor name for myself with my keen eye and quick wits in Ladybones Road, and am looking for an Extraordinary Mind to take me under their wings.
As for a riddle… I spied a neighbour of mine looking at a portrait in his hallway. I couldn’t make out the name on the portrait, but he muttered to himself something like "Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man’s father is my father’s son". How did he know the subject of the portrait?
Watchful: 54
Shadowy: 27
Dangerous: 26
Persuasive: 42
(I’ve recently stumbled upon Fallen London having picked up the rather excellent Sunless Sea, as I imagine quite a few recent joiners have, so please excuse my first post being a patronage-begging one).
Evening, folks.
(Un)fortunately for me, I’ve just washed ashore in your "beautiful" city – on wreckage from my latest ill-conceived voyage on the Sunless Sea. I’m having some difficulty finding work in Wolfstack to fund my next expedition; Iron at 'zee does not apparently translate into Dangerous on-land. If some charitable soul with the paradoxically-paired traits of generosity and violence found it within themselves to show me the ropes, I’d be grateful.
((My stats are: Watchful – 63, Shadowy – 40, Dangerous – 45, Persuasive – 58, and I’m seeking a Shattering Force Patron. I’m afraid I can’t promise to be the most talkative protégé, but neither will I be rude. Same name there as here. Thanks!))
If it’s pairs of letters you need, I consecutively have three. What profession am I? Answer.
edited by The Zealous Zee-Captain on 2/17/2015