Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

This winter I have treated myself with an exploration into the murky depths of fallen London.

As a humble inquisitive seeker of fascinations, I am looking for a patron to help me see the truths and dreams that permeate this dangerous locale. Please teach me your wierding ways of watching. Or being dangerous. Or persuasion. Or sneaking around. Any patron will do, actually.

My current stats are:
Watchful: 67
Shadowy: 46
Dangerous: 53
Persuasive: 55

While I am still carving out my own existence into reality, I can confidently assure any perspective patrons that I do indeed have teeth.

My favorite riddle has been, &quotWhat can change the nature of a man?&quot.

edited by vaunt on 1/30/2015: Huzzah! I am now a proud protege! Good luck to the rest of my fellow seekers!
edited by vaunt on 1/30/2015

I am relatively new to The Neath. I am told that I am a captivating and insightful lady, though be it with a touch of the bizarre.

I am in the midst of pursuing my Heart’s Desire and would be delighted to receive patronage from An Extraordinary Mind.

Watchful: 51
Shadowy: 19
Dangerous: 28
Persuasive: 73

Any other denizens of Fallen London wishing to make my acquaintance are, of course, most welcome provided you do not mind being regarded in such brazen company.

Oooh! A riddle! Well …

If it’s information that you seek, come and see me.
If it’s pairs of letters that you need, I have consecutively three.
Who am I?

Update - 1/7/15 - As yet, no-one has offered their patronage. T’is a most scandalous state of affairs! Why so coy?
edited by Alice Aforethought on 1/7/2015

I have been in the neath now for almost a year and have decided to find a person who can patron me
my stats are
I hope you consider this letter

On a lonely planet spinning its way toward damnation amid the fear and despair of a broken human race, who is left to fight for all that is good and pure and gets you smashed for under a fiver? Yes, it’s the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar!

Greetings all, I’m in search of an Invisible Eminence, though I suppose Legendary Charisma or Extraordinary Mind couldn’t hurt. I can be reached in-game under the same username or on skype at ryandegnan, or by email at degnanryane, since in-game communication can be a tad inconvenient. I’m always up for Suspicious Loitering if you’re interested, Hastily Scrawled Notes are the only second chance I really seem to run out of so more is never bad.

Watchful 46[/font]
Shadowy 44[/font]
Dangerous 11[/font]
Persuasive 48[/font]
edited by Digby Chicken Caesar on 1/10/2015

Greetings Gents and Madams of the Neath,

Being an inescapable, sagacious and lethal gentleman of some qualities, I am procuring a patron to enlighten me in the ways of Danger, Eloquence and Charisma… as well as learning the ways of the shadows.

As for detailed information of my skills, here is the enclosed document:

Shadowy - 64
Dangerous - 87
Persuasive - 79

Though I’m currently focusing on my shadowy arts to become someone of some Importance, my ambition is one that focuses on more dangerous and watchful endeavors (though my watchfulness is developed for the job at hand).

Any patronage will be welcome tips hat Looking forward to a profitable and enjoyable business relationship.
edited by OtakuDash on 1/11/2015
edited by OtakuDash on 1/12/2015
edited by OtakuDash on 1/12/2015

[li]I am seeking a patron for any status, though preferably watchful or shadowy first.
[li]My unmodified stats are:
[li]Watchful- 87
[li]Shadowy- 73
[li]Dangerous- 43
[li]Persuasive- 73
[li]Don’t expect me to be the most social protégé; I like to mind my own business for the most part. I will, however, accept and try to return any social interactions that I can.[li]My watchful has hit 100 but I would still love an invisible eminence patron.[/li][li]
edited by Psyche Labyrinth on 1/21/2015

I’m Jasonlw. The stat doesn’t matter, but I prefer to get either Watchful or Persuasive to 100 first.

Watchful: 79
Shadowy: 65
Dangerous: 68
Persuasive: 75

Thank you!

[Patron found!]

Ualha, a citizen of the Neath of greedy and not-entirely-legal Ambition, humbly seeks a Patron in the Shadowy Arts. Sie used to be quite the hand at all things stealthy, but let those skills rust in hir ruthless pursuit of University recognition. Will gladly engage in social endeavors as well.

Watchful: 83
Shadowy: 70
Dangerous: 78
Persuasive: 72

As for Riddles, sie has one that sie is fond of: &quotWhile walking down the street I met a man. He tipped his hat and drew his cane, and in this riddle I’ve said his name.&quot
edited by Ualha on 1/17/2015

I’m Inferno_Cup, friend of the Church, The masters, and the great… folk down at the docks. I find myself in need of the services of a Patron, hopefully someone possessing &quotA Shattering force&quot, and a bit of free time.

My Unmodified statistics are as follows:
Watchful: 63
Shadowy: 58
Dangerous: 52
Persuasive: 64

&quotWhat has a neck, but no head?&quot

Afternoon, ladies, gentlemen and the undefined.
After wondering the cobbled streets of Spite and the rooftops of the Flit in search of an Invisible Eminence I have honed my shadowy skills to the point of not needing any help.

I will leave the riddle on the wall.

&quotI talk, but I do not speak my mind
I hear words, but I do not listen to thoughts
When I wake, all see me
When I sleep, all hear me
Many heads are on my shoulders
Many hands are at my feet
The strongest steel cannot break my visage
But the softest whisper can destroy me
The quietest whimper can be heard.&quot
edited by Hargate on 3/11/2015

Hello everybody, I am Bel and I recently joined this our community. I am not a specially difficult man: I am friend of my friends (demons and Clay Men) and enemy of my enemies (just the ones who won’t attend to reasons).
I am looking for a Shattering Force that would be willing to help me getting harder, better, faster and stronger.
Were you to hear about someone as I require, please, contact me:

Raw stats:

  • Watchful: 41.
  • Shadowy: 22.
  • Dangerous: 47.
  • Persuasive: 23.

[color=#c2c2c2]Eyemyself have literary ambitions both in London and abroad.

Base Stats: [/color]
[color=#c2c2c2]Watchful: 124
Shadowy: 93[/color]
[color=#c2c2c2]Dangerous: 86
Persuasive: 127

Despite my affinity for the pen and press I find myself in need of tutelage in the blunter sort of negotiation tactics. I seek a shattering force to help me pursue my goals. I would not turn away council from an invisible eminence either.

Should you be open to an eager student I would be pleased to make your acquaintance:

[/color]A tool of creation in anyone’s hand
I help you record your imagination
Tell me, what am I?[color=#c2c2c2] [/color]

Good evening everyone, I’m new here, Darok’s the name, a perceptive and suave gentleman… For now!

Watchful: 14
Shadowy: 13
Dangerous: 13
Persuasive: 14

I’m searching for an An Extraordinary Minded patron to lead me toward perfection!
you can invite me to whatever you want too, I’m interested.

Persona: Darok

For the Riddle:

~Died on earth, buried in the sky~

Fellows! London has become my true home. I’ve severed ties with the Surface, which never held fascination, and am determined to mire myself in the delicious mélange of hallucinations, squidges, entities and unmentionables that comprise our ab-fair city. I have thrilled to the sensation of the rough weave of a tomb-colonist’s bandage under my snail-leather gloves. I have chortled watching the eyes of a carriage horse roll in terror as the grey and clammy flesh of its passenger pressed against the glass in the carriage window. I have become gloriously dizzy from the sulfur and ammonia smell of the Unterzee. This is where I am meant to be.

I seek patronage, particularly from one with an Extraordinary Mind. I notice things, but I must learn to watch.

Watchful: 43
Shadowy: 54
Dangerous: 44
Persuasive: 51
edited by Lalswing on 1/21/2015


Good day, sirs, ladys and persons of ambigious gender like myself.

I searched for the patron myself a long time ago and didn’t find no one, so, i decided to hard work everything myself.

But now i am a Person of Some Importance, and maybe i have quite a mind and skills of a shadow, and some charisma even, i am not good at killing… well, i am quite good at killing, not that i want this, just for the sake of work and defence, i am a veteran spy and master thief, after all, but i lack basics of CQC, you know.

So, i am, again, seeking for a patron.

Miguel de Smith
Watchful: 91
Shadowy: 76
Dangerous: 49
Persuasive: 61
A Shattering Force
edited by Miguel de Smith on 1/23/2015

hello patrons to be. looking for a quick one?
if someone could spare few week of their time, i have shadowy 119 (93 with gear) and dangerous 114 (86). so if anyone like this rather short patronage id be delighted to learn.

regards, sathanas

I am BrucePM, a scholar and a gentleman. Though I am well on my way towards becoming an Extraordinary Mind in my own right, I am afraid I’m terribly lacking in more subterfugiferous skills, and in this I seek a teacher, nay, a Patron.

I like petits fours, and I used to like long walks on the beach, before &quotthe beach&quot meant &quotthe slimy verge of an endless sea darker than night and colder than eternity.&quot These days I prefer to get quietly drunk in the University pubs.

Watchful: 109
Shadowy: 77
Dangerous: 91
Persuasive: 92

Sought: An Invisible Eminence

Hello, I need a patron.

My stats:
Watchful: 24
Shadowy: 19
Dangerous: 19

Wanted: An Extraordinary Mind [Watchful]öders
edited by Pöders on 1/27/2015

Hello everyone,
I’m pretty new to the game , was playing for about 3 weeks (pretty fascinated but the unusual word the failbettergames created here) and is looking for a patron.

[b]Still seeking :(

Watchful: 72
Shadowy: 56
Dangerous: 58
Persuasive: 65
Seeking whatever ,but I guess i would prefer the An Extraordinary Mind [Watchful] the most.
edited by VicD on 1/30/2015
edited by VicD on 2/6/2015

Hello all, I am currently seeking an extraordinary mind for my newly arrived character Wilhelmina

Her stats are currently:


Her profile is here.