update. thanks guys,this post really helps.i got a patron of extraordinary mind atlast.
edited by saadfarooq404 on 12/3/2014
update. thanks guys,this post really helps.i got a patron of extraordinary mind atlast.
edited by saadfarooq404 on 12/3/2014
[quote=dutt_]Greetings kind strangers!
Dutt has been staying in Fallen London for a couple of months and would now really appreciate a patron who’s an Extraordinary Mind or has Legendary Charisma.
Watcchful: 68
Shadowy: 60
Dangerous: 92
Persuasive: 71
My characters current goal in life is to buy a ship and sail to all kinds of places. He’s tend to favour the dangerous and adrenaline-filled parts of life and looks forward to seeing strange and unknown places.
To leave you something as food for thought:
You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?[/li]
edited by dutt_ on 1/6/2014[/quote]
An ear of maize (what we Americans call "corn"). You need to remove the outer husk of leaves to cook the ear. Then you eat the kernels off of the cob (the "inside") and throw away the cob.
Fellow residents of the Neath,
I would be most obliged to receive the patronage of any of the august personages here in Fallen London. My stats are:
Watchful = 86
Shadowy = 75
Dangerous = 80
Persuasive = 80
My profession is Watcher, but I am interested in increasing any stat that a potential patron can help me with.
Thanks very much,
Greetings, esteemed future colleagues and friends.
I am a recent arrival to the inscrutable hollows of the Neath, and I am eager to meet like-minded associates of good heart who wish to explore its many-faceted secrets. In particular, I seek the services of an Extraordinary Mind to guide me in my research and investigations, someone who shares my abiding curiosity and thirst for knowledge and who is willing to bestow the gifts of experience upon a lesser traveled companion.
Though I am as yet but a humble Enquirer, you’ll not find a protégé more willing to learn and more willing to repay kindness in kind. If you are the one I seek, but also even if not, you may call upon Voynich at the flat above the bookshop, the one with the sign featuring the All Seeing Eye.
I am always interested in new people and their stories. As a professional consultant and investigator, I also offer what insight I can to those with honest coin or honest causes.
Watchful 47
Shadowy 17
Dangerous 20
Persuasive 14
And now, a riddle of my own design, an easy one to break the ice:
I can grant your heart’s desire or bring its darkest fear.
But only when you close your eyes dare I then appear.
I paint upon a canvas wide as any e’er conceived.
But occupy no solid space that human eyes perceive.
What am I?
Update! I’ve received an offer of patronage from a generous, brilliant mind, and I have accepted. However, please do keep me in mind for any other social activities you might be considering.
edited by Voynich on 12/7/2014
EDIT: I have found a patron for the time being. I will update if that changes.
Watchful: 115
Shadowy: 77
Dangerous: 89
Persuasive: 83
Greetings to my fellow Fallen Londoners,
I have been casting about for quite some time, investigating oddities and uncovering secrets. I have plumbed the unknown corners of the Forgotten Quarter and researched at the Universities. I am finding, however, that there are many secrets which resist open investigation. I am in need of an Invisible Eminence who can show me how to more discreetly seek answers to my burning questions. Patronage from a Legendary Charisma would not be unwelcome either, as a silver tongue can open as many doors as a skeleton key.
As for my riddle: I weigh nothing, but cannot be held for long by anyone.
edited by Kaigen on 12/8/2014
Salutations to all. I find myself quite in need of a dangerous patron, as it is the skill that I have most neglected, and I haven’t any items to aid me there.
My stats are:
Watchful 72
Shadowy 99
Dangerous 41
Persuasive 89
Cheers and regards,
Airtamis of Fallen London
Edit: As of this moment, I have a patron for Watchful. Thank you. :)
Hello! I’ve been playing for maybe a couple of weeks, and I would love to be able to do the social parts of the game. I would like a Patron, but also anyone who just wants to add me as a friend is welcome. My stats are:
Watchful 44
Shadowy 33
Dangerous 31
Persuasive 32
So far my chosen profession is Enquirer, and athough I’m having no trouble building up my watchful, I think I would like to become a Great Mind so I would appreciate a Patron to help me with my watchful quality. I am trying to keep my character as close to honest as I can (difficult when sometimes all the options are devious), and am building up my magnanimous, steadfast etc and so I welcome any association with folks who like to share tasks and would choose honest options with me, as I would with them. Also, I have all these Christmas cards and nobody to send them to. I think I’d like to increase my persuasive second to watchful so if you’re interested in being a patron for that quality, please let me know. Obviously, all qualities are needed so just send me a message. I’m a very friendly Fallen Londoner.
Thank you in advance, MissCommunication.
A riddle:
I have eyes yet I am blind, from white to purple is my hide
I’m hot in a jacket, you’ll want some of me on the side
Although I get can baked man, totally fried
You’ll still find everyone loves me, the whole world wide.
It’s a terribly easy riddle, but then, I made it up; and I’m not terribly clever.
edited by MissCommunication on 12/10/2014
Greetings delicious friend,
Ms. Wren Trevelyne invites patrons of Legendary Charisma to assist her in her pursuit of greatness. As it stands currently she is:
Watchful- 18
Shadowy- 21
Persuasive- 40
Though modest in standing at the moment, she and a Patron could make excellent progress and further themselves most wonderfully in the social games of Fallen London. Wren finds herself with a surplus of Christmas Cards at the moment and would be delighted to send such tokens of appreciation to potential Patrons who might wish to inquire with her.
As a parting note she offers this riddle, " If you break me I do not stop working, If you touch me I may be snared, If you lose me nothing will matter". Those seeking the answer are invited to offer their acquaintance, or it shall be posted when the position of Patron is filled.
Most sincerely,
Wren Trevelyne
( )
Greetings, dear citizens of London, illustrious and delicious!
An accomplished detective, occasional poet and dabbling archeologist is searching for the patronage of a charitable person with an EXCEPTIONAL MIND!
The course of my tale has brought me to hold the following qualities:
Watchful - 64
Shadowy - 36
Dangerous - 42
Persuasive - 41
In addition, in the spirit of the season, I am most interested in making new FRIENDS and ACQUAINTANCES and exchange FESTIVE GREETINGS with anyone!
Hello here!
As you can probably infer by having a look at my stats, it has not been a very long time since I managed to escape prison and started to explore this world, I would appreciate it (greatly) if any person (or thing) offered to be my Patron, preferably An Invisible Eminence and endow me with their knowledge on the art of the stealthy and cunning. b[/b]
I would love to write about myself, but… what a shame, I’m almost running out of adjectives.
My progress so far:
Watchful - - 14
Shadowy - - 40
Dangerous - 21
Persuasive - 15
Thank you for your precious time.
Oh, almost forgot my riddle!
edited by Breaker on 12/9/2014
edited by Breaker on 12/11/2014
edited by Breaker on 12/12/2014
Hello! I’m rather new to the Neath and am seeking the patronage of one who is most charming. I would love to follow an example of Legendary Charisma, if any would be kind enough. I’d also be interested in one with an Extraordinary Mind.
My ventures so far:
Watchful 51
Shadowy 10
Dangerous 10
Persuasive 58
And, of course, if anyone is seeking acquaintance or otherwise, please feel free to drop a card!
edited by Andrew Coyle on 12/12/2014
Jane of Rose Hall, daughter of an exiled family and in desperate search of her sister here in the Neath, needs a protector - someone to teach her to defend herself from the dastardly denizens of the deep. She could use someone of a… dangerous persuasion to watch her back on occasion.
Watchful - 77
Shadowy - 71
Dangerous - 58
Persuasive - 83
edited by James Mareno on 12/12/2014
I’m looking for either an Extraordinary Mind, an Invisible Eminence or Legendary Charisma
My base stats are:
My name in Fallen London is Deanscig
My Profile:
how do I get a protege? I don’t know the controls.
regardless I have a 84 shadowy with an agmented 112 shadowy
[quote=charlie]how do I get a protege? I don’t know the controls.
regardless I have a 84 shadowy with an agmented 112 shadowy[/quote]
To adopt someone as your protege you must have 200 levels of the stat you wish to specialize in, and spend 5 points of Notability to officially attain that reputation. Afterwards you can invite any Acquaintance of yours to be your protege, and spend Free Evenings to raise their stat up to 100.
Watchful 27
Shadowy 28
Dangerous 10
Persuasive 47
I’d appreciate a patron in being watchful, or persuading the denizens of the Neath of my good intentions (and especially the not good ones). Currently I’m a Journalist seeking a promotion. I have only recently descended into London (a week ago), and all manners of assistance is welcome.
I’d be very happy to share bottles of wine, cards of winter, and regular gifts with a kind mentor willing to take me in. Drop me a card addressed to Arkhaine, if you’d be so kind.
Regrettably I don’t know any riddles, and just googling a random one feels disrespectful.
Update: A kind Lady has offered her help in watching out for myself. A million thanks!
edited by Arkhaine on 12/23/2014
UPDATE: I’ve got an extraordinary mind to latch onto. Hooray!
edited by shinichizio on 12/28/2014
In this season of increasing dark, damp, and cold I once again find myself in search of a patron. I’m currently focused on shadowy and persuasive tasks in pursuit of an endeavor which… is not really something of which one speaks to strangers. Of course, I would not spurn any dangerous patrons who might be interested, and that acquaintance might be productive for a while longer. I have some rather serious goals and other odd, whimsical, slightly prosaic ones. Help me on my journey, and you will have a fast friend.
My current progress is as follows:
Watchful 103
Shadowy 90
Dangerous 75
Persuasive 90
If there’s anything I might provide a potential patron, just ask. If nothing else, I have in my possession not one but two answers to a riddle previously believed to be unanswerable.
edited by CulturalGeek on 12/24/2014
The Anarchist Mystic seeks a EXTRAORDINARY MIND Patron. (S)he is seeking to explore the depths of Fallen London’s distructive knowledge and build the revolution to ensure fair rights for everyone - Clay, Rubbery, Devils, etc. Genderless, (s)he uses the power of subversion into twisting the Church to think (s)he is working for them, but really (s)he works for (her/him)self… and for all those around her too.
Watchful: 35
Shadowy: 18
Dangerous: 13
Persuasive: 37
edited by anarchist mystic on 12/27/2014
Watchful: 66
Shadowy: 50
Dangerous: 55
Persuasive: 90
I am on the path to becoming a POSI thanks to an augmented persuasive, however I am in dire need of a dangerous mentor to take the first significant step. Would anyone be willing to sponsor me in this endeavour?