Notability and Making Waves

You can grind making waves in Veilgarden as well - the honey dens, exchanging wine for honey. It’s not very quick, but it doesn’t require drawing opportunity cards. (ANd you can get the wines you need from your crowd of admiriers)

argh. So I am currently at 0 Notability again, with plenty of Making Waves (thanks to my room above the gambling den). But summoning the Amanuensis now requires 1 Notability. Has anyone discovered any other method yet of increasing Notability, so that I can summon him?

Just have to wait for his opportunity card, I’m afraid.[li]

Bah. I’ve even been refreshing with Nex. Clearly the fellow is passed out in the street somewhere. The shame of it all!

So I know I will sound a fool, but once I’ve gotten my first point of Notability, how do I get the next?

Take a look at Society and Scandal in your lodgings - once you have any notability it will tell you how much Making Waves you need to get the next point. Don’t forget to equip you BDR gear - that affects how much MW you need.

How often is the opportunity card supposed to appear, and where? I’ve been at my lodgings trying to draw him for two weeks now. The frequency of the card has been tweaked down quite a bit?

It will appear anywhere in London so I would try flipping cards in the Forgotten Quarter or the Labyrinth of Tigers - at least that way you don’t get location specific cards so slightly increase your chance of getting the card. It is marked as “very infrequent frequency” but I can’t say what that means precisely.

You know those four different relickers who trade in certifiable scraps? He supposed to appear about as often as any one of them. Which can take a few days if you draw cards every hour and don’t sleep like a normal person. But two weeks? That sounds like a lot. Then again, I didn’t draw Pass the Cat for about that long, and now I got two boxes within two of days. &quotUnusual&quot frequency for those. I wonder if that is less frequent than &quotVery Infrequent&quot, which is what the Amanuensis has?

EDIT: Since I’ve been keeping track of my results when recertifying scraps I actually have some numbers for how often the relickers appear, and while some of them seem to appear more often than others, I’ll chalk that up to chance. On average each one seems to appear once for every 200–250 cards. Loosely estimated, based on 30-50 appearances for each relicker during the maybe three months I’ve been recertifying scraps.

EDIT 2: The Amanuensis agreed with my loose estimation, and turned up on time, statistically speaking. After I’d gathered 183 CP of Making Waves for my first point of Notability. I estimate that 15 CP might have sufficed with BDR 14. A colossal waste because I messed around with the card the first time I got it, before I had decent BDR.
edited by Gillsing on 1/12/2014

I’ve relocated to the Forgotten Quarters. Let’s see how long it takes for the card to appear.

This is such a frustrating mechanic, with making waves and notability always reducing over time. I mean, how the hell are you going to accumulate as much as you need over time, if you don’t have your salons/orphanages. I had 10+ making waves, and now I have 4. WTF?! I NEED THAT MAKING WAVES!! I NEED IT TO DO STUFF WITH, why does it disappear so damned quick? This game is impossible sometimes!![li]

Have some helpful tips (some of which are obvious, but still):

  1. Max out your BDR. This has been said a number of times before, but it really makes a difference. For me (at BDR 24), going from N1-N2 required 0 Making Waves, and N2-N3 required 4. The highest non-fate BDR possible is 20, and be sure to invest in things like Lenguals, Kingscale Boots, an Iron Republic Journal, and an Unfinished Hat.

  2. Don’t be afraid to supper/coffeespam your way to victory. I have found that having alternate characters to flood with requests makes life a lot easier.

  3. Go for the minimum MW requirement each time. As soon as you can summon the Amanuensis, do it. It’ll drop (or raise) your MW to whatever your new Notability is, so cut corners and save any invitations you have for after your Notability goes up.

Besides, if you think it’s bad now, you should’ve seen the old system. It took me three RL weeks of straight dinnerspam to get to Notability 5, and I recently just got 4 in less than week.
edited by OPG on 1/12/2014

edited by penknife on 1/12/2014

[quote=OPG]Have some helpful tips (some of which are obvious, but still):

  1. Max out your BDR. This has been said a number of times before, but it really makes a difference. For me (at BDR 24), going from N1-N2 required 0 Making Waves, and N2-N3 required 4. The highest non-fate BDR possible is 20, and be sure to invest in things like Lenguals, Kingscale Boots, an Iron Republic Journal, and an Unfinished Hat.

  2. Don’t be afraid to supper/coffeespam your way to victory. I have found that having alternate characters to flood with requests makes life a lot easier.

  3. Go for the minimum MW requirement each time. As soon as you can summon the Amanuensis, do it. It’ll drop (or raise) your MW to whatever your new Notability is, so cut corners and save any invitations you have for after your Notability goes up.

Besides, if you think it’s bad now, you should’ve seen the old system. It took me three RL weeks of straight dinnerspam to get to Notability 5, and I recently just got 4 in less than week.
edited by OPG on 1/12/2014[/quote]

Well, it might seem obvious to you but…what is BDR?


B - Bizarre; D - Dreaded and R - Respectable. Certain items give them and the higher your total the fewer Making Waves you need to get the nest point of Notability.

For those wondering; All I need is Making Waves lvl12 and then I can raise my notability to lvl3, and then I can upgrade to the Bethlehem hotel suite super-cheap (and hedonism is my character’s milieu, so the Hotel really is like home to him!), and I need to do all this before Penstock’s leaves.[li]

Holy smokes, really? I’ve got a bunch of that stuff. I was wondering why the making waves requirement was always going up! Aw, dangit, I probably could have already afforded my new home by now! Ah, c’est la vie…


Bizarre, Dreaded and Respectable! Every point counts the same for the purpose of lowering the Making Waves needed for raising Notability. Did someone have a link to a chart that shows exactly how much Making Waves one needs for any given point of Notability, with any given BDR?

As for grinding Making Waves, trading Zee-Ztories for Strangling Willow Absinthe, Incendiary Gossip for Memories of Distant Shores, and Tales of Terror for Compromising Documents all make waves. You could just do that round and round, even if most trades in the third tier sideways cycle make no waves at all. &quotA polite invitation&quot to a soirée also gave me 20 CP Making Waves for 8 Actions, plus some Talk of the Town that I’d eventually be able to trade in for a Personal Recommendation.

The formula (as found here) is Making Waves Required = 20 - (Bizarre + Dreaded + Respectable) + 4 * Current Notability

Also Colin, one of the more optimal ways of grinding MW are social actions, actually. If you need someone to do those with, then I recommend spamming FarrahFourth, one of my accounts.

&quotWell, of course, we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o’clock at night and lick the Forgotten Quarter clean with our tongue. We had two bits of cold Rubbery Lumps, worked twenty-four hours a day at the Observatory for sixpence every four years, and when we got home Jack-of-Smiles would slice us in two with a bread knife.&quot

&quotRight. I had to get up in the morning at ten o’clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of Darkdrop Coffee, spam social actions twenty-nine hours a day, and pay for permission to come to work, and when we got home, Jack-of-Smiles would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.&quot

&quotAnd you try and tell the young people of today that … they won’t believe you&quot