Notability and Making Waves

So, Time the Healer visted me before I woke up for the day, and I saw something quite interesting in the Time text: &quotNotability hasn’t changed, because it’s lower than 21&quot.

I wonder if this is hinting at something we’ll be seeing later, or if 21 is a sort of &quotsoft cap&quot that you can only go over temporarily.[li]
edited by Myke Harryson on 1/5/2014

Myke, it means that you had 21 Making Waves, and since Notability doesn’t drop if it’s lower than your Making Waves level, it didn’t drop.[li]
edited by Voodoo Master on 1/5/2014

That’s probably the new reduction system at play; Notability will only drop if you have less MW than Notability. Presumably you had 21 or so MW, leading to that message instead of a Notability drop.

Ah, could have sworn it was lower than that, but maybe I had a good streak of chess games and that raised it enough

Yeah, I know the sidebar is getting crowded, but (as things stand now) I would totally swap Influence or Plagued by a Popular Song for Making Waves . . .

What actions tend to LOWER making waves? It’s very important to keep Making Waves the same or above Notability to keep Notability from dropping. Which is easier to do making waves drops to the “safe amount” when cashing it in for Notability.

Oof… I just had my making waves drop from 23 down to 11 because it was that time of week for things to drop. Very happy I got to keep my Notability, but has the making waves always been slashed in half or is it more of a constant CP loss? I don’t remembe being this sad before.

It’s always been a loss of 1/2, yes.

Ha! I just realized that the Flit card lets you trade Favors in High Places for Making Waves. Favors in High Places. In the Flit. I’m sure it was unintentional, but I am easily amused.

Today as I put on 38 ridiculous hats, I learned they give 2 cp of making waves on success. This might be a viable method of grinding waves, especially for shattering forces since it doesn’t affect the dangerous stat.

&quotNiteBrite: Renowned far and wide as the most exceptionally dangerous individual to wear a twenty-foot pile of hats. If you see her, it is advised that you run away as fast as you can, as she has been known to demolish small buildings with her ‘hattering ram,’ while giggling disconcertingly. It is unknown why she does this, as these properties are invariably her own.&quot

Given that the guy makes that very joke in the storylet text, I think it’s very much intentional.[li]

Given that the guy makes that very joke in the storylet text, I think it’s very much intentional.[li][/quote]
Oh, huh. I’d missed that somehow.[/li][li]

Oh, I just noticed you can increase MW by converting “Incendiary Gossips” to “Memories of Distant Shores” (I need lots of Plaques, not the easiest way to get them, but as I’m waiting for the right cards to show up…)

sigh Back when I was happy as a simple Enforcer, I got visits from the Amaneunsis every day, regardless of my lack of desire for them. Now that I’m a Campaigner and desperately seeking my first Notability point to begin working towards Mystic? He never calls, never writes. Is there any way to increase the odds of that card turning up? I wait patiently in my lodgings but… no luck all week.

There are a number of methods of thining your deck Miguel, but I think thats all you can do (at least for the first point).

Naturally, after four days of waiting, the next card I draw after complaining is the Amaneunsis. No jest.

I just imagine you having a conversation with a number of people in your home, swearing at the Amaneunsis, then getting a knock on the town to see him standing sheepishly on the other side XD

“Sheepishly” is not the word I would use. ;)

Another funny thing about the Amanuensis, which I read about before and now got to experience first hand: Curiously clicking on various options that all loop back to the card, and then remembering that I don’t have enough Making Waves to actually use the card. So it just goes away because I clicked on ‘free’ options. Clever trap, there. :(