Notability and Making Waves

Do I get to wave my cane around like an old codger now? Because I got to Correspondent back in the Old Days. :-P

I’ll get a rocking chair on the porch beside you and mutter about kids these days. In the language of the Correspondence. Which is the sigil for &quotan intemperate concern with the presence of younger individuals on the fertile portions of one’s doman&quot again?

On a more relevant note–does this mean BDR is now irrelevant to raising notability?

I’ll get a rocking chair on the porch beside you and mutter about kids these days. In the language of the Correspondence. Which is the sigil for &quotan intemperate concern with the presence of younger individuals on the fertile portions of one’s doman&quot again?

On a more relevant note–does this mean BDR is now irrelevant to raising notability?[/quote]

I don’t think so, the difficulty of the option is still affected by BDR.

Ahh, now I see where I was miscomprehending. Thank you.

I am delighted that we have the option to throw the amanuensis out on his oily little ear.

My Watchful’s around 200 with modifiers, so with the use of a Sudden Insight, I actually had about a 2 in 3 chance of passing the test on the Unsigned Message card. I don’t know what happens if you fail it - maybe you lose Notability. But if you don’t, then given the new rules for Notability’s decay, it wouldn’t have been a problem to wait until the Unsigned Letter came up again.

So it was getting to Notability 5 which was the biggie for me, and which all of a sudden seemed rather straightforward. When I mentioned that my stats might be too high, I was just nebulously thinking that I might have access to turbo-charged ways of raising MW (e.g. Favours in High Places are easy for me to afford now, which is useful for the Salon).

I don’t want to labour this point! But just in case it’s of interest to a passing tiger, I reckon I conflated two things in my original post:

  1. I actually like the mechanic where you have to decide when to risk pushing the button, and maybe losing everything. Now, I realise I’m in a minority there, possibly even a minority of one. But it’s still worth putting my hand up and saying it.

  2. Completely separately, and even accepting the new mechanic as a given, it seemed a bit easy for me to get to Notability 5. Because, look, I’m not an especially committed player. Often I just flip over the 6 cards in my deck and play whatever they are. And despite that, when the change happened I found I’d massively overshot the MW I needed, with less than half the week gone.

And there we are.

Having said all that - I increasingly feel that I’ve just been fortunate in earning MW at a pre-rebalancing rate, and spending it on Notability at a post-rebalancing rate. Plus, I was making a vague attempt to push forward with Notability, so maybe I’m just a cannier player than I give myself credit for. And anyway, irrespective of anything else, I’m definitely not saying the old way was perfect either.

Thank you for humouring me by debating it! I’ll shut up and go to bed now.


Having failed the test to become a Crooked-Cross in the past, I can tell you what happens upon failure. Nothing, you just need to get the card again. Which is good. Getting Notability up again would’ve been a terrible curse.

[quote=Locrian]Ahh, now I see where I was miscomprehending. Thank you.

I am delighted that we have the option to throw the amanuensis out on his oily little ear.[/quote]

And yet nobody on the wikia has been brave enough to do it, suffer the consequences, and post about them so I may be forewarned! These changes did happen rather recently though. I’ll give it time (since the wikia is my security blanket, and I rarely click scary-sounding things without it).

I think the requirement for the 100% success option is a little low at this moment. Maybe bump it by 5 across the board, maybe make higher notability higher if you’re happy with 1-6

[quote=airshipmedic][quote=Locrian]Ahh, now I see where I was miscomprehending. Thank you.

I am delighted that we have the option to throw the amanuensis out on his oily little ear.[/quote]

And yet nobody on the wikia has been brave enough to do it, suffer the consequences, and post about them so I may be forewarned! These changes did happen rather recently though. I’ll give it time (since the wikia is my security blanket, and I rarely click scary-sounding things without it).[/quote]

Give it time, it’s possible that currently they’re all grinding Notability for either Reputation of Some Importance, Lodgings upgrade or just to keep for future use.

I find the requirements just fine. Currently the highest Notability needed is 10 for the Bazaar Lodgings upgrade, but in the future there might very well be items or qualities requiring 12, 15 or even more. Also Making Waves decreases weekly, thus making it necessary to get the Notability point within the week to not waste the effort - and while it’s currently pretty doable, consider people that can only connect once or twice a day, or maybe can’t connect in the weekend: it’s good to have some margin.

All in all, my general take on the old system was that it was the single worst part of Fallen London: boring, frustrating, and unnverving, as it managed to get in one basket the three obnoxious mechanics: grinding, luck-based tests and timed effort (as I had the chance to mention in a former post); the grind to become Midnighter was probably my less entertaining gaming experience in FL so far, and when I failed the Notability test six times in a row to get Notability for the Reputation of Some Imposrtance I was very near to ragequit altogether. So I’m welcoming every single innovation recently introduced - I like the disappearance of the percentile test to get Notability, I like Notability being much more stable (as the description of it seemed to suggest), I like the way you can call the Amanuensis without losing Making Waves (some times those 5 CPs were enough to set you down a whole level).

Even from a background/narrative point I like the new options. In the old system you could only play by the Amanuensis’ rules, and I didn’t like that. Basically you had a powerful, canny player character, who had already bested some of the worst nightmares of the Neath either with brains, brawn, or guile. And yet here they were, humbly imploring an oily little man for some recognition of their effort - mind you, at high level a character was probably on a first name basis with most of the Masters, and the Bazaar itself, possibly! Having the chance to play it cool or being downright aggressive with the Amanuensis is a fresh change.

(NB: I know that everything is possible, and MAYBE we’ll discover that the Amanuensis is actually the most powerful creature in the Neath, the source of the true power of the Bazaar or whatever. But it was still baffling to have master duelists and merciless criminals behave like intimidated sheep just because somebody came at the door saying they worked for Slowcake, accepting any judgement without reacting).

First of all, I love the new changes. Secondly, I knew throwing him out on his ear would be a bad idea. I knew there would be consequences. But I was curious and DEAR GOD I HATE THAT SMUG LITTLE MAN. So I did it, and strongly recommend that you all live vicariously through me because the penalty is steep. I lost Connections to Hell, Society, and most frustrating of all at least a point of Masters. I also lost my entry in Slowcakes. I lost two points of Notability. The slight increase in Making Waves, Revolutionaries, Bohemians, and Dockers wasn’t worth it.

I’m glad it is the season of Sacks so maybe I’ll be able to get back up to 19 Masters. Did the brief satisfaction of throwing that oily toad who dared to call me arriviste onto the street like yesterday’s garbage compare to the great loss incurred? Actually yes, but I probably won’t do it again. Probably.

I’m very happy that changes have been made. I just recently became a Glassman a bit before this, but I’ll need Notability for other things at some point.

Also, I like the idea of my character saying something to a newer Glassman along the lines of:
“You became a Glassman? Do you know how hard that was in my day? I had to walk ten miles across London, barefoot, uphill in lacre in order to get the Amaneunsis at my door, and then I only had a chance of gaining Notability. Now you kids get it served on some kind of silver platter.”

What I want to know here is, which Making Waves? The one I had before Time came, or the one already slashed by Time?
(I guess it’s the second one, so to keep notability, say, 5, I will need to keep my making waves at least 10)

I really really really like the changes to gaining notability! So much less pressure.

What I want to know here is, which Making Waves? The one I had before Time came, or the one already slashed by Time?
(I guess it’s the second one, so to keep notability, say, 5, I will need to keep my making waves at least 10)[/quote]

If you use the new option your Making waves is set to the same level as your notability and it says something along the lines that this is the level at which your Notability will not drop.


I’m having difficulties getting Making Waves; I’m at 19 and I need 27 before Thursday. Does anyone have any new tricks, now that the Fidgeting Writer has been somewhat nerfed?

Converting items such as Tales of Terror or Extraordinary Implication seems to be the easiest way now (although tales of terror have a downside of giving you nightmares if you fail the luck check). Of course you need to have ample amount of stock and connection. But you don’t need to wait for a card.
edited by randomperson on 12/31/2013

I created an alt character for making waves, as we can keep inviting eachother to Caligula’s Coffeehouse. Private supper used to be an option, but now it’s limited by free evenings. Inviting someone to chess only seems to produce making waves for 1 of the two characters, not both. I felt that creating an alt for this purpose may be a bit on the cheating side, but felt reassured by the number of people on the forums mentioning the advantages of alts. And after all, it wasn’t the ONLY reason I made the alt. I was hitting the upper limits of what could be done with my primary character (although new developments have opened up). It had been so long that I couldn’t remember the earlier stories, so my alt let me reexperience those (along with the story changes that went along with. For example, I’m a bit irked at how much harder it is to get “scholar of the correspondence” compared to the old days, but it is a totally new story to follow). I also had paid the Fate for my primary character to play 2 ambitions through to completion. I have my alt playing a 3rd, and it’s definitely more fun to have to “work” for the goals since my stats for the primary would be too high to justify spending fate on another ambition.

This feels like a stupid question, but where do I go to summon the Amanuensis? The options seems to have disappeared from their usual places and I can’t figure it out. It’s really annoying.[li]

Society and Scandal in your lodgings; but it doesn’t seem to show up if you have 0 Notability, so you need to wait on the card itself if you have none. The option in Write Letters that lets you use a favorable circumstance also seems to have disappeared.

Greetings, folks!

I was wondering whether someone has gone to the trouble and made a list of all actions that give at least 2 CP of Making Waves?

It’s a long thread and my question might have been answered already… if it has, just point me to the relevant post. ;)