Notability and Making Waves

There is no technical reason why the Making Waves requirement for summoning the Amanuensis couldn’t be brought into line with the requirements on the actual card, unless FL has a weird quirk which Storynexus doesn’t. However, something to consider: a few people might want to call the Amanuensis early and top up their Making Waves with Connected: Society or Souls – if Time, the Healer is imminent, for instance.
edited by Flyte on 12/29/2013

Flyte, yeah, I remembered that as I was typing the bug report, and added that alternatively, a warning would be good.

Has anyone compiled a list of the most effective ways to get making waves? Are private suppers still the most efficient repeatable actions?

There’s no list, and there have been so many changes in the last few weeks that it would be difficult to keep one current. Suppers are still one of the best easily repeatable methods. Certain item conversions give substantial amounts of Making Waves, and that can be a good method if you have a stockpile. Tales of Terror and Extraordinary Implications do this, among others.

[color=#009900]We’ve made a number of changes to the Notability mechanic.[/color]

  • [color=#009900]Increasing Notability is no longer a random check, although there is a less dramatic gambling option (winning which, incidentally, will return you to the card).[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]The numbers involved are all a little gentler; increasing Notability is easier and the curve is shallower, although the Notability requirements for content may, inevitably, shift up to a more challenging gear once the balance has settled. :-)[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]It no longer costs anything to summon the Amanuensis, and you won’t be able to summon him until you have enough Making Waves to increase your Notability.[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]Notability will drop only if your Making Waves is lower than your Notability when Time comes calling (and it won’t drop before January).[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]There are some other interaction options on the Amanuensis card. Be gentle with the poor fellow.[/color]

[color=#009900]Thanks all for your feedback, temperate and intemperate. We are going to continue to tune: this is a difficult place where game economic necessity, subjective impressions and data are all important, and as with most high-end content, it’s never gonna be alla the people alla the time.[/color]


[quote=Alexis Kennedy][color=#009900]We’ve made a number of changes to the Notability mechanic.[/color]

  • [color=#009900]Increasing Notability is no longer a random check, although there is a less dramatic gambling option (winning which, incidentally, will return you to the card).[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]The numbers involved are all a little gentler; increasing Notability is easier and the curve is shallower, although the Notability requirements for content may, inevitably, shift up to a more challenging gear once the balance has settled. :-)[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]It no longer costs anything to summon the Amanuensis, and you won’t be able to summon him until you have enough Making Waves to increase your Notability.[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]Notability will drop only if your Making Waves is lower than your Notability when Time comes calling (and it won’t drop before January).[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]There are some other interaction options on the Amanuensis card. Be gentle with the poor fellow.[/color]

[color=#009900]Thanks all for your feedback, temperate and intemperate. We are going to continue to tune: this is a difficult place where game economic necessity, subjective impressions and data are all important, and as with most high-end content, it’s never gonna be alla the people alla the time.[/color]


Every change making the Notability grind less frustrating is welcome as long as I’m concerned - I never made mystery of my dislike of it, occasionally bordering on heartfelt hatred :)

I especially like the Notability stabilization and the disappearance of the luck test. The possibility to check your progress hovering on the Amanuensis call action is neat too.

[quote=Alexis Kennedy][color=#009900]We’ve made a number of changes to the Notability mechanic.[/color]

  • [color=#009900]Increasing Notability is no longer a random check, although there is a less dramatic gambling option (winning which, incidentally, will return you to the card).[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]The numbers involved are all a little gentler; increasing Notability is easier and the curve is shallower, although the Notability requirements for content may, inevitably, shift up to a more challenging gear once the balance has settled. :-)[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]It no longer costs anything to summon the Amanuensis, and you won’t be able to summon him until you have enough Making Waves to increase your Notability.[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]Notability will drop only if your Making Waves is lower than your Notability when Time comes calling (and it won’t drop before January).[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]There are some other interaction options on the Amanuensis card. Be gentle with the poor fellow.[/color]

[color=#009900]Thanks all for your feedback, temperate and intemperate. We are going to continue to tune: this is a difficult place where game economic necessity, subjective impressions and data are all important, and as with most high-end content, it’s never gonna be alla the people alla the time.[/color]

Hurrah, changes!

I wonder, though, whether the Amanuensis actually has to be a card anymore. I haven’t had a chance to look at the new card yet, but if you can summon him with no cost, and there are even more options, might it not make sense to just separate him from Society and Scandal and just give him his own permanent storylet? The main limitation now seems to be the Making Waves threshold, after all.

Cool! Thanks for the update.

[/color]This is wonderful! I’ve got the card in hand and am contemplating the new options with glee. Thank you![li]


With one mighty bound, our hero progressed to Correspondent! (Yeah, yeah - several weeks later than everyone else. Call me Mr Slowcoach.)

But, I dunno. Is it maybe now just a bit… easy? I went from thinking I’d need about MW 35 to justify the gamble, to finding MW 20 was a sure-fire success. And the fact you don’t need to pass a final stat check or even wait for a card to come up feels a touch anti-climactic to me.

Putting it another way, getting to a third-level profession feels like it’s meant to be a substantial challenge, but in my case it just sort-of happened.

Before anyone gets cross with me! I did read and understand &quotit’s never gonna be alla the people alla the time&quot, and I already know that I seem to enjoy gambling much more than most people here. But Alexis also said &quotwe are going to continue to tune&quot, and &quotsubjective impressions are important&quot… so there’s mine.


(Edit to add: actually, thinking about it more, maybe the real issue’s just that I’ve let my mainline stats outstrip my progress through the plot - so I’m coming to the third-level professions later than I’m meant to. Or, maybe I’m experiencing a transitional effect which exists for this week only. I should probably have refrained from commenting until I had a firmer grasp on it, but the fact that it was So Very Interesting blasted aside self-censorship.)
edited by Richard on 12/30/2013

Thank you so much, Alexis! The previous system was nigh impossible to progress in once you’ve reached Notability 7 or 8. So I’m very glad you changed it, it’ll make my goal of obtaining lodgings at the spire of the bazaar achievable once again.

It’s a great day to be a Fallen Londoner!

I see that now the &quotprivate supper&quot requires 1 action and not 3, but you need a Free evening, so I guess they’re capped to 5 per week or something?

P.s.: I like all the changes but I’m a little perplexed over this one: Notability will drop only if your Making Waves is lower than your Notability when Time comes calling (and it won’t drop before January).
[color=000000]It’s a bit of a strange mechanism… [/color]
edited by Master Polarimini on 12/30/2013

Apparantly, the Fidgeting Writer MW option was just nerfed greatly.[li]
edited by Voodoo Master on 12/30/2013

It was, alas, but to be frank, it seemed broken before.

Still, I should have used those Glimpses yesterday. Alas… But the fact that getting Notability is no longer a luck check is wonderful.

I quite like the new mechanism - it means we have an incentive to keep ourselves in the public eye each week, but also makes it quite easy to remain at our present level of Notability. And, if we know we’re going to be doing something other than Making Waves for a while, we can build up a big stock of MW so that it’ll have to be halved a few times before it dips below our Notability. Which makes sense - if I were going away on a scientific expedition and didn’t want people to forget about me while I was gone, I’d throw a big party before leaving port. Whenever everyone brewed up a hangover cure, or wondered why they had custard stains on the inside of their shoes, they’d remember me, toiling in the cause of knowledge off in the Sea of Trousers or wherever!

Given that I’m trying to become Notable enough to attain some new digs, these changes make me extremely happy!

[quote=Alexis Kennedy][color=#009900]We’ve made a number of changes to the Notability mechanic.[/color]

  • [color=#009900]Increasing Notability is no longer a random check, although there is a less dramatic gambling option (winning which, incidentally, will return you to the card).[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]The numbers involved are all a little gentler; increasing Notability is easier and the curve is shallower, although the Notability requirements for content may, inevitably, shift up to a more challenging gear once the balance has settled. :-)[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]It no longer costs anything to summon the Amanuensis, and you won’t be able to summon him until you have enough Making Waves to increase your Notability.[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]Notability will drop only if your Making Waves is lower than your Notability when Time comes calling (and it won’t drop before January).[/color][/li][li][color=#009900]There are some other interaction options on the Amanuensis card. Be gentle with the poor fellow.[/color]

[color=#009900]Thanks all for your feedback, temperate and intemperate. We are going to continue to tune: this is a difficult place where game economic necessity, subjective impressions and data are all important, and as with most high-end content, it’s never gonna be alla the people alla the time.[/color]


A question about keeping your making waves above Notability. Since making waves drops at the same time Notability might…do you base the &quotsafe&quot amount of making waves on BEFORE it drops or AFTER it drops. I hope it’s BEFORE, since that would make it predictable. Forgive me if this is worded in a confusing manner. I’ve joined the community forum very recently and I’m pleased as punch the game developers are on the forum too, reading, considering, replying, and informing. I feel like I stumbled on to amother awesome part of this game, and my character didn’t even need to trade anything for it!

[quote=Richard ]With one mighty bound, our hero progressed to Correspondent! (Yeah, yeah - several weeks later than everyone else. Call me Mr Slowcoach.)

But, I dunno. Is it maybe now just a bit… easy? I went from thinking I’d need about MW 35 to justify the gamble, to finding MW 20 was a sure-fire success. And the fact you don’t need to pass a final stat check or even wait for a card to come up feels a touch anti-climactic to me.

Putting it another way, getting to a third-level profession feels like it’s meant to be a substantial challenge, but in my case it just sort-of happened.

Before anyone gets cross with me! I did read and understand &quotit’s never gonna be alla the people alla the time&quot, and I already know that I seem to enjoy gambling much more than most people here. But Alexis also said &quotwe are going to continue to tune&quot, and &quotsubjective impressions are important&quot… so there’s mine.


(Edit to add: actually, thinking about it more, maybe the real issue’s just that I’ve let my mainline stats outstrip my progress through the plot - so I’m coming to the third-level professions later than I’m meant to. Or, maybe I’m experiencing a transitional effect which exists for this week only. I should probably have refrained from commenting until I had a firmer grasp on it, but the fact that it was So Very Interesting blasted aside self-censorship.)
edited by Richard on 12/30/2013[/quote]
The Notability 5 Professions require 250 in their respective stat for a 50% chance of success. Unless you have really good stats, you seem to have gotten rather lucky getting yours that easily. So it’s not really that you got it &quotlater&quot than intended per se, the RNG just smiled on you. At the moment those are practically endgame things, with there not even being a tier beyond them (though one is coming it seems).

Anyway, the old Notability mechanics had problems. The &quotgamble&quot statistically favored minimum-MW attempts, with pushing beyond that having diminishing returns rather than benefiting you increasingly for the effort, to the point that you could make multiple ~40% minimum-MW attempts in the same time it’d take you to grind to even 80% chances of success, and thus actually have better odds of having succeeded by then. Also, you’d get dropped to 0 MW on success, which, with the new way Notability drops, put you at risk of losing that Notability shortly after you got it if Time, the Healer came too soon. In short, the old mechanics are the same as the current ones, except you had a longer grind and a chance of losing everything and getting nothing.

You’re not the only person I’ve seen wish there was more to it now than just meeting the MW requirement, which I can understand (though to me Notability is a means to an end rather than an end in and of itself, so it not being a trial to obtain suits me just fine), but if they do go that route, hopefully it’ll be something interesting, rather than basically what we have now, except the RNG can kick you in the shin and take your lunch money instead of letting you have what you worked for.
edited by Roland Jones on 12/30/2013

Funnily enough, &quotthe Sea of Trousers&quot was how I referred to my years at university.