Notability and Making Waves

Im currently at 8 notability and 62 making waves. Anybody know a quick way to boost my making waves up to 80? Ive alredy spent my entire saloon.

Item conversions are good as they are not dependent on cards. You also can get some from completing things like writing short stories or doing expeditions. If you want to go the social action route avoid Loitering as that drops MW but winning sparring bouts or games of chess also give MW and both people get some with suppers.[li]
edited by reveurciel on 12/27/2013

Getting your Making Waves from 62 to 80 requires 1287 CP of Making Waves. Possibly less if, like attributes, it only needs 70 CP per level after 70, but still a lot.

So, no, there aren’t really any quick options. But, mathematically, probability favors trying at the lowest possible Making Waves; you’re likely to succeed before you’ve spent even close to as many actions as it’d take getting to the 100% chance.

Edit: To use the situation before me as an example, I am at Notability 2, trying to get to 3, with a total BDR of 8. (Note, this is really low BDR to be bothering with Notability; anyone pursuing it should have a lot more because it makes the challenge significantly easier.) This makes the difficulty of the Making Waves check I am facing 24, with the minimum MW required to attempt it 17. MW 17 has a 42% chance of success. Based on this, is it better to take that 42% chance right away, or to grind Making Waves until the chance of success is 100%?

Let’s look at the first choice first. Assuming I fail, my Making Waves will be slashed in half. This takes me down to Making Waves 8. Grinding from to 17 again would take 117 CP. Add in 3 beyond that for what it takes to summon the Amanuensis from my lodgings, and that’s 120 CP I need to grind again per failed attempt. Pretty sizable.

Now, the other option, grinding to 100%. The amount of Making Waves required to have a 100% chance of success under these circumstances is 40. The CP required to level from 17 to 40 is 667. Someone attempting the challenge as soon as they could would have attempted it five times already and been halfway to their sixth by that point. Assuming they didn’t succeed by then, which, given a 42% chance, they probably would have.

So, trying for 100% chances is clearly the wrong way to go unless you are convinced that the RNG is actually a demon that will fail you if you give it the chance. However, just to examine a third option, let’s see what our chances of success would be if we put about 120 CP into grinding up from MW 17, since that’s how much it would take for a second attempt after one failure. For 123 CP’s worth of levels beyond MW 17, we could have MW 23. Not bad. And, for this Broad Difficulty 24 challenge, that would give us a 57% chance of success. That’s better than 42%, right?

No, actually. The probability of failing two 42% challenges (and that’s the important part) is 33-34%, and if you succeed the first time you don’t even need to waste time on the second one, since you, you know, already succeeded. Meanwhile, the chance of failing at the MW 23 attempt is 43%. Your chances of success are about 10% better if you try at the minimum, and that’s before factoring in the likelihood of succeeding the first time and thus not needing to grind more at all.
Basically, while at your point you may be better off just going for the 100% anyway (I’m assuming 80 is your 100% point and not your minimum required MW to attempt it point), for people starting at 0 Making Waves it’s a lot better to trust in probability and shoot for the Notability ASAP. Also, don’t use Lodgings cards options for Making Waves; they provide about 1 CP of Making Waves per echo of the item’s value and cost items that are generally hard to get, so unless you got the item for free they are possibly the least efficient way of getting Making Waves in the game, despite being added specifically to be a way of getting them.[li]
edited by Roland Jones on 12/27/2013

Err… you only need 50 CP after 50. Not 70 after 70.

Tell you what - you find a quick way to boost up to 80, be sure to let us know. That’s 1287 CP give or take. 1.5 CPPA is a pretty good clip - so hardcore MW will take you 8 days or so. Assuming reality intrudes 2 weeks is a good target.

Well, that’s good to know then. I’ve never actually gotten my Making Waves nearly that high, so my only point of comparison was attributes.

Alright, 62 to 80 at 50 MW an action is 900 CP. That’s significantly better but still a lot.[li]
edited by Roland Jones on 12/27/2013

I’ve heard the Fidgeting Writer gives Making Waves when you cash out now. Some of the old lodgings cards have new options similar to the schemes but one-off (pay inordinate sums for a large MW boost right then and there).

Well ive got 4 days until time the healer slashes it appart. And when december ends my notability will start dropping too so thats basicly game over.
My current idea is to get saloon up to 6 again and at the same time grind “nights in town” or whatever its called to rush the gambling house.
I did some calculations and if i do the new Veilgarden poetry route i could TECHNICHLY get enough CP for it.

The only fidgeting writer item that allows cashing in for making waves is the glimpse of something large. The one with the eye.
It gives about… Id say 15cp? Atleast more than 12cp.

The Last Hope of a Fidgeting Writer gives Making Waves when you cash it in too.

Well. I think im just gonna keep doing the glimpse and then hope i get some making waves cards too.

Holy crap. 20cp for 3 actions and about a… 50% luck check in totaly for both checks? That’s a lot. Thats almost half a level per 3-6 actions.

This is for trading in the Glimpse or the Last Hope?

EDIT:Ah yes, I assume the Glimpse. This is excellent. Anyone know if the Last Hope is worth it?[li]
edited by Shadowhand on 12/27/2013

Urthdigger, have you confirmed the 50 after 50 is unchanged since the change to primary stats (from 60 after 60 to 70 after 70)? If so, that’s good news. And takes that 1287 CP down to ~900.

Only highway stats were affected by that; all other qualities still obey the same 50-CP cap on level requirements.

Very good! Thanks, Adeptus Astartes Novem, and you too, Cavator Terram.

Has this bug already been reported, that you can summon the Amanuensis without enough MW to play the card?

I doubt this is a bug as such.

The system probably isn’t set up to allow for an if…then kind of selection for storylets. Thus it can’t say, only do this if that stat is so and so. If this is indeed the case then it can’t look at Notability to determine the Making Waves number needed.

The MW requirement on the card itself can vary with our notability, so in theory that same variable requirement could be added to the option to summon the Amanuensis (At least, I assume so, but maybe there’s some difference between pinned storylets and cards that makes this more difficult in practice)

There’d still be the problem where the ~5 cp you pay to summon him drops you below the threshold, but you won’t be summoning him at MW 15 and then seeing that you need 24 to even attempt the challenge.

Right. Okay, then, will report.