Notability and Making Waves

It varies but to give you some idea I went from 0 to 4 Making Waves once, so that is around 10 cp, and it is definitely worth investing in a Endowment of a University Fellowship to build up connected Summerset/Benthic.

It also depends on the total BDR - have you changed your gear since you last tried? Max it out and have another look.

And an update on converting Extraordinary Implications to Uncanny Incunabulum. I just went from 0 to 7 MW. My notability is growing rapidly - just using this method and opportunity cards I went from Notability 6 to 8 today.

You can rebuild your University connections through archaeological expeditions, which will also net you lots of making waves!

[quote=Four]It would take me more days to go out to sea and collect all the notes needed to reestablish my University standing for the Summerset connection (it’s at 0 and impossible to gain again by any other means) than I have the patience for at this point. After Notability 5 I am done.
edited by Four on 12/24/2013[/quote]

There is a way to be re-allowed to Uni. Even though you can’t access everything as before, you can also grind up your connections there in one of the few remaining actions.

[quote=Four]You’re both very kind. Which Shadowy Dealings action at the University increases Connected: Summerset? While thrown out that is the only storylet available to me.

And that is great to know about expeditions, but I’m still a little uneasy as expeditions are costly and I’ve already spent all of my Echoes and sold more rare and valuable resources than I’m happy about for Orphanage Schemes, only to fail and all of those Echoes and expensive items used up for nothing.[/quote]

I mean when you’re re-allowed. You’re not fully allowed back in, but you can access two more storylets than those if you go on Voyages of Scientific Discovery.

[/li][li]Your earlier note about bewaring the echo chamber convinced me to de-lurk, but this seemed like a better point to do so because it addresses my concerns. I’ve been playing for just under a year, but believe me when I say I have a keen appreciation for the multiple balancing acts a game designer needs to manage: fun vs risk management vs resource management vs narrative advancement vs player profiles… It’s an under appreciated job. You can’t just give stuff out for free, you have to make people work for their shinies; but gamers will only work so hard.[/li][li]
[/li][li]My biggest issue with the Notability mechanic as it stands now is that, well, it starts to feel like a job. Echo chamber or no, if the players who are actually willing to articulate their opinions tell me something feels like a job, that’s something I take seriously. Why does Notability feel like a job? I’M GLAD YOU ASKED![/li][li]
[/li][li]The MW/Notability mechanic was, in fairness, pretty complicated. But in addition to a risk and penalty of failure-- which is manageable-- there was also a penalty to inaction as MW/Notability decay every week. That’s an entirely different psychological dynamic. That turns &quotworking for advancement&quot into &quotworking just to tread water.&quot If I have to show up and do something not terribly fun just to keep my head above water, that starts to feel like a job. Then, to make matters worse, the very ability to do work was also random and not under our control. I had some long, nearly week-long stretches where I couldn’t get the Tower of Eyes to come up for love or money. Now, metaphorically, I’m working to keep my head above water and someone keeps stealing my flippers and snorkel.[/li][li]
[/li][li]And of course, without access to the game engine, we don’t even know if we’re just terribly unlucky, or if we’re really supposed to be turning one ToE per week.[/li][li]
[/li][li]So, all that said, remember, I do have some insight into game design, and I don’t want to come across like I’m dumping crud all over your head in exchange for your hard work. And of course, the change you describe above-- notability not decaying unless it’s below MW-- seems like an overall excellent idea. It also seems like a tuneable idea-- if it’s too easy you can change the ratio a little bit.[/li][li]

Actually, if we’re splitting hairs on this, &quotThefts of a Particular Character&quot is level 120 content (That’s when the challenge is &quotchancy&quot), while the stuff like robbing the brass embassy is 74-84. Also, it’s not so much about old content being relevant: It makes sense that you’re not doing the level 60 content anymore at level 200. My issue is what those actions are, and how it seems you do all the coolest and most important parts of your &quotcareer&quot early on. As I said, I would be most happy if the current stuff at that level was toned down a little, with bigger and better variants as high level options.[/quote]
That’s a recent change, actually. Before Broad Difficulty &quotThefts of a Particular Character&quot were level 80 content. And if you fail your Shadowy check, you still get the goods (but lose all your Casing), so even now it can be done at a much lower level than 120. We ARE doing level 80 content at level 200. Because that content is still the best way to get those items. I am all in for bigger and better variants at higher levels :)

Edit: disregard the comment about Broad DIfficulty. It did not change the level of the check obviously. Аll the thefts unlock at the same time and can be done at that level. That’s what got me confused about the level of the check.
edited by Fhoenix on 12/25/2013

I would heartily support the idea of a way to ensure that Notability doesn’t drop by keeping a steady amount of Making Waves, so thank you for considering this Alexis! :) It would still be difficult but it would make the mechanic more manageable and less frustrating, and definitely encourage me to work harder at it (because at the moment it feels a little pointless trying to keep up, and I’m dreading my hard-won 6 Notability disappearing!)

Also, this. And this. nods[li]
edited by Elnara on 12/25/2013

Changes to An Unsigned Message!

Requires An Extraordinary Mind, Notability 5, and a base Watchful of 200. The other three stats have received similar updates, including new artwork for the doors. Nothing visible for A Paramount Presence yet.

Edit: Or, maybe this is old news and I completely missed it. Could be.
edited by Alexander Feld on 12/25/2013

It was mentioned in IRC several days ago) As the card is so damn rare not many people have seeing it yet.

I found +10 CP also applies to Vision of the Surface (Speak with Bohemians about lost loves…), Memory of Distant Shores (Dealing with the Deviless), Incendiary Gossip (Spread Incendiary Gossip), and there may be more. I’m working on checking them all.[/li][li]
edited by mblamar on 12/25/2013

Edit: Thank you, question resolved! Just wanted to know if everything was working as intended.

I just failed an Amanuensis check and my Making Waves dropped from 29 to 14, which would be half if MW wasn’t pyramidal. As it is I’ve lost 330 of 435 change points. Bug or not?
edited by mayexist on 12/26/2013

Not bug. I believe the drop Seberin experienced was 3/4 of their levels, or around 15/16 of their change points. It happened to me around the same time. I went from Making Waves 9 to 2.

Alas, not bug indeed: I failed a MW test at 37 and I’m down to 18. Damn you, RNG!

Hey, did anybody else notice that you can buy Favourable Circumstances with 7 Notability now? It’s under Write Letters, and apparently it costs 2 Notability. Pretty neat! :)

The intended behavior is losing half of your MW level (rounded down), which is much more than half your CP. It seems like what I experienced was a glitch: I’ve failed another test since then (“huzzah”) and “only” lost half. If you experience a more severe drop, I suggest submitting a bug report. Hopefully it was just a limited-time error.

Just when I’d given up and decided to simply pay FBG my money for Notability, the Christmas Card from the Bazaar option has gone.[li]
edited by Four on 12/27/2013

I didn’t get any new Christmas Cards with Time today, so I guess that after Christmas Day is no time to send Christmas cards.

You can still send any you have left, though. At least until the end of December.