New Renown Items Available

If your goal is for renown, there’s a guide in my signature which i believe is complete and comprehensive, so far as fate-unlocked is concerned.

To encourage you to start a new alt?[/quote]
I need a short hiatus to recharge… at least until I beat Pokémon Moon.

DO we have any confirmation on the level required for the second level connected items? I know rubbery was set at 40, but I don’t want to assume.

EDIT: Confirmation for the tomb colonies was listed at 40 on the first page, so I think it would be safe to assume for the others as well.
edited by Koenig on 11/10/2016

Oh dammit. My character is determined NOT to go where the top Criminals item is. Sadness.

What a shame, as lovely as some of the criminal items sound I’ll never obtain them. Same with whatever is given to the Anarchists.

Criminals is pretty easy to gather, actually, if you aren’t talking RP. I mean, it’s not cheap, but what is?

In particular, Criminals are the only faction you can increase your chances by purchasing companions.

Although the mutually exclusive pet for certain factions like the Taciturn Mynah also allow an extra chance for the docks.

In addition, if you don’t mind going to newgate a lot, you can outright buy favors there, at one 12.8 echo item a favor. (skyglass knife turn in for suspicion reduction) Expensive? Yes. Likely to break the bank? Yes. Actually less time consuming than most favor grinding routes, even after you factor in the actions spent on grinding those echoes? Yes!!!

In comparison, docks has an in-london grind of ~23 actions per favor, with a 5% chance of a second favor for 1 more action if the devs haven’t blocked that, and an out of london grind that is faster, but maybe not enough to be worth bothering with the zail.

Tomb colonists has the option of repeated trips to the tomb colonies, and an obsessive optimizer could make a trip, at a loss, in about 18 actions. However, the superior alternative is waiting for enough of the two standard cards while there, which, while card reliant, is relying on 2 cards in less than 22. The RNG can’t hate you nearly as much as it does in london, in other words. On the topic of straight actions->favors, though, it’s worse than the cash-in for criminals.

Rubberies are the worst off- only action-based favor source is fate-locked, but their companion is currently only one point better than the best alternative and inferior to fate, and their 40 renown reward, while best in slot, is fate locked. Otherwise, you’re going to have a hard time impressing them.

EDITED for clarity
edited by Grenem on 11/11/2016

You’re missing one though, because you can get rubbery favors at parties with A Polite Invitation! Potentially two, though the first one is kinda random. It’s the only way I ever made ANY headway with them.

You’re missing one though, because you can get rubbery favors at parties with A Polite Invitation! Potentially two, though the first one is kinda random. It’s the only way I ever made ANY headway with them.[/quote]
I meant action based, which those invitations are not. While if you’re going for passive renown- i.e. all favors from cards, turned to renown when sufficient buildup, no active seeking of favors, rubberies is only inferior to criminals once POSI is attained. However, for actively seeking favors from non-card sources, or going out of your way to get favors, the list of methods is one-with-fate, 0 without.

it has roughly 2 cards (the hassle of polite invite counterbalancing the potential additional .5 favors), which is better than tomb-colonists in london, and better than Docks as well- assuming there is no connection pet involved. If there is, it’s roughly matched by them, but more time consuming.

However, the tomb-colonists have the tomb-colonies, and the docks have both the chandleress and mutton island, and either one of those is a good way to get favors for actions without cards involved.

Does anyone have stats on these items yet? (Other than the bandages.)

Criminals is pretty easy to gather, actually, if you aren’t talking RP. I mean, it’s not cheap, but what is?[/quote]

It’s for RP reasons. My character considers herself above the Criminals and looks down on the methods of the Anarchists.

Which is really annoying because it makes harvesting Magnificent Diamonds that much harder.

@ Grenem

Chandleress can still give two in a row – got them recently for the first time.


Rubberies are the worst off- only action-based favor source is fate-locked, but their companion is currently only one point better than the best alternative and inferior to fate, and their 40 renown reward, while best in slot, is fate locked.
edited by Grenem on 11/11/2016[/quote]
Wait, is the rubbery organ itself fate locked, or just area in which the option is available?

Just the area - but that makes it fate-locked as you can’t access it without paying to gain access to Flute Street.

Rubberies are the worst off- only action-based favor source is fate-locked, but their companion is currently only one point better than the best alternative and inferior to fate, and their 40 renown reward, while best in slot, is fate locked.
edited by Grenem on 11/11/2016[/quote]
Wait, is the rubbery organ itself fate locked, or just area in which the option is available?[/quote]
The area it is available is fate-locked. People who already have flute street will not need further fate to get the organ. It still means someone who can’t afford fate- like me- cannot get it. Given that their only action based favor source is also the same place, it’s not actually a bad setup.

So it would be better to do that after all Connected to: Hell has been converted to Renown, since Renown is (Normally) never lost, and all one would lose would be whatever favours one might have? Unless they change the storylet to impart a more severe punishment.

I heard that tomb colonies are a good place to grind some colonist favours, so I ventured there for the item. But I see no favours forthcoming. Where are they? Help!

It’s an option on a handful of Opportunity Cards. I think they’re all quite explicitly labeled that increase Scandal but grant favors. You may need to appease the RNG, but it’s a fairly small deck so it hopefully won’t take too long.