NEW, Free content: Governing Port Carnelian

[quote=Sir Joseph Marlen]Before I run through the Foreign Office and head out to zee, I’d like to know if there’s anything I should bring along we me when I visit Port Carnelian.

Consider capping your Watchful and Persuasive. Most challenges are 100% at 2xx, with the exception of the lone Watchful challenge that is 60% or so at 270 Watchful.

Occasionally there are actions requiring Mysteries of Elder Continent, but the payoff is not very good.

By the way, Joseph, you can set a forum signature on the &quotMy Profile&quot link on the upper right corner instead of pasting it for each post…

If you can actually still get to the court (and not just the palace), that sounds like he’s waiting until you make some more works of art. And then a grand opera. And then return from disgraced exile.

Do you have a “Waiting for Your Governorship” storylet at wolfstack docks? (that’s unlocked by being banished from the court). Just to be clear on where in the storyline you are, and looking for a particular storylet among some twenty is perhaps easier than looking for any quality on the “myself” tab.

Right, if you’re banished you can’t get back into the Empress’ Court at all. If you’ve done that you can also drop by Wilmot’s End to see if you have the right quality to get in. Accomplishments is certainly smaller than Story, but it can be easy to miss something at times.

I also forgot that opening wilmot’s end and opening foreign office are two different things.
Route to wilmot’s end unlock either with an opportunity card (110 shadowy, some great game connection needed), urchin on your roof (PoSI, 110 shadowy), the sculptress (PoSI, 110 persuasive), or apparently a special universal storylet that appears when you are a diplomat in the making (requires a comprehensive bribe).
Diplomat in the making unlocks from either the sculptress (PoSI, 115 persuasive, banished from court) or a frequent op. card (PoSI, 155 persuasive, banished from court).
You need both of those, then a storylet in wilmot’s end lets you enter F.O. At a cost.

Can anyone tell me if I need connections in anything in particular, please? Thanks.

I haven’t taken anything close to all the options yet, but so far I haven’t needed connections. Having a good relationship with my aunt has been very helpful, and progress with the Dilmun club, but nothing else so far.

Yeah I can still get to court, not sure how to get banished. Apparently I’m wooing on a novel and forgot about it…
So I need to make an opera and more art…

Yep, that’s it - finish your novel, and keep completing works, and eventually the Councillor will propose a scheme involving a scandalous opera that leads to your being banished. Worth noting, while you’re at that stage: novels and poems take longer to complete, but they give you copies of the publication on completion, and those have a handful of uses here and there.

Occasionally there are actions requiring Mysteries of Elder Continent, but the payoff is not very good.[/quote]
You may also have the opportunity to please some of your constituents by sharing Visions of the Surface. Whether the reward is worth the cost or not, I admit I was a bit disappointed to find myself lacking them when the opportunity arose.

Darn, long ages ago I told my aunt to take a hike. And it sounds like she’s a big part of this storyline. How much will I be missing?

Cool, that’s good to know. Thanks for the help ya’ll.

She’s just an occasional guest in the random storylets. A beneficial one, certainly, but not part of the central storyline.

Anyone know how long it takes to finish a novel. Got inspired at like 35 and don’t know where it finishes at.

Curious if anyone has willingly declined another term and gone back to London of their own accord. Does that lock you out of returning to the Port, or can you agree to become governor again back in London?

You should be able to publish at Inspired 34 - there’ll be a storylet called &quotYour novel is complete!&quot

I’ve finished a few terms and come back to London, and there was no quality change to suggest I wouldn’t be able to return to governance. I’m guessing that I’ll be able to zail back and resume my duties (they seem to have a high turnover rate in governors.)

So, what terrible thing happens when your Legitimacy hits 0? I’ve noticed it’s really easy to lose it, and fast.

You get kicked out to zee - and you can’t return until you go to the Foreign Office and grind a cycle there.

I’m really enjoying the new content :) So atmospheric!

Port Carnelian is amazing.

And the Foreign Office will be the Office, I suppose. That’s who they are.

Thanks for the advice, Estelle and Roshirai! I’ll be sure to gather up some Visions of the Surface and Mysteries of the Elder Continent while I’m finishing up business in London.