New Festival: Election

[quote=Estelle Knoht]
No, I talked to people for info. It is not particularly enjoyable to charge into new content by firing up a bunch of alts, you know ;)[/quote]
Oh, I see! I had the feeling that you picked up the information way to fast!
I’ll probably decide by tonight; at work at the moment and pretty busy!
EDIT: Typo and I would +1 you more if I could! Great work, mate!
edited by Skinnyman on 7/4/2016

Also there are now two change candidate options. One costs fate and one does not. I assume one of those options is supposed to be change career.
edited by maleclypse on 7/4/2016

I fear I chose my career on the basis of RP. Guess I should’ve come here first, nice boots.

Don’t worry. London will be chock full of writers by the evening anyway…

[quote=maleclypse]Also there are now two change candidate options. One costs fate and one does not. I assume one of those options is supposed to be change career.
edited by maleclypse on 7/4/2016[/quote]

The fate option is there so you can change candidate without losing your progress. No intended career changes, I’m afraid.

Well… Blast. I wish I’d known about the career-specific items prior to selecting a career. I suppose I’ll be waiting for the next election then.
edited by Ginkgo on 7/4/2016

I have a complaint: the Boots are described as “crimson”, but the item art shows them as black!

stamps foot I want my Crimson Boots! ;)

@ Blaine: “Hell has become a problem lately…”
So, are you the one who blew up the Brass Embassy?

– Mal

D__n, I wish I’d gone for those now, since I need all the Watchful I can get for Seeking and my Persuasive is already maxed.

It might be helpful if we could get a description underneath the various items showing which stats they increase, as with certain other items, since they’re very difficult to change without Fate.

Sinning Jenny is a member of the Sisterhood of Abbey Rock and a known associate of Mr Wines. She mainly appears in Ambition: Bag a Legend!

The Bishop of Southwark is a vehement campaigner against Hell and very fond of a good bit of Christian shouting. He turns up in the Fourth Coil of the Labyrinth of Tigers and the associated Fate extension, where he’s looking to breed some beasts to hunt down devils.

The Jovial Contrarian seems to stand for whatever view is the opposite of the person he’s speaking to, and he’s connected with the Revolutionaries. He can be found at the ‘A Polite Invitation’ parties and a few other places besides.
edited by JimmyTMalice on 7/4/2016[/quote]

Thank you! I’ll support the Bishop, I think. He will make a good civil servant. And I remember from some card that he fought devils in some long-ago campaign. Such experience comes in handy in a devil-infested city!

@Bcarlettbleustar: Seppuku would be best.

– Mal

As an aside, I find it rather humorous that the icon for the Pre-Lapsarian Speaking Trumpet is a rifle. As a speaking trumpet, I expect one would hold it up to one’s mouth in order to speak?

OMG the game totally freezes for me all the time. Guess I’ll wait until the furore has died down a little…

Of course the election started right in the middle of my flash lay AND a particularly costly abition-related investigation. :P I also remind you, fellow citizens, that a vote for the Jovial Contrarian is a vote for the bright future of Fallen London.

So, I’ve decided to do a little bit of digging on all three candidates. My first task? The Good Bishop’s secrets.

Whether he knows it or not is quite the other matter, but it would seem as though he is being funded by several devils who are regulars at Dante’s Grill. if they are devils of note playing for power or a bunch pulling a prank is still unknown, but anyone voting for the Bishop under the pretense of kill the devils needs to think twice.

Complaints so far. Investigations require university access to finish. Investigations don’t tell you when you are ready to finish.

Hey, Kylestien! Have you just been campaining or what:D? Are these the horned ones that had set you up against our Reverence:)?

Why do you need the university?
I agree that not directing to the finish when you have enough progress is annoying.

To anyone still undecided, I hope you keep in mind the following fact: the rat-lord, may he burn eternally, has publicly and decisively endorsed The Jovial Contrarian.

The university was the only place that I could finish. There wasn’t a finish option at any of the starting locations. Spite, Veilgarden, etc.

You can also finish investigating in Mrs. Plenty’s Carnival. It was the last storylet option on the page.