New Festival: Election

To anyone still undecided, the Jovial Contrarian disagrees with this person. He also disagrees with what I just said. And with himself.

Well, I’m going to spend fate to get those boots.

The pen isn’t what I’d have gotten if I’d been allowed to pick, but it suits me personwise. The boots are best stats, so of course I’ll get them.

I just feel sad for anybody who picked the trumpet. A 10 fate item without good stats (It’s offer to FIXERS who go for the contrarian) …

Maybe I’m just under-caffeinated, but… what’s so special about the boots, aside from the fact that they’re Watchful footwear? Wouldn’t it be better to pick something with a Respectable/Dreaded/Bizarre bump, or even just a higher Watchful bump?

Those boots are currently the highest watchful boost for footwear in the game. The next best are +3, and are from the advent calendar at Sacksmas. The only other watchful footwear are +2, from the mysterious benefactor storyline.

I guess it’s a good thing I went Campaigner. Hello shiny new shoes. There’s a lot going on here. Can’t wait to explore the new content.

And you should all be supporting Sinning Jenny. Because you are either in favor of monster hunting ninja nuns or you are wrong!

I am tremendously tickled that my RP candidate also has the Best Boots which I want for Seeking. This is great!

@laseule: every point of Watchful is critical, especially to those who own a goat or are Seeking. Even fully-capped Watchful doesn’t help much with those. Whether or not 2-3 extra points is better than the boosts of the other goodies, is something each person has to decide for himself.

– Mal

Besides, the Boots do have a point of Respectable.

The Reactionary Tomb-Colonist and I are on the job!

We have essentially taken on a side job (or, I suppose, consigned our main profession to a side job), right? I still have “Watcher” listed as Strel’s profession. Does anyone know how this will affect our weekly professional earnings?

I really wish I didn’t read through this thread because the boots are so tempting. Especially when I need to boost my watchful for another storylet.

@Sarah: I think the campaign jobs are volunteerism, so they shouldn’t have any affect on your day job.
@Amelia: Avoid the temptation! Play your character!

– Mal
edited by malthaussen on 7/4/2016

I am suddenly really curious to find out if maxing out any of the Menaces does any damage to my respectability as a campaigner.

Multiposting, I’m glad I’m not really high enough level yet to worry about maxing out my Watchful – that’s already by far my highest stat and Strel has a definite sympathy for the Tomb-Colonists from his time at zee, so between roleplaying and the Persuasive bonus, the Reactionary Tomb-Colonist was really the only choice.
edited by SarahTheEntwife on 7/4/2016

decided to kick this whole thing off with some muckracking, since I’ve been curious about the deeper connections the candidate’s have. my first target was the contrarian.

to no one’s surprise, he is definitely being pushed as the Calendar Council’s candidate. A little more surprisingly, he seems to know about the LoN, and disagrees with it, his notes containing &quotThe light need not necessarily go out.&quot Another surprising feature is that he seems to be refusing some of the CC’s donations, crossing all the most recent one out. I have an echo for anyone who wants it.

edited by spacecatte on 7/4/2016
edited by spacecatte on 7/4/2016

Oh, wow…

Because I’m a fixer, and not a campaigner, Not only do I have the hardest job, but I can’t even spend fate to get the item I want.

I can’t even spend fate to change my job to be able to get it.


oh well…

I’ll just take that much more pride in doing the hard work and getting what I get.

I’m a bit stuck, probably in some sort of stupid way… I choosed Campaigner, how I can start digging in this election’s content?
edited by YGWAH on 7/4/2016

I am so excited. Already delivered my first story on behalf of the delightful scarlet lady herself - I can’t wait to see what little morsels of excitement await as I climb the political ladder.

I’m going to have a heck of a time choosing between the boots and the nun, though. On the one hand, I already have lots of companions I never use, and they are best in slot…on the other, I have already reached SotC 21, and I COULD HAVE MY OWN BATTLE NUN. Head or heart, indeed.

Oh yeah, vote Jenny!

Edit: I think I found a bug; using a short story doesn’t seem to consume it. I may have already had one and forgotten in my excitement, but I don’t want to try again until I’ve written another just in case.

Also, there’s either a typo or a bug; compelling stories are accepted, not just thrilling.
edited by Màiread on 7/4/2016

I think I may have made a mistake - I accidentally clicked the option on the Learning about the Election card to not look at it again.

I hope this doesn’t affect things down the line.

I’m a Campaigner, though I missed out on the boots, damn it. What can I do with the Dirty Secrets that I’ve managed to accumulate?

Put them on your mantelpiece?

Hmm, I’ve been aware of this coming up, but I’m still torn between the Jovial Contrarian and the Bishop of Southwark. I mean, Sinning Jenny’s definitely out of the question since, well, I don’t see her being fit to do anything except annoy Mr. Irons.

In the past I wouldn’t have cared for the Bishop, but I have found that Hell’s influence had been nothing but trouble, and the Diocesan Intrigues have been awaiting some catalyst, like, say, the Bishop becoming Mayor.

But the Jovial Contrarian’s the most attractive option so far. He has a balanced view on things. That is, he has an unbalanced views on everything and so it cancels out. But nothing would ever get done without a dozen assassination attempts from peeved politicians.
edited by M. Cinder on 7/4/2016