Speaking of Partial Maps, is it possible to convert items on Mutton Island, or should I do that before going there? I have been a bit too busy so far to take the time needed to experience new content.
No item use is possible. Clever in that regard, it restricts you to reducing menaces only by trading in your catch, and farming items only via the storylets (which occasionally give out maps). You’d do best to grind them beforehand.
What level of Catch should I have to try/find Guinea’s Pig?
At least 7. I’ll double check that if I can.
Stupid question: If I leave the island, can I come back as long as this event is going on?
I did! If you get nightmares you end up in your lodging, but can travel back no problem. Your catch won’t reset but the time passing on the island will.
(also not stupid question)
edited by theblackknight13 on 8/29/2014
Is there any reason to get a catch above 8?
It seems that "Picking Through the Wreckers’ Cove" quality which affects what prizes you can get is slightly random. I have a theory that catch gives the maximum value at which said quality can be, but you can get lower ones due to randomness. I’ve exchanged catch for prizes twice (both times witch catch 7) and first time I got "Picking Through the Wreckers’ Cove" 4 and second time 6. So if you want the best prize (requiring level 7) and you want it fast, you might need to go for higher catches (repeating the fishing to get some RB transferred to next try and spending items mentioned previously in this thread). Also I recall that devs said that catch level somehow influences menace reduction when given to other two characters, but not rewards (those depend on your skill levels).
Yeah, picking seems to be random. It took me forever to get the last of the four weapons (assuming that there isn’t a prize for catches above 9).
Word of warning: you can’t just let your menaces build while waiting for the lady to finally turn up - if you leave the festival to go back to fishing with Nightmares above 8 (or whatever the limit is - I forget), you get a serious hit to your skills and transported back to your lodgings, with a moderate reduction in that key menace.
I’ll let someone else find out what happens if you have both menaces too high. I went from 200 watchful to 196, and from 200 persuasive to 197. This could mean that if the lady takes too long to show, you could end up having to spend a great catch on menace reduction, rather than actual loot.
I’ve been taking care of my menaces whenever they hit 4-5 or so. Not efficient, but it does get me stuff to spend while fishing.
[quote=RandomWalker]Yeah, picking seems to be random. It took me forever to get the last of the four weapons (assuming that there isn’t a prize for catches above 9).
Four weapons? As far as I can see there are five, one each for levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
(Not in order)
Blood-stained Eolith
and Mutersalt
I’ve managed to get four of them but that Mutersalt seems to be very evasive, I even tried the fate option to try and lower my level to three but went too low:(
Oops, I meant five. Numbers are hard. For me it was the Eolith that took forever - my pickings kept turning up as four or six, and if I paid fate, the six would drop to four or less. Very annoying.
The menace reduction from the chef and the curate are very solid. A catch of 5, which you can get just from quirks, is enough to drop 7 wounds down to 1.
Destinies are completely new to me. Anything I should know (that isn’t spoilery) before I go ahead and pick one?
At the moment, destinies don’t have a huge impact, although the bonus to your stats are nice. You have to pay a fair amount in fate to change your destiny if you don’t like the one you’ve gotten.
Not all destinies are available for all people - for example, the Passion destiny is very hard to get, and some of the more aquatic options require that you be a captain of a vessel.
There will be plenty of other opportunities to chose a destiny, Christmas for one.
So I’m trading my first catch to the Lady and the option available is the guinea pig.
But I’m curious about the stoppered jar and the Clay Man options.
As the accompanying text doesn’t mention any weapon, I guess it doesn’t give an item. But can anyone shed any light on what they are?
Either way, if I can I’ll try them out later in the festival. But it’s be nice to have some idea.
I am so confused. My last two Strange Catches were worth 7 and 9, but each time, I only got the level 6 Cove options. Is that how it’s meant to work?
NinjaComedian - as long as you keep fishing, and have sufficient running battle, you will get strange catches. Once you have a weapon reward that option is locked and the other options will be the only ones you can get.
Sir Fred - It does look like there is a random element to giving the strange catch to the hooded lady. The level you get will be equal to or less than the value of your strange catch. I’m not sure how much lower it can be though.
Thanks for the info.
I’ve since gone and gotten myself the most adorable little guinea-pig from the Lady, and now I;m back off out to get another strange catch. :)
[quote=lady ciel ]NinjaComedian - as long as you keep fishing, and have sufficient running battle, you will get strange catches. Once you have a weapon reward that option is locked and the other options will be the only ones you can get.
Are you kidding me? Damn, I really wanted that Armored Guinea Pig - I saw absolutely nothing that would imply that picking a reward locked all other options. At every other festival we could get almost everything available if we kept at it.
[quote=Owen Wulf][quote=lady ciel ]NinjaComedian - as long as you keep fishing, and have sufficient running battle, you will get strange catches. Once you have a weapon reward that option is locked and the other options will be the only ones you can get.
Are you kidding me? Damn, I really wanted that Armored Guinea Pig - I saw absolutely nothing that would imply that picking a reward locked all other options. At every other festival we could get almost everything available if we kept at it.[/quote]
You can get everything, you just can’t get more than one of anything. I’m very happy with this decision, as it stops me from wasting catches (keeping track with three alts can be tricky).