New Art

It’s gotta be stalactites.

The new hedonist art is too similar to &quottalk of the town&quot. Basically a colour swap.

I thought austere was redolent of spikes, like a bed of nails, a hair shirt, basically self flagellation.
I too was surprised by the green but I think I like it.
I adore the new church artwork… It reminds me of the Chapel of Lights, making a tighter tie-in to Sunless Sea.

I’m so glad the revolutionaries got a face lift - I like the faction but that guy always creeped me out, and not in the good Fallen London usual way.
Does anyone have a link to the new bishop artwork? I have yet to stumble upon that one.

Basically, I’ve loved all of the new artwork we have been getting, it had been pulling together along a much more cohesive style.

What is the new Veteran Spy art?


this new quirk artwork is horrid, they don’t even look like there from the same game world. very bland… :(

The new and very cool looking Bishop of St. Fiacre:

This is my big complaint too. It feels too Apple-clean for something as grimy and dank as Fallen London. The bright green also stands out a LOT with the red/black/brown theming.

It makes me wanna whack that mug with something heavy and pointy and for a few times…
edited by Andrew Astherson on 9/17/2015

Hourglass facelift.


The new and very cool looking Bishop of St. Fiacre:

Wait, wasn’t the Bishop looking like this? (from’s_to_sponsor_you)

edited by Docteur on 9/17/2015
edited by Docteur on 9/17/2015

[quote=Estelle Knoht]

Hourglass facelift.


Huh. Just looked at the image data for that deviless, ‘The discerning deviless’, that is. And the next exceptional story is called ‘discernment’. I’m slow on the uptake, and this is probably old news, but it seems like the next story will concern the devils. Yummy.

The new and very cool looking Bishop of St. Fiacre:

Wait, wasn’t the Bishop looking like this? (from’s_to_sponsor_you)

edited by Docteur on 9/17/2015
edited by Docteur on 9/17/2015[/quote]
He’s a snuffer. Maybe he stole a new face?

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that Mysteries of the Elder Continent and Primaeval Hints now have the same art?

It doesn’t really bother me, but it definitely through me for a loop when I noticed it yesterday. Not sure why they did that.

I don’t think it’s really very “professional”, so to speak, to have the same art for two objects like that. Sure, it’s not the only case, but it still looks sloppy.

I am quite fond of the new Quirk art, as it has a consistent vibe and stands out against the rest of the artwork in the game establish its stat like vibe.

Plenty of items share art, including Map Scraps and Puzzling Maps which are also in the same category.

It is a little funny that mysteries of the elder continent, primaeval hints, and elemental secrets all have the same art though. I still miss the old primaeval hint art that looked like woods in the winter. Oh well, I’m sure they’ll get upgraded some day.

Yes… That’s what I said, but I still think it wasn’t the best move to make two previously-distinct items identical.