Names of Newspapers?

Watchful Masters

not to be confused with the Masters we are against looks around, that wasn’t smart to say.


Since my character is named after Iluvatar (although he has an extra l)
edited by Tymek on 4/5/2016

It is uncreative, but since it is a publication that would actually be in London by the time the game started and I hadn’t seen it mentioned anywhere I chose to name my newspaper The Economist.

I am the proud(?) editor of “The Rubbery Enquirer”.

Captain Cortez is publisher of the Foghorn.

The Murmur is the name of my very own organ of press.

The Sunken Sentinel has been operated by yours truly for these past few months.

The Gentleman’s Spectator Review is available at your local newstand of note for the latest news on Shroom Hopping, Jack Sightings, and Master Scandals!

The Nexus

The New London League of National Populists produces a party newspaper- Anabasis or &quotUpward March&quot. It is a bold newspaper, with a very high turnout and rather low consumption rate. Produced out of the Radical’s own pocket, it is printed in secret by a family of disgruntled Irish printers whose previous premises were burnt by Devils for producing Christian literature.

The newspaper is very heavy on rhetoric, with party officials writing tirades against anarchists, the Masters, bankers, non-Christians and Devils. The paper outlines the National Populist viewpoint, from the emancipation of Clay Men to the abdication of the Traitor Empress. The paper includes advertisements for party uniform purchase, subscription membership and details of the next rally.

Needless to say, to be seen reading it in all but LNP strongholds is an invitation to a street fight.

If anyone might happen to have a similar interest in newspaper names, they may consider ‘A Threnody for Vienna’ permanently occupied by me.

I named mine The Truth. Our motto is “The Truth shall make Ye Fret”.[li]
edited by Saklad5 on 6/7/2016

Bringing you the latest stories from the vertiginous perspective of our special Flit field reporters, The Chimney Times.

This is hardly original, but mine was named The Fallen Post, and dealt with material of both esoteric and sincere nature, before posting a revelation of mysteries from The Box

Quia Ego Sic Dico, the irregularly published proclamations from the Lord of Seekers.

Lord William Masters is the Editor of The Fallen London Illuminator, a publication that aims to inform the public on the news that truly matters, in a manner purposefully reminiscent of the Manchester Guardian.

In better days, Barselaar was the editor of a small revolutionary rag by the name of The Wayward Echo.

What reminds me, I have managed to fund successfully the London’s Journal of Science Education, a weekly newspaper of considerable lenght with scientific articles that were considered irrelevant to be published in actual scientific journals (articles about failures, for instance, that, despite being useful, aren’t considered ‘saleable’, or articles about teaching science for the masses), news about scientific expeditions, fun facts for the masses, interviews with the Neath’s most proeminent authorities in scientific fields, articles about technology, and only 1% of the editor-in-chief’s mad theories and speculations that she can’t really teach at the University.

It barely pays for itself, but it has faithful readers in the Neath’s academic population and the owner isn’t exactly worried with profit.

&quotSpiteful News&quot xDD

I names mine Delicious Daily Drivels.