Mysteries Closure

12 here. I think i failed the fox one and possibly the first city one.

Haha I just wrote the word &quotrats&quot over and over for my answers (and made bad rat puns) and that somehow got me five correct answers. I am thoroughly chuffed.
edited by NiteBrite on 2/6/2014

With regards to how many questions there were, I just counted the number of questions recorded here:

11 for me, not bad, but I did think a few more had been puzzled out than that. Really looking forward to seeing the answers! (Actually more excited for that than for the fate, though that is certainly very nice too.)

9 for me. I am all agog to find out the answers.

I got 7, but I didn’t answer every question. Some because I didn’t know the answer at all, and others because I wanted to go look up a reference (or write one out, in the case of how many Masters there are) and then got distracted and didn’t manage to get back to it before the questions closed.

The Mr Eaten answer makes me want to tug KittyHat’s tail.

o_O I got 7 as Seeker of Names… which I THOUGHT I only gave joke answers to.

Flyte, did you accept funny ones as well? Or did I actually get some correct?

I got 12 and am thoroughly amused by the correct answers, though I agree the foxes one was entirely unfair. Allegedly hinted, but I’m sure I never saw any hints toward that. Did anyone else?

Turns out my fixating on the number eleven was correct, but in the wrong way! Gah. So it goes. I knew it was significant!

Ah drat! I SAID the echoes were because they needed them to see, and then I was swayed by the more popular answer about it being the first currency. DRAT. Last time I listen to popular advice… unless someone thinks I should? :p

I managed 9 correct with my main and 10 with my alt–though how I missed one answer with my main, given what I knew, I cannot now figure.

Another 14.[li]

Big congratulations to Wieland Burandt, who is officially the only person to have correctly answered 16 questions!

I was rather astonished by how few players answered 14 or higher: a measly 41, or about 1 for every 1000 players who answered at least one question correctly. If I’m not mistaken, that’s roughly equivalent to the number of active posters on this forum, meaning that we probably know every single person in that elite group. Wow!

There’s a Delete Button! It’s just after Edit.

Thank you kindly. Pitchforks are no longer necessary; we will instead be having a bonfire. You can use the metal bits for marshmallows.

Got 12 in an alt and 7 in my main character. 12 is when following someone else’s theories on the answers and 7 is going with the most common answers then, more or less.

After reading the statistics, I have to ask: Who is the one who got the ‘between the stars’ and ‘where the foxes are’ ones correctly? I’m pretty curious as to know what their thought process for that one was because those answers were a surprise for me.
edited by Sir Frederick Tanah-Chook on 2/8/2014

[quote=Helen Demeter]Got 12 in an alt and 7 in my main character. 12 is when following someone else’s theories on the answers and 7 is going with the most common answers then, more or less.

After reading the statistics, I have to ask: Who is the one who got the ‘between the stars’ and ‘where the foxes are’ ones correctly? I’m pretty curious as to know what their thought process for that one was because those answers were a surprise for me.

EDIT: No one saw that.
edited by ArtRulesAll on 2/8/2014[/quote]

Damn it, we were about to perform our function as &quotepic percentage corrector guy.&quot

As for your question, well, check three posts up.

Haha dang, all that ratfort to rat-ify my ratswers and they didn’t even get counted towards the rat total.

True facts, my answer to the echos question was &quotthe masters, being giant space rats know the value of using ratcolocation to navigate&quot. Ah, I almost said bats, but it was just one letter away from rat, and after all, what is a bat if not a flying rodent? ah well. The continents of Ratrope, Ratfrica, and Ratsia were probably dismissed. I might have got the snuffers one. Although I mentioned it more as protecting the snuffers rather than the prisoners. Its hard to notice a floppy face when its hidden behind a mask afterall. Lots of stuff gets made to be more snuffer friendly, like outlawing death as a valid hiding place in knife and candle. I might have got the one about the consort, Prince Ratbert, assuming &quotconsort&quot was a valid keyword. I might have got the Ratty Bethlehem Hotel for spelling the last bit of the name right. I -might- have got the King with a hundred Rats for including the word ‘hundred’. Uh, I said mr eaten was in the Rats to the North, but I knew better about the godeaters. It just sounded cooler that way and I didnt think about it too hard. Ratalfields, Ratgarden, Ratbone road, and Ratwhich probably no points. Hm, what got me that fifth point. It probably wasnt that the number of masters was &quotrats&quot although I used ratleven for the sacks answer, I guess I got the two mix up oops. For the foxes I said something to the effect of how mr rat-candles hunted them to extinction to make the fine coat his mr sacks (at your window) now wears, also all the rat-candles seen in fallen london. Um, I answered the Ratzaar for between the stars. Not sure I get the liberation of the night being between the stars, exactly. I took it as that that was more of an ‘event’ staged by the revs and the actual thing the revs were attacking in that event was called something like the great chain of existence? idk. I’m a bit confused, if its a thing and not an event. If anyone can tell from the answers here which was probably my fifth point, let me know.

Edit: Oh! It was rat america. haha, of course, how could I forget rat america (I choose to believe that having rat america accepted as a valid answer makes it canon that it exists :v ).
edited by NiteBrite on 2/8/2014