Mr Sacks

The Masters very much know who the Duchess is, and I believe there is considerable animosity between them.

Ah! I’ll have the alt go with the Widow. My other will choose the Duchess ( they were modeled after Selena Kyle/Cat Woman so he’ll be right at home, though ironically they didn’t take the Light Fingers Ambition. I should probably change that.) My main will take the Docks since he’s the only one besides Silas who would actually work with them. I played Silver Leaf but I don’t remember if the Master’s felt any particular way about the Widow…

Are the three “old” options the same story threads from last year? If so,thats cool, I just dont want to replay the same thing.

I think they’re the same as last year.

Sarsmos, the same enmity exists between the Widow and the Masters. It will become apparent as you progress through the game’s lore, but just know for now that it’s highly unlikely the Widow’s plans favor the Masters.[li]
edited by Laluzi on 12/27/2013

Heh,I must not be fully here. My main and both alts are near end-game and I seem to have forgotten that of course anyone who deals with Masters in terms of city acquisition isn’t going to like them. They usually get majorly screwed over.

I don’t think so; we don’t get actions any faster, we just lose less to sleep.

[/li][li]That is precisely the reason why I believe there will be a rebalancing. By losing fewer actions, players now have more actions to spend, and potentially double the rate at which they consume content. Since alexis is probably not going to double the rate at which he produces content… This is all the natural and expected result of inflation. [/li][li]

I don’t think so; we don’t get actions any faster, we just lose less to sleep.

[/li][li]That is precisely the reason why I believe there will be a rebalancing. By losing fewer actions, players now have more actions to spend, and potentially double the rate at which they consume content. Since alexis is probably not going to double the rate at which he produces content… This is all the natural and expected result of inflation. [/li][/quote]
That doesn’t really make sense. After the initial splurge, the actions will come in at the same rate; ten-twenty extra actions is not worth rebalancing the whole game. People who check the game every few hours or just keep a tab with it open throughout the day won’t see a huge change apart from that; someone who turns it on once in the morning and once in the evening will, but even with Exceptional Friendship they’d have fewer actions per day now than a person without Exceptional Friendship who checked more regularly did back before the change. Total actions are not doubled unless you only played with a full tank.

Which is not to say that the change is insignificant or anything. It is very, very nice, and before it I was never tempted to pay for actions with Nex. But it isn’t going to completely change the game for most people or do anything that requires everything to be rebalanced.[li]
edited by Roland Jones on 12/27/2013

[quote=empirimancer]That is precisely the reason why I believe there will be a rebalancing. By losing fewer actions, players now have more actions to spend, and potentially double the rate at which they consume content. Since alexis is probably not going to double the rate at which he produces content… This is all the natural and expected result of inflation. [/quote]10 actions is the equivalent of one and a half hours. I hardly think not losing actions to sleep is the huge issue you assume it is - I can’t imagine someone who gets up at 6 am and checks on FL would have a massive advantage over someone who wakes up at 7:30 and does the same. Call me naive, but I highly doubt the additional hour and a half’s worth of actions merits any sort of rework.
edited by Saharan on 12/27/2013

[color=#009900]I’m happy to say that Saharan and RJ are right, and you have nothing to worry about.[/color]
[color=rgb(0, 153, 0)]
[color=rgb(0, 153, 0)]Players eat content much faster than we produce it, but we have a huge treasure-house of content built up over years that most people never complete. We’re happy to keep a few more of that majority around by letting the game feel more generous. Besides, rebalancing would be a giant chunk of work and there are other things we’d much rather spend the time on. :)[/color]


Oh, so do you guys mean that this is a good point to spend Fate? I’ve chosen the only non-fate option since taking any side doesn’t seem to have some sort of benefit, and since it looks like a short,time-locked event I thought it won’t have much content… Oh dear, I guess I’ll have to wait next year.[li]
edited by sakura_candy on 12/27/2013

This is a pretty decent place to spend Fate, yeah. The 8 Fate options get you a pretty valuable item (keeping the specifics a secret, but compared to most places where Fate leads to valuable items it’s a really good deal), and besides that the text they give is pretty interesting. Some surprising revelations in one or two cases.

At present, the 12 Fate routes are a mystery due to being new, but so far they’re, at the least, looking like they’ll be as interesting as the other options, if not moreso.

My character has a long history of catching cats in Spite, beating the docks workers as an assistant to neddy men, and smuggling brandy. Was an easy choice.

Also, Mr Sacks #5

The thing too to note re balancing is that in a lot of ways the game feels most ‘natural’ at 20 actions-- you can play a whole opp deck and still have over half your turns left, which means that the multiturn options that do exist feel like less of a waste. This goes a long way to making Exceptional Friendship feel, well, exceptional but it also means that in a lot of ways the balancing around the 20-turn count has already been done.

I am currently at Day 6. Was it possible to side with February of the Calender Council at some time, as the last option on this card implies?

That is the Revolutionaries path, yes.[li]

That is the Revolutionaries path, yes.[li][/quote]
[/li][li]Ah, I see. My memory is terrible. Thank you kindly!

I am conflicted. Does anyone have advice for me?

I have just received Day 4, and do not know who to pick (not having played last year’s Sacksmas content)

Any option but the Revolutionaries would be in-character.

Please message me if you have advice for me.

Last year, the cheaper Fate-locked options - the Urchins, the Revolutionaries, Benthic College - gave a high-tier item (the second-highest - that’s tier 9 on my chart) plus some excellent story. We got to see how February works her schemes, or learn a little of the Knotted Sock’s odder practices, or perform inadvisable experiments with overambitious scientists! Presumably these options will all do the same or similar this year.

The more expensive options - the Duchess, the Widow, the Docks - haven’t had all their rewards revealed yet. The Duchess has one option I’ve seen so far that gives some rare but not super-valuable rewards. I’m guessing there’s more interesting story and items to come, and it’s been hinted that this content will at some point offer cheaper Lodgings upgrades - whether that’s restricted to the new options or not, or if it’s involved at all, I don’t know.

So, short answer is, the old options are all equally good, and the new options are an unknown quantity, so it’s not a bad idea just to choose whichever story tickles your roleplaying fancy!

Oh dear. I do hope Mr. Pages (the Original) - who I only just bumped into the other day when he cleared my path of lacre for me - doesn’t hold it against me for what the Duchess and I just did to his representative who came calling to my door today. That was not a nice way to go.