Mr Sacks

&quotA shared confusion is a double confusion; a shared spoiler is half a spoiler.&quot
-misquotes from the Neath

There are six opportunities for collaboration. The new ones involve the Docks, Duchess and Widow. They’re terribly enigmatic. I’ve aligned myself with the Duchess; feel free to PM me if you’d like to know a little about her motives before making your choice.

I sided with the Docks. Should be a pretty interesting adventure! Though they all seem very interesting.

As exciting as the daily visits of Mr Sacks is during the season, I shall be without internet for a fortnight. Though this ends my Mr Sacks adventures for the year, I shall live vicariously through the Mr Sacks visits in this thread when I return.

If you started them you will be able to finish them (or so I think I saw somewhere in the card).

Yep, as long as you’ve started it you’ll have a year to finish.

Is there some way to tell who you sided with last year? I don’t remember though I think it was the University. Is there some item or quality I can look to see if I have to tell? As it may have been fate locked, I guess PMs would be more appropriate than posting an answer here.

That’s a jolly fortunate thing, thank you for telling me so, Sara and Serguma. It is indeed a comforting thing to know.

There is! You’ll see it under Minor Lateral.

Then I’ll aid the Widow, just to round it all out. Finally, some concrete speculation to the motives of the Orientals.

Ignore me.
edited by babelfishwars on 12/26/2013

Merry Sacksmas to all!

You there, urchin! Get me the largest Vake you can find!

And many thanks to Alexis and the FBG team. I certainly had high hopes that the 20/40 actions would remain and I’m glad to see this is the case. I was already buying Exceptional Friendship each month and will certainly continue to do so.

Arrgghhh! I favoured the Duchess, but my browser locked up before I could see what I got. Wasted the fate. Bah.

Thanks for sending me a shot of what I missed, Flyte
edited by RandomWalker on 12/26/2013
edited by RandomWalker on 12/26/2013

Don’t worry about wasting the Fate. If it’s anything like last year, making one of the Fate choices will unlock options on the future cards, which is where most of the lore/rewards are.

I can’t find any quality from last year which makes me think that I backed out of helping the University in the end to side with the Masters. However this year, knowing what destiny has in store for me, my loyalties may waver a little and I am curious what the Duchess has to say…

My worry is that the benefit of the increased action pool will be mostly psychological, since the rest of the game will be rebalanced with the additional actions in mind.

Decided to side with the Widow due to information about her plans and motives always being scarce. The information in the immediate response alone is pretty huge news but i also feel like i just agreed to something i won’t be comfortable with.

I’m not sure what to choose. One of my characters adores the Masters but I am a sucker for Fate-locked content. From what I read none of the new options seem to imply doing anything the Master’s would be fond of… My other two don’t particularly care for the master’s so I’ll go with the Widow and Docks for them.

I believe you get opportunities later to side with the masters

I don’t think so; we don’t get actions any faster, we just lose less to sleep.
edited by George David Maddux on 12/26/2013

My alt, along with adoring the Master’s is a part of high society so they were going to go with the Duchess, but given her true origins (Do the Master’s know who she really is?), would that make the Master’s more likely to dislike them?..Maybe I’m thinking about this too much…
edited by Sarsmos on 12/27/2013