Mr. Sacks

competition for pails of snow is more brutal than it is for SMEN betrayals

see, SMEN isn’t that bad after all! just common everyday snowshoveling is more competitive

I’m hoping that our path gets snowed in every day so we can acquire more of this unusual snow without needing to be social. Doubt this is the case, but one can always hope.

Oh my, a Scholar of Correspondence increase… 'Tis a true Christmas gift _

Oh my. The Correspondence challenge increases it past the current cap of 10. Oh my my my. If only I had 10 more pails of snow…

One of my alts did. It was not a good decision. Don’t do that.

Oh dear, so many choices, and only one pail of “snow”. Oh well, as long as I don’t eat it.

It seems there are many delicious days ahead; an email just went out stating “the Twelve Days of Mr Sacks end on January the sixth”. One is to assume, then, that we shall begin to expect the Crimson Beast of Winter on Christmas itself.

Assassinations? that sounds… ominous

Just found myself given a free pail of “snow” by the Urchins opportunity card; you need A Clear Path and at least 20 connected :]

You mean after you already cleared the path, right (i.e., you’re not referring to the option of hiring the Urchins to shovel it for you)?

Why would you want to shovel your own snow? Heck, if I thought it was possible, I’d keep it there all year! I will gladly clear a path for anyone, though. Profile below :-D
edited by Kitsune on 12/24/2012

Yep! It definitely required that you already had a clear path and a ‘lacre’ quality of at least 1 (I had 2), the branch text was “‘Ere, you! D’you want this? It smells like old herring and cats’ p__s. But Bill reckoned as 'ow you might 'ave a use for it.”
So I’ve had two pails of “snow”; the first I threw on the fire and the second I mixed with some old wine, results in my journal :]

Edit: I just realised that this may or may not be down to the fact that I am aligned with the Urchins as a faction…?
edited by Corentin Os on 12/24/2012

Well, I can confirm that Mr “Sacks” is making the rounds via opportunity cards, although something is… off about him. Some options aren’t there any more, with new options around that weren’t in years previous presumably taking their place, including giving him the so-called “snow” that everyone is fascinated with as of late.

I’m still unable to even find the first card, but I’ve now heard of a second.

I haven’t turned up the first card either, and it’s not for a lack of drawing cards. I hope they become more common soon, as I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever draw it.

Assassinations? that sounds… ominous[/quote]

I’ve come across gifts (albeit from a Mr Sacks whose voice doesn’t sound quite… right), arguably mutants (I’m very fond of my new Dark-Carapaced Crustacean, hopefully some proper artwork will follow?) but I haven’t seen any assassinations - has anyone else?

Is there an option for things to do with your “snow” that raises Putting the Pieces together above 6? Using the Monocle seems to cap at 6, and mixing it with wine didn’t raise it because it was already above 2. I don’t want to use up another pail to no effect.

Also, for Correspondence enthusiasts, it wouldn’t raise mine because it was already higher than 14.

[quote=hwango]Is there an option for things to do with your “snow” that raises Putting the Pieces together above 6? Using the Monocle seems to cap at 6, and mixing it with wine didn’t raise it because it was already above 2. I don’t want to use up another pail to no effect.

Also, for Correspondence enthusiasts, it wouldn’t raise mine because it was already higher than 14.[/quote]

Wow. I didn’t know it was possible to raise one’s Scholar of the Correspondence quality above 10–until now. My hat is off to you, sir. If I may enquire–how did you manage it?

[quote=Catherine Raymond]

Wow. I didn’t know it was possible to raise one’s Scholar of the Correspondence quality above 10–until now. My hat is off to you, sir. If I may enquire–how did you manage it?[/quote]

It WAS possible, until they capped it at 10. Who had more at the time got to keep it ^^

The best part about Mr. Sacks is that if you’re at the end-game, he’s a wonderful way to raise your Connected: Masters of the Bazaar. Who knew the Masters liked violin music?