[color=#ff9900]Lady Ciel’s right. As you catch prey, your Procurer of Savage Beasts quality will increase. As it does, it unlocks the more challenging prey. [/color][color=rgb(255, 153, 0)]I’ll try and make this more clear in-game.[/color]

How high do we need to get the quality to open the next step in the Tracker? Does each beast add 1cp or level or do the tougher beasts give more progress?

[quote=lady ciel ]If it is the same as Duelling - (you need your Black ribbon quality to 3 to see the top level opponents) you will probably need to build up your Gentle Hunter level until you can see the Spider Council.

Edit - typo
edited by reveurciel on 9/23/2015[/quote]

Thanks, although I admit to being confused because I didn’t even know I had a &quotGentle Hunter&quot level, let alone how to build it up. Do I have to fight the monsters again?

Also, does anybody know why the Worryingly Large Rat is completely gone from the Department of Menace Eradication? Is there a way to get it back? It was a pretty useful grind for gold.

Sorry if these are dumb questions, I guess I just don’t understand how all this works.

Hmm, I have a school but didn’t get a scar, and can’t find an option to redo the rat infestation, which was what I went right back to the beginning for :-/

[color=#ff9900]Sounds like you need to progress through the content to unlock those sections - the scar choice and rat-infestation happen a bit further in.[/color]

[color=#ff9900]You need Procurer of Savage Beasts 5 to progress. Tougher beasts grant more progress and can increase your progress higher than weaker ones (the storylet for each beast gives a bit more info on this).[/color]

[color=#ff9900]Sounds like you need to progress through the content to unlock those sections - the scar choice and rat-infestation happen a bit further in.[/color][/quote]

Ah, OK, thanks. So do I just keep exterminating sorrow spiders until another option appears?

I reset myself to the start and have just completed the sorrow-spider content so now my &quotA Name Scrawled In Blood&quot quality is now 2 but I’m not seeing any of the next tier options in Watchmakers Hill or Wolfstack Docks - I think I should be seeing the fighting rings, no? Are they still skill-level locked? If so my skills are way too high and I’ll never be able to progress.
edited by Lucas Pale on 9/23/2015

I think you should be heading for a picnic at Watchmaker’s Hill.

Aww. In that case I wish I’d gotten to actually finish my hunt before the change hit. Thanks for the explanation though.

Out of curiosity, has anyone found a way to gain Subtle from this reset? I apparently chose poorly on the Watchful reset, lost 1 point of Subtle, and am down below 10 for the first time in years (thanks for taking my Quirks, Noman and last year’s summer festival!). This is devastating to me because I used to have Subtle at 13 and have basically gradually been losing it to random things that don’t seem like they should take it away.

I gained subtle by choosing the option to learn the other hunter’s secrets, the tomb-colonist dueling style, and not replying to Feducci’s letter, but I lost some on the scar choice (chose the torso scar).

Yes. Choosing &quotThe Forms of the Tomb-Colonies&quot as your Martial Tradition on the Art of Violence raises Subtle, but I am uncertain of the cap. I went from 5 to 6.

EDIT: See above, Prelude has done his homework!
edited by Shalinoth on 9/23/2015

Thanks all! What starting tier was that from?
edited by Toran on 9/23/2015

[quote=Toran]Thanks all! What starting tier was that from?

For my part, I began at &quotYou were victorious in the Painted Ring&quot and it let me choose a Martial Tradition, then a Scar. Afterwards I was back at investigating the silken church, which leads to Feducci’s invitation to Black Ribbon, etc.

Related question, if I click back to here and redo Feducci’s fights, can I re-kill certain fighters and gain more of the Bringer of Death quality? Or will BoD reset?[/quote]

I’ve learned the answer to my own question: Yes.

I’ve just re-slain the Drowny girl and it raised me 1 CP BoD (So that I’m now at level 2 with 1 Change Point closer to level 3) and awarded me my 3rd Black Ribbon.

EDIT: I don’t see &quotDuel Captain Vendrick&quot showing up again, however. Perhaps he remembers just how truly dead I left him last time. Oh well!
edited by Shalinoth on 9/23/2015

If I may ask an obvious question: does this affect your Dangerous stat itself?

Doesn’t sound as if it does, but I wanted to double-check.

[quote=Suitov]If I may ask an obvious question: does this affect your Dangerous stat itself?

Doesn’t sound as if it does, but I wanted to double-check.[/quote]

Choosing an option doesn’t decrease your Dangerous. Playing through it from the start gives a hilarious amount of Dangerous cp, so it’s a great way to increase that stat.

Where’s Captain Vendrick gone to? Is he at the end of the Black Ribbon duels now?

Good news! He IS still there…
Requirements are now A Name Scrawled in Blood 5, Fearsome Duellist 2, Wounds <3, Running battle 5, Black Ribbon 2-5.