@ Chris Gardener:
Either the game instruction or the resets of the option to return to the silken chapel may need amended. It says you will decide a battle between dockers and neddy men, but your 'Veteran of the battle flag is not reset along with the other statuses. I find myself unable to play through the battle since the veteran flag wasn’t erased.

You were victorious in the Painted Ring:
“Game Instructions: This is the fourth tier. You will enter Wolfstack Docks, face a spider-council, and decide a battle between dockers and neddy men.”

Picking the 4th Tier, I was able to defeat the Spider-council and then Feducci took an interest as usual, but no battle of the docks was forthcoming. Presumably locked out by having done it once before, despite the other content having been done once before now being playable again.

Thanks for the updates! Keep 'em coming. :)

I too am unable to replay the battle, though resetting to the lowest option took away my quality for whom I favored.

After you join the black ribbon, who and how many times do you have to fight its members before being able to proceed to the next level? It has been a while since I did this part of the story, and I don’t remember what step came next.

You are quite correct, I’d missed that completely, thanks!

Once you get to Fearsome Duellist 5 you will get an auto story that opens the next level.

As you fight the Black Ribbon your Fearsome Duellist quality increases, each opponent has a different cap so be careful not to waste your progress by fighting somebody at a low level. Mr Inch will take you to 4; Father Norton to 3 and Colonel Pomeroy to 2. As you need to get it to 5 to move onto the next step you will need to face Chi Lan or Feducci who only appear when it gets to 4.

Am I crazy, or is there a fate option in the “investigating mask” that redeemed the disgraced rattus faber chief and handed you a chief at full stats?

I’m not entirely sure whether you are crazy or not, but as far as I know his suicide mission can either get him killed, which opens a fate-locked option to revive him on “Rat Melancholy” card just as disgraced as before, or (as wiki says) he can (quite rarely) successfully clean his name, prove his supreme awesomeness and return his status of full-fledged Chief.

Okay, then I feel better about resetting my dangerous progress.

Once I’d clicked through and lost things, I briefly paniced and thought I’d lost the most important rat…

I wonder if the fate-locked branch to revive him still shows up if he manage to clear his name, since the only thing that lock the branch is not having a disgraced chief.

I just talked to Mr. Inch to start the Labyrinth storyline but I don’t seem able to do anything. The only storylets there right now are global K&C ones. I think the reset completely removed my navigating coil quality rather than resetting it to the entrance so I can’t go anywhere now.

I just hit Mr Inch as well, but my navigating quality is on Level 2. It’s been awhile since I’ve been there though so I don’t remember if I was previously elsewhere.

I was left in Level 2 with very little to do and no way to navigate the labyrinth. When I got my Procurer of Beasts to 5 I got A letter from Mr Inch and an invitation to the Labyrinth. So can now move around the Labyrinth again. I’m back in the first coil and need to find the Tiger Keeper now to open up the stories again.
edited by reveurciel on 9/25/2015

[color=#ff9900]A reminder to send us a support request at if you hit a bug. This stuff can be very fiddly, and we need to be able to look at your character’s qualities to diagnose what’s happening.[/color]

Mine wasn’t a bug as I chose to start from the beginning of the Tracker. My alts who decided to stay where they were didn’t lose access to the storylets in the Labyrinth. So, I think that resetting to an earlier place on the Tracker just left you where you were in the Labyrinth, if you already had met the Tiger Keeper and progressed through the coils.

What’s the trigger to move on from the Black Ribbon duels? Since resetting back to the start, I’ve won three or four duels (including a couple against Mr. Inch and one against Vedrick) and my “Dueling with the Black Ribbon” quality is 6. Do I need to beat Li Chan or Feducci to move on? Or is there another trigger I missed? I’d forgotten what a grind it is to keep cranking up Running Battle… not sure I made the right call restarting but may as well push on through!

You need to fight enough duels to get to &quotA Fearsome Duellist 5 - Feared - you have proven yourself to the Black Ribbon!&quot I think you need to fight either Li Chan or Feducci to get it that high as fighting the others are capped at a lower level.

[color=#ff9900]We’ve just done a tidy-up on the Black Ribbon section of the Dangerous content, localising some functions onto master cards, adding helpful text and improving some quality change messages. Hopefully this should save some real estate on the screen, and make your objectives and progression clearer.[/color]
[color=#ff9900]If it works ok we may do something similar on the Acquiring Exhibits section with Mr Inch, too.[/color]

It looks great and much cleaner! I wondered what was going on when I noticed the managing wounds option was also appearing under the dueling storylet needing a Key of Dreams.

I have two suggestions though. Firstly, with the restructuring it’s no longer as clear to new players that most duelists can be fought non-lethally as well, so a note to that effect on the top level of choosing an opponent would be helpful. Secondly, the link from the dueling storylet to the choosing an opponent storylet is locked without Running Battle 5, but the choosing opponent storylet can be accessed from Wolfstack without any Running Battle requirement. Perhaps remove the requirement from the link but with a note that everything requires Running Battle 5+?
edited by Optimatum on 9/25/2015

Very nice restructuring, neatness is appreciated!

When I navigate into &quotDuel Feducci&quot from the &quotChallenge a Black Ribbon Duellist&quot page, however, the entire segment is blank. I presume this is because it is hidden when <15 Running Battle. Surely it should show up but be locked until 15 is reached? I’m at RB 14 and I’ve already ‘killed’ Feducci once already, prior to this tidy-up.

Keep up the good work!

edited by Shalinoth on 9/25/2015