Light Fingers Finale

I married my nightmare husband and saved my baby and made nice with the biggest fingerking of all time! And the sisters are singing in London and Hephaesta’s going to be ok and Dr Vaughn might see her husband again! It’s such a sweet and happy ending! There’s bittersweetness to it, things that might have turned out better- the burning of the love stories, the rubbery men don’t get a way back to the high wilderness in this telling, but even the happiest stories end that way, even if they don’t always tell you they do. This was so wonderful! Thank you. ^_^

Excellent. The hybrid is on the ceiling, plotting its vengeance against Mr Fires as the Moon-miser king. Dr Vaughan’s up there too. The boil of calamities’ egg got stabbed.

Most excellent. The Masters and the Fingerkings will all get what’s coming to 'em.

[quote=Amalgamate]Excellent. The hybrid is on the ceiling, plotting its vengeance against Mr Fires as the Moon-miser king. Dr Vaughan’s up there too. The boil of calamities’ egg got stabbed.

Most excellent. The Masters and the Fingerkings will all get what’s coming to 'em.[/quote]

Just curious, did your miser-child differ in it’s end reward description and stats from Gul’s? Was checking the wiki for the end of Light Fingers and seemingly there aren’t alternate rewards

There are two points where you make a decision that results in a significant reward.

The first is where you become a cat or a snake. You may end up with a clothing item or an Affiliation. The second is the fate of the Hybrid, to give to Mr Fires or to smuggle to the ceiling. You may end up with a Companion or a Home Comfort.

There are also several permanent story qualities, whose effect is unknown. They may affect the monthly reward text. Hard to tell.

The way you raise the moon-miser child doesn’t affect the companion you get, but it does affect the final ending text of the ambition. In that it changes the vision of the future you get- a more human child does one thing, a more alien child does another.

I have reach Ambition: Light Finger 372 and let me just say

I will kill Poor Edward. I will kill him, and every one of his lackey if he has harmed ONE HAIR OF MY CHILD. I WILL STRANGLE HIM WITH HIS OWN GUTS.

I got the monthly Ambition reward after obtaining the kitten-sized diamond from the Mountain of Light:

It’s a reduction in wounds, a primeval hint, and 4 Confident Smiles

poor Edward is dead, perhaps I should have spared him perhaps my child should have decided, but the child would have been merciful. My only regret is I couldn’t have made him suffer more in his death

What an incredible ride! Thoroughly gripping the whole way through. My character got to grow and change over this process in ways I didn’t expect. She surprised me by getting angry and going after Poor Edward when otherwise she wouldn’t have bothered, and cared about her new friends enough to let the hybrid go to the roof (and yeah okay, also to stick it to a Master just a little – budding revolutionary perhaps?) I just couldn’t get her to choose the diamond, whatever its size. She absolutely would have chosen differently at the start. The Light Fingers journey got her to care, and that my friends, is the sign of a great story.

has anyone been able to find clara or vaughnagan after the fact? I’ve had a cursory look but they don’t seem to be at mahogany or the university

No, haven’t seen them yet.

Unsurprisingly for me and Vaughan since she went up to the ceiling in my ending. I do get the haunting by Edward but that’s it.

[quote=The Curious Watcher]I got the monthly Ambition reward after obtaining the kitten-sized diamond from the Mountain of Light:

It’s a reduction in wounds, a primeval hint, and 4 Confident Smiles[/quote]
I just got the reward for sending the Hybrid to the ceiling.

Nightmares reduction, Searing Enigma, a handful of Making Waves, 2 Lessons Learned, and 2 other Second Chances (forget which type). And an Airs of London roll, for whatever that’s worth.

This ending is so melancholy. I’m glad I will keep being reminded of it. I know you’re there, little moon-dude. I hope you can see me waving.

Wow! Gotta say-those monthlies are way more elaborate than the ones I saw for Nemesis and Bag a Legend. I don’t regret which Ambition I picked, but after reading through everyone’s journals I think after how attached a lot of people got to their kid/how much everyone gave up for their magnificent divine diamond it’s very fitting you guys got a meatier description of your relationship with your treasure.

At this point, Fires and Iron keep reminding me that they love slavery with extra steps. After Light Fingers, Mr Fires just skips the extra steps out of spite. Still one of my favorite Masters to deal with.

The insights from Light Fingers on the character of Mr Fires was certainly on my mind while I was playing the most recent ES. Maybe (probably) I would have made the same decisions in the end, but I made them much more decisively now.

[color=#000000]'Tis done.[/color]

I think this might be my favourite ambition, story-wise. It was always very different from Nemesis or Bag a Legend, and stayed different to the end. The writing was absolutely delicious.

I am very pleased with all my final outcomes - so pleased I haven’t even looked at the other possible paths and rewards yet. I’m not sure whether this is pure luck or awesome game-design on FB’s part (or a combination of the two), but my characters’ professions turned out to be extremely well-suited to their ambitions’ respective rewards: the Licentiate got the Kataleptic Toxicology bonus, the Midnighter the Player of Chess bonus and the Crooked-Cross got Mithridacy and Shapeling Arts!

As someone who’s been around for an awful long time, concluding these Ambitions feels somehow incredible, and difficult to put into words. A huge thank-you to Failbetter for all those delicious words! :)

Now, I’ll have to play Heart’s Desire at some point… :D

(And yeah, that quote on Deepdelver’s profile about the &quotpart of darkness that gave birth to light&quot?
I picked that years ago… :: )

I am the point were I’m mounting an assault. However…

I don’t trust Mr Fire. I rejected is offer the first time. Now, I need Frank and Japer’s their help to defeat Poor Edward. I guess I will have to be careful, so that they don’t stab me in the back

Finally got around to completing this ambition, and holy heck, that was incredible. I don’t know if Failbetter has been looking at my character’s specific story for the perfect difficult choices, but it sure felt that way.

[spoiler]When the hybrid was born, my character really took it upon himself to become its father. Ignacious has been through a lot of experiences with the shapeling arts, and is by this point not entirely human either, but the hybrid is on an entirely different level, a beautiful testament to the wonders that can only happen in the Neath.

No diamond could have persuaded him to give up the hybrid… Except a diamond cut from the Mountain of Light. The Mountain is deeply important to him. It was drinking its blood that led to the defining moment of his character, and it is his fate to take its light.

It was tempting, it was a very hard choice in-character for him, but in the end he helped the hybrid escape to the ceiling. The ending I got is the perfect culmination to Ignacious’s character arc; an arc that started with drinking the mountain’s blood and losing his face and ends with fathering a future king of shapelings.

Returning the Rubbery Men to the sky with my zeppelin, saving the love stories from Mr. Fires and orchestrating the cracking of the parabolan sun in a big &quotf you&quot to the fingerkings (That was metal btw) are all just icing on the cake of a perfect character journey. I couldn’t have written it better myself.

I too, have now reached the end of the ambition

I said it before, I will say it again. The real treasure were the friends we mad along the way. Clara, Dr Vaughan (for me now back with her husband for good), Hephaesta, The Music-hall Singer (for me now back on the surface), and of course, the half-miser, Clara’s and to a lesser extant my children, that I have safely evacuated to the roof. I fed them the fruit, and so it talked back to me. I never promised to give the children to Mr Fire, in fact I swore to kill him right to his face, and now all of his scheme were for nothing. They got and they will have what they deserve. I let Clara kill Mr Edward, she was the one who deserved to do so, and I allied myself with cats, to attack the fingerkings. It was exciting, sad, scary, and bittersweet. The last paragraph of the ambition spoke about true love, and somehow, I think that’s what it was all about. Always, even from the start. I never got that diamond. In the end, I realized I was never looking for a diamond.

Quick question fellow tasty friends, is there any point/benefit/additional insight to, after POOR EDWARD TOOK MY CHILD THE BASTARD in visiting one of the two possible factions you can align yourself with then backing away from them, THEN striking a deal with the other?