Light Fingers Finale

[color=#0066ff]You heard of a diamond &quotthe size of a cow&quot. Even if it’s only the size of, say, a pig, or even a kitten, it’s worth your time.[/color]
[color=#0066ff]For those of you who’ve been waiting: the finale to Light Fingers begins today. Good luck.[/color]
[color=#0066ff](I did have an early release code as with the others, but forgot to share it here; I’m sorry for that.)[/color]

The banner image for… some location… appears to not be loading correctly. My browser is saying a 404 error for “undefined.png.” Given everything else, I’d say I’m around 80% confident that’s the wrong file name.

oooooooooooooooooooooooooh baby

Gifts from a Secret Admirer 2

Of all the things that couldn’t possibly go terribly wrong, this couldn’t possibly go the terribly wrong-est.

Aw man, now I wish I’d checked the forum before burning up all 40 actions… (edit: or noticed that the (re)starting storylet is available everywhere, not just lodgings)

Well, at least now I have the thrill of anticipation for once the candles refill. I canna wait.
edited by Tintinnabulum on 3/31/2020
edited by Tintinnabulum on 3/31/2020

I am sooo excited. As I said elsewhere, I’m more interested in helping my friends then getting the diamond

which doesn’t exist anyway.

I feel like I missed a step in the story. I get back to London, and suddenly I’m gathering honey for a Glassman I’ve not yet been introduced to?

This is the echo right before you return to London: Fallen London

I guess Glassmen are just kinda presumed to be available for hire? Dr. Vaughn seems to assume you know at least know what one is.

To be fair, at this point of the story your character is probably pretty advanced. A decent number of characters may actually be glassmen themselves. Still, not everyone is aware of all the professions.

I’m a little curious if the Tiger was actually an option or not, I didn’t check the Labyrinth.

hmmm didn’t even need the dreams, mores the pity

Dr. Vaughan is low-key the most tragic character in the Neath.

Comedy ending thoughts: You do somehow wrap around to getting your hands on the cow-sized diamond. Problem: Nobody has enough money to buy it and nobody wants to risk cutting it, so you are stuck with what is effectively a very large rock.

[quote=PSGarak]Gifts from a Secret Admirer 2

Of all the things that couldn’t possibly go terribly wrong, this couldn’t possibly go the terribly wrong-est.[/quote]

Yeah, it’s something that I thought could happen based on what happened in the last meeting, but I took a look at your journal and saw the extent of mad love itself.

I immediately chucked all three gifts into the Stolen River; my heartless and evil Ravenous Wanderer has no time to waste with yanderes.


So this is why he never put in an Appearance the last two Feasts…he was grinding his way through the prelims for the Wedding Non-Repeatable Story!
edited by Deathjack999 on 4/1/2020

On the one hand, of course not!

On the other hand, perhaps this is an excellent chance to pull a fast one over on a Master. This Ambition is for people with criminal aspirations, so some light marriage fraud really should be on-point.

On the other, other hand (thank you Parabola!), I just spent twenty actions and several hundred echoes hiring gratuitous amounts of thugs and Clay Men. I’m going to be a little salty if that investment doesn’t result in even a single person getting punched in the face very, very hard.

So this is why he never put in an Appearance the last two Feasts…he was grinding his way through the prelims for the Wedding Non-Repeatable Story!
edited by Deathjack999 on 4/1/2020[/quote]

The only reason I accepted was because (a) this character is molded to be the most evil, irredeemable villain I can ever concoct and they deserve to suffer and (b) this is my only &quotsingle&quot alt so it wouldn’t be out-of-character to agree to such a proposal.

I am terrified if one of the rewards actually has it as a potential &quotCompanion.&quot Easily more frightening than going North, more fatal than getting slaughtered by the Vake, and more lethal than ingesting an entire vial of Cardinal’s Honey without the antidote.

No diamond is worth this.
edited by The Curious Watcher on 4/1/2020

So this is why he never put in an Appearance the last two Feasts…he was grinding his way through the prelims for the Wedding Non-Repeatable Story!
edited by Deathjack999 on 4/1/2020[/quote]

The only reason I accepted was because (a) this character is molded to be the most evil, irredeemable villain I can ever concoct and they deserve to suffer and (b) this is my only &quotsingle&quot alt so it wouldn’t be out-of-character to agree to such a proposal.

I am terrified if one of the rewards actually has it as a potential &quotCompanion.&quot Easily more frightening than going North, more fatal than getting slaughtered by the Vake, and more lethal than ingesting an entire vial of Cardinal’s Honey without the antidote.

No diamond is worth this.
edited by The Curious Watcher on 4/1/2020[/quote]
Forget companion, what about spouse? :D

Forget companion, what about spouse? :D[/quote]
I am deeply concerned that this is a realistic possibility for the final reward choice.

Forget companion, what about spouse? :D[/quote]
I am deeply concerned that this is a realistic possibility for the final reward choice.[/quote]

This is it. This is my punishment for doing evil and terrible things during my time in the Neath.

I guess I deserve this and yet…
Nobody deserves this.

May Hell have mercy on our souls, because the Judgements surely don’t.
edited by The Curious Watcher on 4/2/2020

I just got to this part as well. Yeah, I read the part about having to get the help of a Glassman before I returned to London, but it does feel like something is missing here. It goes from checking out your Lodgings to suddenly referencing &quotthe Glassman&quot, &quotyour Obliging Glassman&quot without any introduction.