Light Fingers Finale

I think the requirement for The Hookman House Caper have changed. I now need 50 Laudanum and a Night-Trimmed Frock Coat. Do we know why they changed it?

I don’t know why they changed that.
The changed ended up costing me ~230 echoes.

Is it currently possible to return to Parabola after completing the Hookman House caper? I’m not seeing a storylet for it at my lodgings.
edited by sivartis on 4/8/2020

It’s at the Honey Dens in Veilgarden. Each trip will cost you 100 drops of Honey.

It’s at the Honey Dens in Veilgarden. Each trip will cost you 100 drops of Honey.[/quote]

Got it, thank you.

[quote=Quidam]I think the requirement for The Hookman House Caper have changed. I now need 50 Laudanum and a Night-Trimmed Frock Coat. Do we know why they changed it?[/quote] Spent a couple of days grinding to collect the stuff and now I need different stuff. Humpf!

When the player character is in the Skin of the Sun, it costs a total of six actions to return to London - not five. This action itself costs 1 action point.

This is in contrary to the game instructions for returning to the memories of the Skin of the Sun.
edited by Rostygold on 4/8/2020

so uh jasper and frank have… expensive tastes to say the least, to that end whats the best way to get ostentatious dimonds and sapphires, in large quantities?
edited by the old man on 4/9/2020
edited by the old man on 4/9/2020

You can buy them for pretty cheap at the Bazaar Side Streets

yeah that’s what I’m currently doing, its just god its a lot of actions

So far I’ve loved what has been going on in Light Fingers, the Roof and the Song truly gave me shivers, even on a hot day like this!

But, I have established a Defence 3 Base Camp in Parabola already, and I am a Glassman myself, yet I still need to hire and supply another Glassman to scout for a good spot for a Camp-spot? (Light Fingers 206)

Anybody else feels like this is a bit… excessive, after all I already have a Glassman (myself) and a Camp.

[quote=Honeyaddict]So far I’ve loved what has been going on in Light Fingers, the Roof and the Song truly gave me shivers, even on a hot day like this!

But, I have established a Defence 3 Base Camp in Parabola already, and I am a Glassman myself, yet I still need to hire and supply another Glassman to scout for a good spot for a Camp-spot? (Light Fingers 206)

Anybody else feels like this is a bit… excessive, after all I already have a Glassman (myself) and a Camp.[/quote]This seems like a bug from LF being released before the Base-Camp update. While Failbetter is on a long weekend at the moment, it’d be good to send in a support ticket about this.

Could anyone share refusing Mr.Fires offer option ? Curious how that would end.

I did! Here’s the echo:

so the requirement for bribing jasper and frank changed, I spent two days and 10000 cryptic clues for nothing

so I chose to call fires the scorge of London'_Ultimatum_2 can anyone give me a link to the other options?

I pestered him for more infos Fallen London

In regards to the the text that you get for providing the hybrid with a fruit of a Parabolan tree (which, by the way is a non-repeatable action which gets you a unique Story quality), you can see it here: Fallen London

The echo is one thing. But the description for that item quality is… something.

Next to life, our death, the tree of knowledge… knowledge of good bought dear by knowing ill.

I am much more scared of that tree than I was before. I thought it was just a funny Parabola thing. Maybe it still is. I hope so.

Anybody reached hybrid humanity 10 ?
edited by Chronos on 4/19/2020