July Exceptional Story: The Chimney Pot Wars

For some reason, taking a respite doesn’t consume an action (though it displays as a regular one-action option) but then the actions in the branch past it consume two actions.

I would like a PM as well as to the item reward. Perhaps someone should just post it in a spoiler instead of everyone needing messages…
edited by Optimatum on 6/30/2016

Anything unique for any of these choices?

[spoiler]Pros -
*Very interesting story overall, and without going over the top - it was large enough to be immersive, with little/no narrative filler.
*Enjoyed interacting with all the different urchin gangs and seeing the different qualities they exhibited.
*Loved the hints towards the Starved Men above London, near the end of the story.

Cons -
*There were too many fiddly qualities to keep track of. Way too many. The practical effects of this luckily were not too bad, but I could see how close this story was to being an overly-complex mess.
*Y U NO GIB URCHIN COMPANION AS REWARD! Srsly doh, you had an urchin gang for each attribute with excellent artwork. We need more Marsh-Mansions, and less &quotPseudo-Cash&quot rewards. If you have to cut some of the fiddly qualities to do that, then all the better.[/spoiler]

Overall this was a very Exceptional Story, with a few minor sticking points. Good work!
edited by The Stranger Man on 6/30/2016
edited by The Stranger Man on 6/30/2016

I’ve reached the ending and I’m stuck on what to chose, are any of the rewards they give you unique or valuable in any way? If not, does the bad end do anything towards a certain quality?

Final question. What exactly is Fierce as monkeys?

As far as I’m aware, all the potential rewards are rare, but not unique or staggeringly valuable. And, equipping Fierce urchin-gangs means that when you attack another gang, their Morale will drop by more.

I seem to be stuck.


I got the thing from the roof and defeated everyone except the Fisher-Kings. But then the Fisher-Kings disappeared from Ladybones road. I wandered around the city a bit looking for them, but no, they’re really gone. So I went back to my lodgings to try to reduce their morale through the Back at Headquarters thing. I got my plan of attack up to 10, and I reduced the Fisher-Kings’ morale to 0. But I still can’t find a way to end this story.[

Update: Nevermind, I found them in Veilgarden. They’re the fancy urchins, apparently. [/spoiler]
edited by Lamia Lawless on 6/30/2016

This is a really tough choice, I favor both the Bazaar and Storm. Picking between the two is difficult.

I only saw vague references to Storm in the story. Did I miss a more involved explanation, or is there more information about Storm elsewhere? I haven’t followed many Urchin centered plot lines yet.

The two best places to learn about Storm are Sunless Sea and the What The Thunder Said dreams. Even then, Storm is rather mysterious.

I loved the story. rewards were definitely lackluster considering you can’t get a special urchin companion which this was just screaming to have as a reward, but the story was a lot better than last month’s, imo. 4/5, would be 5/5 if the rewards were interesting.

“]An expanded opportunity deck: of ten cards instead of six!”

Might want to get that stray piece of typography before it slithers off somewhere to breed.

Anyone know what the different rewards are from each ending? I don’t want to choose until I know all the options.

Oh lord, choices with no middle ground. My only weakness. Knowing the rewards could really help. Also, does anyone know of a good reason to side with any particular group?

You can have a truce with every gang at once; there’s no reason mechanically to avoid any of them.

By &quotside&quot, I’m referring to the ending and who I should favor over the others. There are options that don’t hold one particular gang above the rest but, well, none of those really end well for the adorable little troublemakers.

I’m leaning more towards the Bazaar at this point, but then again I don’t want to get the urchins in trouble with their boss. Or maybe that’d be an improvement in leadership. Ugh, decisions decisions decisions…

I linked to the echo concerning the Seeking ending in my first post in the thread. It’s behind the spoiler cut, on the first page about 2-3 up from the bottom. ;P

i have just a small question about the last choice

did anyone went with the knotted sock in their end? if so, can you tell me what rewards did you get? i did, and all i got was a bit of urchin connections and one whisper-satin scrap, as far as i remember, which seems a bit odd as a reward, from both the value and the story standpoint.

[quote=plasmid]i have just a small question about the last choice

did anyone went with the knotted sock in their end? if so, can you tell me what rewards did you get? i did, and all i got was a bit of urchin connections and one whisper-satin scrap, as far as i remember, which seems a bit odd as a reward, from both the value and the story standpoint.

You get a scrap, yes, but at the top of the results it show that you get a Night-Whisper.

I went with the Regiment and got

a single penny and some other cheap thing, alongside the Night-Whisper.

Could I get a PM with the “rewards” of the Seeking choice? I know its wrong, but I hunger so…