Jan ES: The Twelve-Fifteen from Moloch Street

  1. Nothing I have noticed.

I did not read the requirements specifically enough, so the train made it on time -even though Iā€™d sabotaged the engine three times- because I spent one more turn exploring rather than leaving.

Like, I had the option to leave, and be late. But I waited. And therefore could only be on time.

I really, really want to have delayed the train, and hope there will be a option to reset this story with fate :(
edited by DeserterKalak on 12/29/2016

Also, this story is so atmospheric and utterly chilling. The slow build of menace is terrific. No wonder FBG have been saving Moloch Station in a back pocketā€¦
edited by DeserterKalak on 12/29/2016

[quote=DeserterKalak]I really, really want to have delayed the train, and hope there will be a option to reset this story with fate :(
edited by DeserterKalak on 12/29/2016[/quote]

As do I. I am looking forward to playing the whole season over again so that I can experience alternate endings.

A wonderful story, I enjoyed the trip. Though the lack of choice in the mysteryā€™s resolution was moderately disappointing.

For those wishing to see what happened in hell or how the descent went, I have both echoed in my journal

edited by surreyjack on 12/30/2016

What is up with the commission?

Both options in the study seem to have the same information. I wasted about 4 actions clicking because I thought they must have reordered and I clicked the same one again. I realized that one had some additional information but since they were both labeled &quotThe price&quot - once you clicked on it, it was confusing at first. So what is the point of there being two?

Iā€™m glad that wasnā€™t just me. I thought Iā€™d just hit the wrong one twice.

I really enjoyed playing through this and having the chance to make decisions about my fellow passengers. Very creepy and old school mysterious! I am really looking forward to the next chapter!

[quote=Mr. Sails]Err, so is the interaction when entering that place bugged? I believe I gained something like 30+ levels shadowy, bringing me up to a slick 138

Also, any thoughts about the relevance of the greek imagery when descending, especially so Dionysusā€™ Thyrsus and Zeuzā€™s adamantium throne? Mentions of fallen princesses also point in the direction of our dear Traitor Empress Victoria
edited by Cantankerous Captain on 12/29/2016[/quote]

I find that especially intriguing in light of a certain Bloody-Handed Queen which can be rescued from a Destiny based the chess dreams. Except, Iā€™m not sure if this is her when upon descending, she recognises you as not one of her own.

Iā€™m more alarmed at the fact that Hell can apparently smith Law. Also, in light of what process earthly bees are involved in to collect honey I find the idea that Devils feed on the red honey-distilled SELFHOOD convincing.

Either way, between this, the Museum and a certain encounter in the Sunless Sea Iā€™m beginning to see the Liberation of Night, like many revolutions, is just another proxy war that uses ideology to advance the hand of greater powers.[/li][li]
edited by Hattington on 12/30/2016[/li][li]
edited by Hattington on 12/30/2016

Oh this was absolutely delightful. Exceptionally well-written, very atmospheric, and with a lot of memorable moments and and great mystery to solve. I am ecstatic.

I especially enjoyed the little emergency stop in Henlys. I loved the mystery surrounding the Piper, now that is one of Hellā€™s princesses I would most definitely like to see more of.

So far this has easily been my faovurite season, I can barely wait for the final story and then the thrilling conclusion.

Iā€™m rather annoyed by the fact that owing to a lack of clarity of the exact qualities needed and what action advanced each one that I not only missed the chance to sabotage the train, but also missed the chance to descend as well. And now I can never go back.[li]

It really ruined my immersion into a story I was enjoying quite immensely, unfortunately. Hopefully it can be accessed again in futureā€¦

It seems nothing comes of Descending at all. I do wish I could have sabotaged instead, that would have been much more satisfying.

Someone talk to me about the negotiations? Maybe even in PM. Iā€™m curious where this will go, and my character is pro-hell.

[li]I admit to being confused by people getting such different results during the emergency stop, because in my playthrough, I had plenty of time to do everything. I sabatoged the train 3 times, talked to everybody, sabatoged it one more time to use up an extra action, and then Descended. I wonder how we all ended up with such different results.



I went into Hell. It was fun. We had tea, it had weird honey on it.

It didnā€™t increase my hellfarer though. 7/10, would recommend with caveats.

I felt the same way, this was a great story that I thoroughly enjoyed. At the end I took the plunge and went through the gates of Hell, and was very pleasantly surprised with the results. I was expecting to end up paying for the experience rather than the other way around!

[quote=Kukapetal][li]I admit to being confused by people getting such different results during the emergency stop, because in my playthrough, I had plenty of time to do everything. I sabatoged the train 3 times, talked to everybody, sabatoged it one more time to use up an extra action, and then Descended. I wonder how we all ended up with such different results.


It is because sabotaging it result requires EXACTLY 5 repair progress, 3 Sabotage progress and no more than 7 Drum progress. Descend will be locked if repair progress goes above a certain number, forget which.

In my instance, owing to the fact I wanted to see every exploring flavour storylet before I let the sabotaged train go, I ended up accumulating one too many repair points, and then locked myself out of Descend by misunderstanding what had happened, trying to accumulate more repair points thinking Sabotage needed them built up moreā€¦and then basically locking myself into the most boring option of the train leaving on time.

In addition to this, when I took up the Emissaryā€™s generous invitation, I received the rather irritating and confusing message that my Shadowy stat could not increase past 114, as it was higher than 137. I hope that this is a bug and I did not just miss out on 23 levels of increase on said statā€¦

All in all a story I wouldā€™ve absolutely loved were it not for the confusing, harshly limiting nature of the emergency stop and the impact that had on the rest of it.
edited by Indigo Clardmond on 12/30/2016

This was a highly enjoyable Exceptional Story, with some spooky yet amazing lore and implications for the setting! Itā€™s so good Iā€™m actually kinda sad itā€™s locked behind the Fate-Gate, but itā€™s kinda like Sunless Sea I guess - you have to pay money to get the text of Sunless Sea that adds to the lore of Fallen London, and there are ways for people to reveal it.

The imagery and little details were great. One in particular I havenā€™t seen people bring up is the imagery of the Conductor whistling a tune where &quotthe melody suggests a saxophone ought to be involved&quot. Beautiful reference to the devilā€™s aesthetic being loosely thirty years in the future or so. Its the little things that really round out the Big Imagery and Literary References in my opinion and that keeps it from getting a little too abstract and impressionist.
edited by Hotshot Blackburn on 12/30/2016

I really enjoyed this story. I think itā€™s probably one of my all-time favorites. It was really well written, the rhythm was excellent and the setting extremely interesting.

That said, I deplore a bit its linearity. I think this monthā€™s author wrote it as a single fiction, instead of the branching stories we are used to in FL, and its adaptation was only an afterthought. I first noticed it when some excerpts were felt &quotout of order&quot, not remembering events that already happened order the way I chose to play them. The conclusion of the murder was also a bit of a letdown, I would have like to take a jab at finding the culprit myself and had already happily prepared a full page of notes (by the way, why does the contract reference its servantS when there is only the Nervous Hawker? That got me pretty confused as I had momentarily concluded that the Louche Bohemian also had to be a servant of his). But comparing with a friend, I feel that the choice of not sabotaging the train is there more as an illusion than as a real choice. It brings no content, and instead rushed past other interesting content. Even worse, I felt that the sabotage that didnā€™t occur was referenced in the following snippets. I would have liked to see an epilogue similar to the sabotage ending, where weā€™d learn the pain the poor souls will have to go through when entering Hell. This would have given weight to the &quotevil&quot decision of not sabotaging the train and leading everybody to their planned doom instead of the &quotbusiness as usual, nothing to see&quot ending I felt I got.