Happy Ratmas!

I didn’t think lighting it would have consumed it! If i’d known I wouldn’t have done it. It’s so hard to tell, with candles in the Neath, exactly if they burn out or not.

Alexis, I think you sent me two rats on accident. :P

Also, aaaaaaaaa! I am very, very afraid. Thankful! And I do love being a part of these things. But afraid.[li]
edited by Laluzi on 12/7/2013

Does composing a song about ratmas count? Oh well, Rats of Glory seem to be more menacing than anything else anyway :(

i’m slightly confused by the description text. it says it &quotmay come awake at any time&quot and steal our stuff…do you think that means it will spontaneously wake up and steal everything? or only if we do some action with it?[li]
because my watchful isn’t NEARLY high enough to make me feel comfortable lighting the thing but i’d rather take that risk than logging on one day and all my luminosity is gone (at least i don’t have any saint’s candles at risk)[/li][li]
edited by reedybeanz on 12/8/2013

On the one hand, I’m terribly curious. On the other, I’m filled with dread what might happen if I click “Accept”

Update: Oh dear lord, this item… I’m not sure which option is more terrifying, trying to use it/pass it on, or trying to safely dispose of it.

I’m going to hug mine while I sleep. If it wakes, I’ll hug it tighter.

Polly now has TWO armies of rats. FLY, MY PRETTIES

[color=#009900]You appear to have a whole family of Mercers and I may have got confused. Give one to the deserving poor.[/color][li]

>spontaneously wake up and steal everything?

[color=#009900]Potentially! If in doubt, give it to the Scuttering Squad.[/color]

Sorrow! I have missed the glorious gift of lighted rats. Pray tell, what do these wonders do?

[color=#009900]You appear to have a whole family of Mercers and I may have got confused. Give one to the deserving poor. [/quote]
Aha, sorry about that. It’s only Alex and Dana, though - the rest of my alts are unrelated and occasionally very silly. Rest assured I’m failing the one you gave me on my alt for SCIENCE!, and the other - hey, Alexander Feld, want a Rat of Glory? =P

Anyway, I love how rats have become A Thing here. This is just wonderful. Still pretty terrifying, but wonderful.[li]
edited by Laluzi on 12/8/2013

Alexis next time ratmas happens while I’m at Zee you should have some scientific notes so I can at least send you ratty poetry or somesuch with the Share Your Research card. Those messenger bats are just flying rats anyway, right?

Woo! Thanks Alexis. I don’t know who pleaded on my behalf (they haven’t identified themselves to me!) but thanks to them as well.

Of course if I lose my candles these thanks will quickly turn to curses. >:|

…I’ll consider taking up the offer once I see what it does to the rest of you. And when I’m back in London, of course.

Yeah… actually, you might not want one, especially not in your current state. Perhaps I should gift it to a non-Seeker. The person who got me into this site - I may or may not have coerced her into sending some rats. Perhaps she’d like it. Although she does express constant ‘why would you do that’ at my antics.[li]
edited by Laluzi on 12/8/2013

Am deeply saddened that a mere rat-themed message to Alexis did not merit a rat. Curse the fact that I didn’t bank the Lofty Square card!

Honestly, what a lovely picture! It’s a very thoughtful thing. Failbetter’s engagement with its community is laudable as ever!
edited by ashdenej on 12/8/2013

Laudable, but also terrifying. Not laudably terrifying, but maybe terrifyingly laudable.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sleeper agent D:

I just wanted enigmas D:

I was tardy, so sent my allotted sack to Chris. This isn’t about the narrowly escaped candle-thieving rodent ; it’s the spirit of the thing.
edited by Flyte on 12/8/2013

It turns out that whining pays off! (Edit: don’t do this. Don’t whine.) Now to see if I’ll retain the Rat after it activates. If so, then I have no problem with keeping it around the house.

I guess that wouldn’t make logical sense??? But I just really want to have this adorable candle-rat forever.
edited by ashdenej on 12/8/2013

[/li][li][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Nag dab it, Alexis! My hoarder instincts dictate I hold on to the Glorious Rat, yet if I do my Ray-Drenched Cinder is at risk![/color][/li][li]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Truly, Fallen London offers the best moral choices out of any game released since they became a thing.[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Green dots are green.[/color]
[li]EDIT: They’re not actually green. This is weird; please help me.[/li][li]
edited by OPG on 12/8/2013