Hallowmas 1896: The Mystery of the Rosers

[quote=Deathjack999]Okay, so, funny story.

I ended up opening the Gate of Midnight…but I forgot that I already had Authority from Last Neathmas, so now I can’t get rid of the storylet and the Confession Collection storylet won’t show up.[/quote] The Gates of Midnight storylet will stick around until you clear your Possible Future, which should happen on its own at the end of the Festival (assuming you don’t want to repick your Destiny). It’s a bit clunky that it doesn’t contain a &quotI’ve changed my mind&quot option to clear any Possible Futures (I’ve got it lingering around too because I like getting the €2.50 off the Visitors card).
Regarding the Confessions Collection stoylet, there’s no new Confession today (only weekdays) so if you collected yesterday’s it’s not going to appear until Monday.

Right now I’m just hoarding Confession until I can figure out what I want.

A little help regarding that: how many Confessions do we need to hit Contrarian’s Favour 60?

And how many Confessions to finish both the Princess’ and the Duchess’ investigations? Do we know yet?

[quote=Raihan]A little help regarding that: how many Confessions do we need to hit Contrarian’s Favour 60?


Yo need 10 Confession. 1=6 Favour

So. I’ve gotten the Scuttering Scoundrels and the Very Lenient Judge. I still absolutely want the Contrarian’s lessons, and on top of that, whatever else I can wring out of this Hallowmas. I need some help working this out, though.

Between the bugs and bonuses I also have 8 confessions left, with… how many more on the way? Seven? I need ten confessions’ worth of mayoral favor to get the weapon, so at the end I should still have a handful of confessions (five?) to spend on something or other. Having upgraded two companions with the Widow, I now also have two of her progress.

Here are some questions I have:

Betrayal needs three progress. Is there any use for progress other than betrayal?

Companion upgrades seem to grant one faction progress each. I would hazard a guess that donating a single confession also grants one. Can anything else get you progress? Does trading confessions for a clue grant any? How about betrayals?

If you betray a faction to another, you apparently gain one confession. If you betray a faction to the mayor, you gain favor. Is the amount of favor gained from that equivalent to the amount gained by giving him one confession? If so, is there any reason to betray a faction to the mayor instead of to another faction?

Currently it seems to me that my best course of action will likely be to get one more of the Widow’s progress somehow or other, then betray her to either the Princess or the Contrarian. Am I missing anything here? Is there any reason not to do this?
edited by Tsar Koschei on 10/27/2018

Trading confession for a clue grant one progress.
Betray a faction for the mayor seems to grant only 2 Favour(found this in a post 2nd page). Betray a faction to another faction grants a confession. 1 confession=6 Favour.

I am not sure about other use of progress

I was hoping that might be the case. So it seems my best bet is to trade for the Widow’s clue before betraying her to the Princess. If I’m not mistaken, that should make it possible for me to get both the mayoral weapon and all 3 clues? 8+7+1 = 16 = 10+2+2+2

It is 7 more we’re all getting, right?

That’s… rubbish. If that’s really the case then it seems like a total oversight on the Devs’ part. Why even have such an obviously inferior option? It basically cheats players out of 4 points of favor.

For my own understanding, the Investigation requires a total of 3 clues? And the Progress for each character is separate from those clues?

Yes, but three progress can be transformed into a confession via betrayal, which can then be put towards a clue.

Well, now I just feel stupid.

Edit: Also now that we have the Arguing Lessons, the only Stat not to get a +20 modifier Item is Shadowy, isn’t it?
edited by Deathjack999 on 10/27/2018

I admit I’m a little confused about the mechanics of this holiday. What is the difference between clues and progress for each of the factions (Princess, Duchess, and Widow)? My understanding is that we trade confessions to get both clues and progress. We then trade clues to the envoy to solve the Rosers mystery. So then… what is the point of progress? How much progress do we need with each faction? Is there a point to maxing out progress with each faction (and is that even possible)? Furthermore, is it better to gain progress by trading confessions, or by upgrading companions?

I love this game and this is my favorite holiday event, but I’m not sure how to proceed and feel a little frustrated. Right now I’m sitting on all my confessions, unsure of what to do.

This is exactly what I was getting at in my posts above. As far as I can tell, progress has no value in itself. It’s just a by-product of acquiring other things, and the only use it has is to be traded in for something useful via betrayal.

If there IS some other use for progress, I don’t see what it could be.

On the 31st when the rest of the holiday opens up and we can take our clues to the Envoy, I’m expecting to see a use for progress at that stage. I’d guess it’ll affect which options you can pick with the Envoy. I think that’s why there were so many posts saying the best thing to do with the holiday is basically nothing except collect Confessions until the 31st.

In need of &quotConfession of Pride&quot.
I have a Confession of Curiosity and Confession of Improprietary to spare.

It certainly would be strange if there was no way to cash it in, but it seems to me that given a choice between having some progress left over and gathering all three clues, I’ll probably want to do the latter. I suppose there’s no harm in waiting, though.
edited by Tsar Koschei on 10/28/2018

Is anyone else not getting the option to get more confessions daily? The only way I can now is by betraying someone & that doesn’t net many confessions. :(

It’ll appear Monday. We only get new confessions on weekdays.

arent we supposed to get a confession once a day? im not getting mine

edit: nvm someone else just answered it!
edited by Bitty on 10/28/2018

So after a few more days of stewing and some counting. I have confirmed that with my messup on the mayor’s favor I will be exactly one confession short from getting the items/companions I really wanted AND I will have forgone all story whatsoever.

I don’t pay the little I can monthly to this site for holidays where I can’t even achieve a third of the possibilities without hitting a paywall. I’m paying for EF because I love fallen london and want to see it grow and this honestly feels like a slap in the face.

At this point I’d almost rather pay to reset all of my progress and confessions in this event…if I could, y’know, afford it. This is the first time I’ve seriously considered canceling my EF, if events continue in this trend I absolutely WILL cancel.

[quote=Lorelai ]So after a few more days of stewing and some counting. I have confirmed that with my messup on the mayor’s favor I will be exactly one confession short from getting the items/companions I really wanted AND I will have forgone all story whatsoever.

I don’t pay the little I can monthly to this site for holidays where I can’t even achieve a third of the possibilities without hitting a paywall. I’m paying for EF because I love fallen london and want to see it grow and this honestly feels like a slap in the face.

At this point I’d almost rather pay to reset all of my progress and confessions in this event…if I could, y’know, afford it. This is the first time I’ve seriously considered canceling my EF, if events continue in this trend I absolutely WILL cancel.[/quote]

Just to check, you have picked up the 5 free confessions as FBG’s way of apology for how the event started, and that still isn’t sufficient for your Hallowmas goals without spending Fate?

If so, then it isn’t terribly fair to threaten cancellation, as you wouldn’t have had sufficient confessions for your goals to begin with if FBG didn’t provide the 5 confessions, and even if you didn’t &quotmisclick&quot asking what the Mayor was up to. That cost you 2 confessions, so you have at least 3 more now (some would have gotten more depending on how the system handled their Aftermath quality; e.g., some have gotten 6 confessions in the first 2 days) than you were supposed to have assuming the event ran as intended.

If I can provide any consolation, remember that upgrading companions does provide progress, and you could potentially recover another confession if you have 3 Progress with any of the competitors. Good luck!
edited by Jack Tumb on 10/29/2018

I won’t cancel for one event when calculations didn’t go as planned on FB’s part, but I do get the frustration.
It is one thing not to like an event (I’m not sure I like the elections, even though I get very involved in them) but this is the first time when we didn’t get a chance to actually play. For endgame players, it felt like a slap.
Even if in the second week the confessions become say, two daily, so we can get on with upgrading and progress and what’s not, we still have nothing to do except collect - and wait. I doubt the aim was to sell more Fate, as this doesn’t seem to be the modus operandi so far, but whatever the reasons for the decision, it doesn’t seem to work.