Hallowmas 1896: The Mystery of the Rosers

A quick announcement about the mechanics of the ending:

[ul][li]You can both choose one of the princesses to solve the mystery of the Rosers and get the ending requiring all six confessions (which is available by trading them in for a clue from each of the princesses). Mechanically, it makes the most sense to choose the Jovial Contrarian, because otherwise you’re operating at a loss of at least 1 confession.

[/li][li]You gain 1 Antique Mystery per clue (so up to 3 Antique Mysteries) when speaking to the Envoy. This is a one-time event and cannot be repeated, even after choosing &quotPerhaps Not&quot to leave the storylet.

[/li][li]You do not lose Progress during the story, and so you can technically betray someone after you’ve solved the mystery.

[/li][li]The text beneath the princesses and the Contrarian change afterwards, each with two possibilities depending on the outcome of the story. This may indicate that Progress can be traded in for rewards at the conclusion of the festival. It may be best to save Progress until the very end just to be sure.

[/li][li]There is not, as far as I’ve discovered, an ending if you raise Progress to 3 for the Duchess, Widow, and Princess. In fact, this locks you out of every available ending until you betray two of them. I’ve not yet tried it with Progress 3 in each and uncovering each of the clues, but based on the prerequisites for the endings, I doubt this will change anything. This is good, in my opinion, since such an ending would have literally taken all 12 originally free confessions, Fate-locking every other reward.[/li][/ul]

After gaining the prerequisites, how exactly does one go about attracting a visitor? I’ve been drawing opportunity cards fairly faithfully, or is that not how things work? Should I be standing by the door and distributing honeycomb and confections?

It’s an opportunity card, but it seems fairly rare this year.
It should be noted that the card can be drawn even without meeting the requirements listed, but you will not be able to choose any of the options on it.

[quote=Monara]It’s an opportunity card, but it seems fairly rare this year.
It should be noted that the card can be drawn even without meeting the requirements listed, but you will not be able to choose any of the options on it.[/quote]
Alright, I’ve still got a few days left to draw it then, thank you!

I got the card “Visitors at Hallowmas” five times untill now. Three of them yesterday. I always take the bundle of odditories, because I like my destiny

Three days of intentional drawing for me, and I haven’t happened across it yet. But it’s reassuring if other people are having better luck, and hopefully persistence will pay off soon.

I lost track of how many confessions we’re still to get. Could someone remind me? Is it enough to do some solving?

so I back the princess for the hallowmass turn in and, frankly, once I got to the unique story with her I regret my choice. Will it be possible to implement a Fate reset? I’m aware something of that scale would have to cost quite a lot of Fate, but I don’t especially care - I’m dissatisfied enough with my choice that I’d seriously consider paying it to have a &quotdo-over&quot with another character.
edited by IHNIWTR on 10/31/2018

Five more if I’m not mistaken. Tomorrow, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and that’s the 7th which is the last day.
edited by Monara on 10/31/2018

Five more if I’m not mistaken. Tomorrow, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and that’s the 7th which is the last day.
edited by Monara on 10/31/2018[/quote]

[color=#0066ff]There’s no confession on the 7th because the event will end at noon, which would leave people in incompatible timezones in a bit of a flap.[/color]


  • You can both choose one of the princesses to solve the mystery of the Rosers and get the ending requiring all six confessions (which is available by trading them in for a clue from each of the princesses). Mechanically, it makes the most sense to choose the Jovial Contrarian, because otherwise you’re operating at a loss of at least 1 confession.

Does choosing a princess mean maximizing their Progress before going in to visit the Envoy? And does choosing the Contrarian mean giving him the confessions? Or is it something in the context of solving the mystery for the Envoy?

I just would rather not go to the Envoy blind about what I’m giving up. Thank you for any clarification.

[quote=IHNIWTR]so I back the princess for the hallowmass turn in and, frankly, once I got to the unique story with her I regret my choice. Will it be possible to implement a Fate reset? I’m aware something of that scale would have to cost quite a lot of Fate, but I don’t especially care - I’m dissatisfied enough with my choice that I’d seriously consider paying it to have a &quotdo-over&quot with another character.
edited by IHNIWTR on 10/31/2018[/quote]

Could you say why you found it unsatisfying?

I’m trying to choose between the Princess and the Duchess, so it would be helpful.

Thank you.
edited by Raihan on 10/31/2018

I feel like the duchess has a greater personal connection to that story than the Princess - but I could only discover that connection once I actually made a choice, one way or the other. Knowing what I know now, I’d go with the Duchess over the Princess because of that personal connection


  • You can both choose one of the princesses to solve the mystery of the Rosers and get the ending requiring all six confessions (which is available by trading them in for a clue from each of the princesses). Mechanically, it makes the most sense to choose the Jovial Contrarian, because otherwise you’re operating at a loss of at least 1 confession.

Does choosing a princess mean maximizing their Progress before going in to visit the Envoy? And does choosing the Contrarian mean giving him the confessions? Or is it something in the context of solving the mystery for the Envoy?

I just would rather not go to the Envoy blind about what I’m giving up. Thank you for any clarification.[/quote]

The Contrarian is the default, so he comes along if you don’t have 3 Progress with any princess, at no cost to yourself.

[quote=Azothi]A quick announcement about the mechanics of the ending:

[ul][li]You can both choose one of the princesses to solve the mystery of the Rosers and get the ending requiring all six confessions (which is available by trading them in for a clue from each of the princesses). Mechanically, it makes the most sense to choose the Jovial Contrarian, because otherwise you’re operating at a loss of at least 1 confession.

[/li][li]You gain 1 Antique Mystery per clue (so up to 3 Antique Mysteries) when speaking to the Envoy. This is a one-time event and cannot be repeated, even after choosing &quotPerhaps Not&quot to leave the storylet.

[/li][li]You do not lose Progress during the story, and so you can technically betray someone after you’ve solved the mystery.

[/li][li]The text beneath the princesses and the Contrarian change afterwards, each with two possibilities depending on the outcome of the story. This may indicate that Progress can be traded in for rewards at the conclusion of the festival. It may be best to save Progress until the very end just to be sure.

[/li][li]There is not, as far as I’ve discovered, an ending if you raise Progress to 3 for the Duchess, Widow, and Princess. In fact, this locks you out of every available ending until you betray two of them. I’ve not yet tried it with Progress 3 in each and uncovering each of the clues, but based on the prerequisites for the endings, I doubt this will change anything. This is good, in my opinion, since such an ending would have literally taken all 12 originally free confessions, Fate-locking every other reward.[/li][/ul][/quote]

A couple questions, since I have rather a lot riding on this:

  1. Do you still have the ability to perform actions, upgrade companions and gain progress/confessions from betrayal after you’re done with the Rosers’ storyline ending? Or are you supposed to do this as the last thing? And can you get the Contrarian’s weapon afterward?
  2. Is there any mechanical difference if you don’t gather any clues, apart from not getting the Antique Mysteries? Do you still get to experience the rest of the story, and the choices depending on your Progress with the three factions?
  3. When you say you can &quottechnically&quot betray someone after being done with the ending, do you mean to imply there is any non-roleplay incentive not to do so? I presume that depending on what you can do afterwards with the confessions, getting another one might allow you to go for one more companion or even the Contrarian’s weapon if you hedge your bets, right?

I was under the impression that you could basically go for the clues, do some combination of companion upgrades/betrayals to get your preferred faction’s progress to 3, play the Ambassador’s storyline, then continue with betrayals and upgrades as long as you have confessions to do so, or even go for the Contrarian’s weapon. Can someone please confirm if this is the case?

  1. Companion upgrades remain available. You’ll continue to gain Progress, and you can still betray for a confession. Considering the Progress probably has no further uses, it actually makes sense to do this. You can even betray your chosen ally after playing the ending. I already got the weapon so I can’t say for sure, but he is still available for turning in confessions, so I see no reason why the weapon wouldn’t be available.

  2. Apart from the Antique Mysteries, there is one final choice (seperate from the choice based on Progress) that requires having all three clues. Choosing this will have further implications once the story continues in the future. I’d say it’s definitely the more promising ending. So you can make the choice based on Progress, and then having all clues offers something interesting on top of that.

  3. I don’t see any mechanical reason not to betray after seeing the ending. There is always the possibility we can turn in Progress for something once the event ends, but I highly doubt it’ll be anything significant if so.
    edited by Monara on 10/31/2018

[quote=Monara]1) Companion upgrades remain available. You’ll continue to gain Progress, and you can still betray for a confession. Considering the Progress probably has no further uses, it actually makes sense to do this. You can even betray your chosen ally after playing the ending. I already got the weapon so I can’t say for sure, but he is still available for turning in confessions, so I see no reason why the weapon wouldn’t be available.

  1. Apart from the Antique Mysteries, there is one final choice (seperate from the choice based on Progress) that requires having all three clues. Choosing this will have further implications once the story continues in the future. I’d say it’s definitely the more promising ending. So you can make the choice based on Progress, and then having all clues offers something interesting on top of that.

  2. I don’t see any mechanical reason not to betray after seeing the ending. There is always the possibility we can turn in Progress for something once the event ends, but I highly doubt it’ll be anything significant if so.
    edited by Monara on 10/31/2018[/quote]

Thank you very much for a swift and useful answer! Much obliged.

So can anyone say what the effects of getting the title vs being the witness? I want to know which to choose, and what potential game-play effects there are.

edited by Jules Asimov on 10/31/2018
edited by Jules Asimov on 10/31/2018

@Jules Asimov: At the moment, there are no mechanical effects from either choice that I am aware of. It seems likely that there will be some effect in the future, but it is impossible to know what that might be at this point in time.

…what second princess? I only got the Injurious one.

I had all three clues, stuck with the Injurious Princess from beginning to end, and chose the honor for myself. Loved that - I am curious as to how it will effect future stories.