A quick announcement about the mechanics of the ending:
[ul][li]You can both choose one of the princesses to solve the mystery of the Rosers and get the ending requiring all six confessions (which is available by trading them in for a clue from each of the princesses). Mechanically, it makes the most sense to choose the Jovial Contrarian, because otherwise you’re operating at a loss of at least 1 confession.
[/li][li]You gain 1 Antique Mystery per clue (so up to 3 Antique Mysteries) when speaking to the Envoy. This is a one-time event and cannot be repeated, even after choosing "Perhaps Not" to leave the storylet.
[/li][li]You do not lose Progress during the story, and so you can technically betray someone after you’ve solved the mystery.
[/li][li]The text beneath the princesses and the Contrarian change afterwards, each with two possibilities depending on the outcome of the story. This may indicate that Progress can be traded in for rewards at the conclusion of the festival. It may be best to save Progress until the very end just to be sure.
[/li][li]There is not, as far as I’ve discovered, an ending if you raise Progress to 3 for the Duchess, Widow, and Princess. In fact, this locks you out of every available ending until you betray two of them. I’ve not yet tried it with Progress 3 in each and uncovering each of the clues, but based on the prerequisites for the endings, I doubt this will change anything. This is good, in my opinion, since such an ending would have literally taken all 12 originally free confessions, Fate-locking every other reward.[/li][/ul]