Hint: Before you go and play the ending (which takes you somewhere else) use up your opportunity cards. Your deck will be refilled upon returning to London. :)
edited by phryne on 11/1/2018
[quote=Jolanda Swan]…what second princess? I only got the Injurious one.
I had all three clues, stuck with the Injurious Princess from beginning to end, and chose the honor for myself. Loved that - I am curious as to how it will effect future stories.[/quote]
Technically, all three women involved are princesses. Perhaps they don’t hold the title anymore, but two of them once did.
My hand? Not just my deck? I thought the hand of cards in London was supposed to always remain intact, and not be replaced, like it used to be when entering a different location.
I’d appreciate if somebody completely spoiled everything that happens depending on how many confessions you have, probably in a PM. What exactly do I get to choose if I have all 3 clues? And are there any significant middle ground choices if you have only one or two clues? Finally, of you don’t have Progress 3 with anyone and end up with the Contrarian, does that lock you out of anything else?
I realise that I’m asking for a lot, but I’m definitely getting this year’s weapon and then there are some companions I really want, so this choice is extremely difficult for me and I want to make sure I make the right one, and don’t end up regretting it.
Could anyone link the echo for making the princess or the widow ambassador?
We expect the Widow will perform her duties with all appropriate tact.
Just a lurker popping up to give my thoughts on this year’s Hallowe’en, since it seems to be such a controversial one, and I’ve really loved it! Aside from the lack of information and low number of confessions early on, it’s had a satisfying amount of reward available even as a pretty end-game player, some fantastic story, and adding the promise of future new story really brought it over the top. I do miss having the ability to grind to get even more goodies, but between a panicky grind for stuff I don’t really need and brand-new story touching on mystery and new regions, I’d definitely take the new content. I hope the controversy doesn’t scare Failbetter away from trying more new stuff like this in the future.
I sided with the Duchess and brought her with me because I had a suspension that
Her sister would be somewhere in Arbor. I was not disappointed. I do wish to know what happened if you let the Duchess be the Embassy.
edited by Winthropx on 11/1/2018
My hand? Not just my deck? I thought the hand of cards in London was supposed to always remain intact, and not be replaced, like it used to be when entering a different location.[/quote]
Oh, I hope not; I’ve been saving two mood cards for a while and I’d hate to lose them!
My hand? Not just my deck? I thought the hand of cards in London was supposed to always remain intact, and not be replaced, like it used to be when entering a different location.[/quote]
Oh, I hope not; I’ve been saving two mood cards for a while and I’d hate to lose them![/quote]No, only the hand will be refilled. It’s just a normal mistake; don’t worry.
My hand? Not just my deck? I thought the hand of cards in London was supposed to always remain intact, and not be replaced, like it used to be when entering a different location.[/quote]
Oh, I hope not; I’ve been saving two mood cards for a while and I’d hate to lose them![/quote]No, only the hand will be refilled. It’s just a normal mistake; don’t worry.[/quote]
Part of your comment seems to be suggesting that our previous Hand will remain untouched. But you say that the Hand will be refilled.
Is it the Hand or the Deck? Because the Deck would make sense. The Hand, less so—Failbetter changed things like Zailing specifically to prevent the normal Hand from being emptied when you traveled to a new location.
To make this clear once and all: it’s your deck that will be refilled, akin to Flash Lay or zailing. The game won’t touch your hand, not even if you wanted it to.
For everyone who’s played the conclusion: I think congratulations are in order to Fallen London who, bumpy start notwithstanding, brought their A-GAME to the conclusion. Without spoilers: new location. New lore. New writing. Massive amount of thought. I am delighted.
[quote=Dudebro Pyro]I’d appreciate if somebody completely spoiled everything that happens depending on how many confessions you have, probably in a PM. What exactly do I get to choose if I have all 3 clues? And are there any significant middle ground choices if you have only one or two clues? Finally, of you don’t have Progress 3 with anyone and end up with the Contrarian, does that lock you out of anything else?
I realise that I’m asking for a lot, but I’m definitely getting this year’s weapon and then there are some companions I really want, so this choice is extremely difficult for me and I want to make sure I make the right one, and don’t end up regretting it.[/quote]
Well, without spoiling anything, there’s a line of text related to each character’s clue. It’s basically a reminder of what that clue was, in case you forgot or didn’t understand how it fit into the big picture. Of course, there’s the antique mystery (1 per clue) that a fellow mentioned earlier. Apparently there’s a separate dialogue for getting all three, (I don’t know for sure which that might be, although I can hazard a guess). So, you would miss that for not getting all three.
Choosing the Contrarian or anyone else will lock you out of the other three’s respective endings; that’s it. There’s no mechanical loss, you can still continue to trade confessions for companions or the favor of the mayor. There are no middle ground choices, the Contrarian is the closest to it. To get one of the ladies to reveal their ending, you need three progress from them and only them.
I hope this clears some things up for you or anyone else~
Alright, one last question: how much effort is required to get Progress 3? I assume each action (getting a ckue, upgrading a companion, donating a confession) gives 1 progeess, correct?
[quote=silurica]To make this clear once and all: it’s your deck that will be refilled, akin to Flash Lay or zailing. The game won’t touch your hand, not even if you wanted it to.[/quote]This is correct. Sorry for causing confusion by inaccurate wording. I’ve edited my original post. :doh:
I made the mistake of asking the Contrarian why he was interested in the confessions, and lost a whopper of favours. And now I’m going to be short one confession of getting the Contrarian’s weapon.
Where i can trade confessions? I have too many of curiosity…
Find people to trade with here:
In-game, the option is the second one under the top-level storylet ‘Hallowmas 1896: Where Did the Rosers Go?’.
Just to be clear, the reward for getting all three clues is not just dialogue, but also something else with possible future implications.
edited by Monara on 11/1/2018