Hallowmas 1895 is Here!

[quote=VioletBandit]I got the Minacious Union-Rat.

His new character description says &quotIt’s amazing how versatile a spanner can be. He’s started a union- ostensibly to campaign for worker rights, but so far its meetings have only descended into squabbling.&quot[/quote]

What’s the image used for it? The same as for the Working Rat?

One of the Airs of London-based options for Literary Ambitions in Veilgarden has a Dauntless Temperance Campaigner asking for a hymn to sobriety from someone who can &quotbang two rhymes together&quot. The accompanying artwork is… unflattering. Me, I much prefer the portrait from her debut in this recent election. Rawr!

[quote=Anne Auclair]Besides the affair with the cat, you could run into her while incredibly drunk[/quote]When and how does this happen? I don’t know of any options to get drunk for getting drunk’s sake.

[quote=Anne Auclair]she might bring you potato soup when you were convalescing at home (awwww)[/quote]Yeah, the potato-soup visit is completely adorable. This lady warms my murderous, irrigo-mantled heart.

[quote=Anne Auclair]and during Hallowmas she would harass you to come clean with the Haunted Doctors confession.[/quote]Oh, is that so? I was unaware that her murky ties to the anarchists existed prior to the election event. Cool! Makes me wonder how far in advance they picked the election candidates… perhaps next year’s have already been chosen?

[quote=Anne Auclair]All in all, until the Election she was a very underused background character with a great deal of potential. So it’s really nice to see her again.[/quote]I wholeheartedly agree. She feels very three-dimensional and alive. Much more than just a cardboard cutout with a slogan-painted sign, she has aspirations and motives and personality and friendships and old associates and family. I wonder, will Chuffy McAvoy-Dauntless appear in this year’s Hallowmas content? He was last seen at Fruits of the Zee on Mutton island, upending a vicar XD

[quote=Anne Auclair]It’s a little funny, in a sad way, how the Campaigner is the only customer frequenting that cafe between Spite and Ladybones. Even when she’s surrounded by a crowd, she always has this air of loneliness about her. Which makes her shunning the unnamed Tomb Colonist all the sadder. He was probably one of her few real friends. But then, it’s hard to forgive someone who messed with your family.[/quote]Now that you mention it, she really does seem that way. I think it may be that she believes so strongly in her cause that she never entirely allows herself to relax. The tomb-colonist is fully reformed, but now that DTC knows his past misdeeds she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself for continuing to see the fellow.

Aww. Now I’m sad. I want to give the Campaigner a big hug.

A query: has there been anything in past years for those who did not spend any confessions? As a midnighter my character is very big on burying secrets in that grave from which there is no return, but as a player I also don’t want to skip a festival’s worth of content for no reason.
edited by Anchovies on 10/25/2017

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.

It’s when you’re missing your soul and filling the hole with alcohol.

Hardly an extreme reaction when you remember that there are black cloaked absinthe fiends running around assaulting people.

She was March’s friend or protege and the question was whether or not you’d tell her that it was the Calendar Council that had March murdered, not Mr. Wines. The Doctor and the DTC have been a part of Hallowmas as far back as 2013, so I doubt she was viewed as a prospective candidate until her name was put forward in the nomination thread. She was always a pretty deep character.

The Election was kind of her breakout moment.

Well, there are five more story confessions, so Chuffy’s might be among them.

After the Festival Mr. Huffam comes along to purchase any unused confessions for his own purposes. So you get a payment (I can’t remember how much) and some story content of varying interest. Other than that, there’s no reason to hold onto them.
edited by Anne Auclair on 10/25/2017

It’s interesting that the text refers to a Dauntless Temperance Campaigner, and not the.

I believe that the NPC confessions (such as the Haunted Doctor’s) were only added in Hallowmas 2015.

Er for some reason today I collected clathermont’s confession… now what the h–l am I supposed to do with it?

Those daily confessions - of Curiosity, Guile, Impropriety, Violence, Pride and Whimsy - will have a special use later in the season.

It is for hallowmass 1895 that I reached casing 666.
Moreover with Tales of terror.

How spooky [color=rgb(46, 139, 87)] [/color] , like are saying the kids nowadays.[color=rgb(46, 139, 87)][font=Consolas, Monaco, &quotLucida Console&quot, monospace][/font][/color]

Only a few hours ago, a fine-faced young lady approached me (in a pinned storylet available only at Ladybones Road) for my Confession of the Bishop of St Fiacre’s, offering the Veteran Privy Counselor’s or Cheery Man’s in return. There was a third option which said “you will not trade with her, or at least not now”. I oh ever so foolishly took “not now” to mean that I could, y’know, make the trade sometime later if I wanted to do so. That storylet is already gone, 24 hours after the start of this weeklong festival. What gives?

It will likely be back. They storylet moves around london, changing what confessions it accepts. Since there’s more days then there are confessions, it repeats.
edited by suinicide on 10/25/2017

Wait a second - am I correct in my understanding that, to truly acquire all story content, one must also save up one of each of the confessions by the end of the festival to sell to Huffam?

At least the man doesn’t provide you with any particularly unique or valuable items, does he?

[quote=Dudebro Pyro]Wait a second - am I correct in my understanding that, to truly acquire all story content, one must also save up one of each of the confessions by the end of the festival to sell to Huffam?

At least the man doesn’t provide you with any particularly unique or valuable items, does he?[/quote]

Yeah, instead of bonus content its more &quotthe confessions aren’t usable next year, so we want to give players a chance to offload any extras and they aren’t wasted.&quot

[quote=Anchovies] I wonder, will Chuffy McAvoy-Dauntless appear in this year’s Hallowmas content? He was last seen at Fruits of the Zee on Mutton island, upending a vicar XD

I just got an apparently rare result while protesting Feducci. Maybe it’s existed since the election and I just never noticed it before. But it suggests that Chuffy may have hidden depths under his dissolute façade - or perhaps that he’s growing up:

The protesters are in heated quarrel with Feducci’s supporters outside the Mayoral Manor. The line of Constables, the bulwark that keeps the groups from homicidal disagreement are gone; paid off, perhaps. The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner has left the vigil to see to her other obligations.
But another is there, bloomers on his head, striving to keep the peace: Chuffy McAvoy-Dauntless. Harmless larks against Feducci’s supporters – as well as his own – leave both groups laughing and too bewildered to attack each other.
Once the tensions ease, Chuffy regards you with a weary smile. &quotWe can’t let them ruin good fun, can we? Stand your ground, and make the Mayor hear our shouts: just like grandmother would.&quot

Should be noted that this storylet is very important for low-level players of the budget, covertape version of the game. Choosing &quotnot now&quot is a repeatable action that gives you 1 whole, whopping Echo per Action. If you don’t have access to the Box carousel, and you don’t want to pillage your resources into nothingness, this is your best way to acquiring a Midnight Matriarch. Just think!! Only 400 Actions!!! I’m cuttin’ me own throat! And so will YOU!


Also, I’d like to add some info for the players who are looking to make their choice of companions based on the BDR boost they provide. Both +2 BDR items (the Lance and the Matriarch) already have in-game counterparts which aren’t fate-locked. The Iron Republic Journal is a weapon received in… the Iron Republic and the Unfinished Hat is a companion obtained during your stay in Polythreme, as an upgrade.
edited by Sallow on 10/25/2017

I know it was mentioned and written dozens of times, but I simply cannot withstand such offer (especially as a loyal and faithful supporter):

Feducci’s Lance!! Want!Want!Want! :)
Take all my money!

By the way, I am wondering how may one person gather 60 confessions, if they can only be exchanged between fellow Londoners? Or is confessions worth more that 1 Feducci favour?

The storylet changes every day. Today another one is available in Spite where you can trade the Cheery Man’s confession.

If you like, you can take a look here how storylet locations, confession options and alternative rewards worked last year. It’ll probably be very similar this year.

[quote=Passionario]The lance replica is a +20 Dangerous, +2 Dreaded weapon.
edited by Passionario on 10/24/2017[/quote]

Huh. I would think anyone who goes through all that trouble to get a replica of Feducci’s ‘lance’ should get a Bizarre boost.

[quote=SirKwint]I know it was mentioned and written dozens of times, but I simply cannot withstand such offer (especially as a loyal and faithful supporter):

Feducci’s Lance!! Want!Want!Want! :)
Take all my money!

By the way, I am wondering how may one person gather 60 confessions, if they can only be exchanged between fellow Londoners? Or is confessions worth more that 1 Feducci favour?[/quote]

Confessions are worth 4 favours, you will need 15 for the lance.

And next week’s confessions should trade for even more.

Oh, sorry, I forgot to comment on that. Yes, the image remains the same.

Is anyone else investigating the Certificate option? Apparently you can get a different title each time. @-@