Flame-Proof Missives

No problem pal! Just let me know when you get there and I’ll set aside some time to send you a good starter set of missives!

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Fairly certain this is not the case - I’ve sent missives to friends with very low SotC before, and double-checking the requirements here, SotC 10 isn’t listed:


So, the things that might be causing the issue:

  • Hasn’t accepted a calling card from you
  • Doesn’t have Dangerous or Watchful 50
  • Has 5 Flame-Proof Missives in their inventory

@Nolongeranidiot - giving you a ping for this too!

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First-thank you for pinging me!

Second: I certainly do have my watchful and dangerous above 50 and don’t have any burning missives currently, so the only option left is that I/hex haven’t yet sent a calling card-and yet I remember us sending gifts during this year’s mask of the rose. It is weird, certainly-but the game is probably just miss-functioning a little bit. Regardless, I’ll try to send hex a calling card shortly.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention and have an excellent day!

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That’s definitely very curious. Report back if it turns out you’ve already sent the calling card? I can also attempt to send you a card + missive, for science.

Please do! For science!

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Sweet! Drop me a line: Lukas Ashveil

Update: Seems like I was able to send it without any issue!


How curious-me and hex are not, on fact, aquinted! @HexBeloved, would you mind fixing this issue?

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Sure thing, drop your profile link in my dms and I’ll do it when I’m back in London :>

I’m looking to train SotC and am a Correspondent, so I’m happy to help and be helped!

Profile: Fallen London


I’ll send you a calling card when back in London. Want to just do tradesies for a while? I’m trying to go for SotC 21 in the next few weeks, so just DM me if you want to train it up together!

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Rhosyn Myir is seeking to attain Starry Wisdom, and would appreciate any flame-proof missives to aid their journey. Though they cannot reciprocate in kind, they are amenable to social actions for repayment. They are also not in a hurry to reach this goal, as it is a long-term project of theirs, but any and all flammable letters are much appreciated.

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Indeed, indeed. Perhaps I may be of assistance? a mere fool could just send you letters once a week or something. I might also enquire Queen Jones to help.

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Anyone willing to help a girl get her SotC from 7 to 10 for correspondent? Profile is thelivingded - many thanks ^~^

Any Correspondents also trying to progress through the Hurlers, want to do Flameproof Missive trades?

Not on the Hurlers yet, but sure, “a mere fool” can do so. Never really hurts anyway. (coughs.)

Hello friends, I am currently looking for some help with asotc. I want to get the correspondent proffesion so that’s why. I can help with other things if anyone could help me.
Thanks already

My character: Anaxagoras

Edit:found! Thanks