should be verified now
Anyone willing to help me raise my SoTC? I’m slooowly trucking along with symphonies, but any assistance in reaching level 10 SoTC for Correspondent would be greatly appreciated. My username’s DarkyAria!
These days you need to be Acquainted With someone to send them Missives, if you accept my card I’ll send some your way.
edit: Missives sent
Hello everyone. I’m working on getting my SotC to 21 for London’s Nerves and will gladly accept flame-proof missives. I’m a Correspondent and would be happy to return the favour.
My profile: Leekinald
These days you need to be Acquainted With someone to send them Missives, if you accept my card I’ll send some your way.
edit: Missives sent
Thanks, everyone. No more missives needed. Between your generosity with Flameproof Missives and burning a ridiculous number of Correspondence Plaques, Leekinald is now at SoTC 21. Now Leekinald is off to cure some wounds, raise their Notability to 13 (so that one will remain), see the Ambitious Barrister about acquiring London’s Nerves, and continue to seek the rest of London’s Innards.
Greetings Everyone.
Douglas Dudley is seeking Flame-Proof missives. He is attempting to get the discount on Ambition: Nemesis. He currently has SoTC 7
He is willing to offer recompense in return.