Firmament – Chapter 2

Chapter 2!! I did not expect this to come so early, but I guess I just didn’t know the release date or something. Post-story implications are very nice, along with interactions to and from Hallow’s Throat. AND I got my first MA item! Can’t wait for the rest of the Roof!

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We get a new chapter between each major festival! The next one, I’d expect, will be in September? I can’t imagine them doing one between Estival and FotZ with how short the gap is.

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Actually FotZ has been moved to September since last year, so Firmament chapter 3 is likely to be in August.


Oh, so no chapter 4 between FotZ and Hallowmas more likely then, huh?

A well built chapter I’d say. Congratulations.

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Thanks to everyone who guided me to Bag a Legend’s A Glimpse of Anathema. Frankly, I wish I was playing in that timeline.

Fallen London (One post down from the one at the top)


I thought the text was poorly written and confusing, in the beginning of Part 2. Until one reaches the Library. Then the cool things start to happen and accumulate and we begin to get approximate explanations for some of the odder bits. The Library, and the descriptions of Naples, were exceptionally well done. And I am presently pursuing closer acquaintance with the Grey Cardinal.

Though I still don’t understand why the flood of water poured from the whale.

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I think the water was coming from the ocean the whale’s counterpart was swimming in in the book. It was specifically described as salt water, and I believe one of the characters comments that the water is coming from the book.

I’m not entirely clear on why the portal inside the dead whale leads into the (dry) library, though. Possibly there was some sort of sympathetic connection between the two versions of the whale, and the portal wasn’t actually where the water was coming out, just what established the link between timelines.


Here’s the Nemesis’ Apocrypha


I did not understand the HD Apocyrpha really; maybe one of the ONLY points where HD isn’t the most narratively satisfying option on offer.

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This is the best one I think. Nemesis players finally start winning.


HD apocrypha explanation:

The player became the Regent of London, but not as a simple figurehead for Adoration: they are the Leader in a Fascist dictatorship. London is back on the Surface (maybe the PC made a deal with Mr Fires to complete the Scheme of the Phoenix?), and is waging war against other Surface powers. You see the story from the point of view of a political prisoner who is offered release in exchange for “reeducation” and conscription. The Library is all about Alternate Histories, and Fascism spreading outside of Axis countries is a classical theme in Alt History novels

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Oh ugh that’s awful! Least favorite anathema!

Is Black Honey something familiar to Nemesis players?

My alt played Nemesis, but that was so long ago that I could not remember. Thank you for bringing that back. And here we are: Test an iota of the Cardinal's Honey on yourself - Fallen London Wiki and Cardinal's Honey | The Fifth City: Fallen London's Lore Wikia | Fandom


And, in addition, another option to raise Chthonosopy can be found in The God’s Eye View A God's Eye View - Fallen London Wiki , luck-based and with a slightly different “payout”.

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I’ve got a Nemesis alt, and Black Honey is the weapon you use to try and murder Mr Cups. It’s like an even worse version of Red Honey, and almost always kills its victims in an excruciating manner (though apparently it has a pleasurable element to it as well, as some extreme hedonists who have tried every other forbidden delight decide to use it.)


Oh, and it looks like Chthonosophy caps out at five, so probably there will be some advancements similar to zailing. In the near, far or chthonosopical future.

It seems a lot of this is along the lines of “as above, so below”. The connection between space and the sea… the whales seems to be between the is and is-not. And is trapped in a stasis of sorts because the library holds things that can’t or shouldn’t exist. Such as a neather being able to live in the sun. France and Italy are always big talk. All of this can be deduced from ambitions and experience from various locations


No, we are talking about the same bit, I just missed where they were looking. Or, didn’t register it as important.