Firmament – Chapter 2

Pull every thread. It’s a bit hidden, actually. Start by asking around the candle-men.

I don’t know if it was indicated in any way, but, (and this should be vague enough to not be spoilered), Tatter wants to go up and the Dutchess wants to go down.
I wasted Tatter’s respect by guessing wrong, hope to help someone avoid my error.

Dear Failbetter Games,

May we please have a boon for Cthonosophy available in the House of Chimes? As a treat?


Countess Karnstein has, honestly had quite the emotional roller coaster, and her eye on the Duchess lol


I’m hoping we get a Chthonosophy/Discordance Egg next Whitsun.


… I would argue it is indicated, at least in so far as Tatterdemalion is looking up & the Duchess is looking down.
edit: and the pictures correspond to what they would be about as well?
… or maybe we are simply talking about different places in the story. ;D

… wow, that was wild! … and I am loving it, Italian holidays and all - thank you! =)

I really liked this one. It had a lot of emotion compared to the last chapter. The moments with each of the characters were small, but they worked well to start building a feeling of real connection. And the Sun! The Sun! Being up under the sky, the intensity of nostalgia for
something that’s right there, right now, without overpowering the
easy, warm sense of joy,
and the whalerise,, I can’t articulate my feelings other than to say it especially moved me. The concept was wild but I felt in a good way, especially since it was a fair bit easier to understand than Ch1 where I feel like they sometimes went too evocative at the expense of clarity. And the library was massive and cool and I love the Grey Cardinal. I’m all-in on this story now.


Dunno, it did not make sense to me.


Why portal in the body of some random dead leviathan? Why water is gushing from it? Ok, library is cool, but why in a book sun does not sear us to ashes after all those years? Why Neapoli out of all things? Whale so enlightened that he could fly to the roof and beyond, seriously? Singing with the whale? Where is the option to harpoon him to death.

It looks like string of random “cool” things clumped together just because, without sense or reason. Most dreams are more grounded in Neathy laws then this.


Does anyone have the various Ambition book options capped? Did 3 runs in the library but can’t seem to unlock them

I haven’t seen them yet either, 4 runs in.

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Looking at the wiki, I believe you need to have completed at least 4 runs first.

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Damn. The wiki was singularly unhelpful for pointing out if it was sheer persistence or something else. If anyone has a non-BaL Ambition I’d love to have a peek at your findings.

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Are the Reputations hidden? I have not seen mention of that but cannot find them.

I have found one chained book, but nothing about ambitions.

The chained book is the ambition book: you can only find it if you have completed your Ambition, and your version of the book depends on your Ambition.

It’s just persistence. If you have finished your Ambition, you can get the chained book on any Library run after the fourth. I was lucky and got it on my fifth run.

Heart’s Desire apocrypha (Spoiler obviously):


Light Fingers Anathema, three echoes starting from here: Fallen London

What’s in the goblet is probably moon-miser milk, which is approximately a love potion.


Sorry, not exactly the place, but your display gear is SO COOL!!! Love it!

…no?? I mean, there is the starting requirement of a mischellany of items to begin Chapter 2, but you’ve probably already seen it. I don’t think there’s anything else beyond that.