Feast of the Rose gift exchange 1895

Besides my desire to trade for the Hearse, I’d like to make it more clear that I’m willing to give out 1 or 2 free non-Fate gifts to each person who is new or doesn’t have the resources to trade. My endeavors seeking Wells and Inks and Midnights have left me with a warehouse full of rotting rat corpses that I’m more than willing to offload for various needs and desires. I will provide gifts on a first come, first served basis until the rats run dry.

Just send me a PM here or in-game to let me know what you want and who you are. I might need, at most, a few hours to regenerate the necessary actions for conversions. Other than that, however, I will trade nearly as soon as I can.

Edit: I have acquired a hearse! I will still accept and reciprocate other minor fate gifts; however, let me know here if you wish to trade a Fate gift!
I have plenty of resources for non-Fate gifts still - I believe all non-Fate gifts have been reciprocated with like. The rats are still flowing like wine.
edited by Stygota on 2/13/2017
edited by Stygota on 2/13/2017

I return to find London in an uproar…about love! Well, never let it be said that I am one to stand aloof from the passions of the day: I am available for exchanges.

I desire Chartreuse and Ushabti gifts, and will reciprocate with items of equivalent value (or in a different manner upon specific request). Other items are also acceptable in a pinch, and a measure of charity is available for those in need. Send requests and offers to Max Black.

edited by PageofCups on 2/10/2017

Hello! I would like either a Pink-Painted Cat or a Decanter of Lachrymose Chartreuse. I will return the favor with an Antediluvian Ushabti and a Tiny Kettle of Pickled Liars’ Tongues(both of them, not one). I’ll update this post if I am no longer accepting gifts.
Edit: I’m am no longer accepting these gifts and I can not guarantee both or any of a return gift.
edited by Edward Frye on 2/10/2017

I’m open to reciprocate any non-Fate gifts with the same, or an equivalent upon request. Happy feasting all.

I’m still looking to trade non-Fate gifts. I’m a bit low on Singed Playing Cards, but will otherwise trade like-for-like (unless you prefer something in particular).

Please, no Teeth, though (they scare the cats).

Hi again everyone! I’ve had some great fun meeting some new friends and making some great trades. If anyone is looking for any gifts drop me a note. I have a good deal of extra fate and would be more then happy to send some fate locked gifts to people who are looking for them but might not be able to make a trade. I’m also open to any other trade as well.

Siana is open for non-fate gift trades! She’s able to provide most of the non-fate gifts in return, save for the Lachrymose Chartreuse.

If you want something in particular in return for your gift (or don’t want), please let me know! Otherwise, I will trade like for like the best I can.

I’m not necessarily looking for a gift. I’m looking for a beau. Though gifts are always, always welcomed and appreciated! Andele is a big spender, but a minor poet, so she might not have that many gifts to give out. Drop off your calling card and I will prioritize you! We might even kindle something special, something that might lead to a ring…


I’ve quite recently started (less then 5 weeks) and am looking for contacts with whom I can give/exchange gifts.

May all of you have a merry feast of the rose!

I’ll happily reciprocate any non-fate gifts!
My profile is http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/profile/Westriver

Willing to trade a Gift of the Unexpected (and promises for future such gifts)for Fated masquing gifts with those posessed of an excess of unused Fate. An unusual offer, for certain, but I am, put blunt, skint broke and desiring a Deviless.

Also willing to offer any and all social action as seems reasonable to both parties, including Affluent Photographer betrayals, and Scandal dupings.

Can also offer up to three Starveling Cats, for the masochists, and one parabolan kitten.
edited by OctaviaCrowe on 2/11/2017

I emerge weary from the hermitude that is the Overgoat grind at the moment to happily grind for Masquing gifts! Will try to match gifts, or with something of equal masquing value. Non-fate only please

[quote=Blaine Davidson]I’m still looking for an Antediluvian Ushabtis and a bottle of Lachrymose Chartreuse both of which I will return the favour for.

I am still exchanging Fate gifts until I run out of Fate.[/quote]

I’ve sent you a PM. :-)

No longer relevant, for now.
edited by Corvonero on 2/14/2017

So, before I throw everything down a well, would anyone like teeth, or pink painted cats?

I think I can put together… 23 teeth & 17 cats before spending resources I’ve got set aside?

This is not a request for reciprocity, it just seems a good use of otherwise wasted resources.

(If anyone would like to be betrayed for 20 glasses of teeth, I’d certainly be quite willing to do so, but I’d also be willing to just send 20 glasses of teeth to someone as well.)

[quote=memespawn]So, before I throw everything down a well, would anyone like teeth, or pink painted cats?

I think I can put together… 23 teeth & 17 cats before spending resources I’ve got set aside?

This is not a request for reciprocity, it just seems a good use of otherwise wasted resources.

(If anyone would like to be betrayed for 20 glasses of teeth, I’d certainly be quite willing to do so, but I’d also be willing to just send 20 glasses of teeth to someone as well.)[/quote]

Mademoiselle -or- Max would appreciate anything you’ve got to spare!

Everyone else, if you’re willing to throw in a small line of text with your gift, I’d be more than willing to reciprocate.
No Fate-locked gifts, sadly :<

EDIT: Thank you all so much for you gifts! Mademoiselle in particular is now Drowning In Underpaid Cats, so she’s no longer accepting any gifts. She is, however, more than happy to keep all her new friends entertained. She likes friends. Don’t you?
edited by Slyblue on 2/14/2017

Oh my, are you sure you must go through with this? Please do reconsider! Still, if you must continue, I do agree with your choice to be magnanimous! I hope you will consider me in that event! And many thanks for your generosity!

Felicity Anne Stratford


[quote=memespawn]So, before I throw everything down a well, would anyone like teeth, or pink painted cats?

I think I can put together… 23 teeth & 17 cats before spending resources I’ve got set aside?

This is not a request for reciprocity, it just seems a good use of otherwise wasted resources.

(If anyone would like to be betrayed for 20 glasses of teeth, I’d certainly be quite willing to do so, but I’d also be willing to just send 20 glasses of teeth to someone as well.)[/quote]

[quote=memespawn]So, before I throw everything down a well, would anyone like teeth, or pink painted cats?

I think I can put together… 23 teeth & 17 cats before spending resources I’ve got set aside?

This is not a request for reciprocity, it just seems a good use of otherwise wasted resources.

(If anyone would like to be betrayed for 20 glasses of teeth, I’d certainly be quite willing to do so, but I’d also be willing to just send 20 glasses of teeth to someone as well.)[/quote]

I’ll most certainly be glad to help you get rid of your unwanted stuff! I’m fairly new to FL (started in January) and I don’t know a lot about SMEN (luckily?), but if I can reciprocate in any way I’ll be happy to.


Yes, yes, fine, I’ve the means to answer a gift or two or three in kind, and I’ll see debts repaid. After all, that is what love is about, isn’t it? Render unto me your teeth, incisors or otherwise. Or, perhaps, other gifts of yet stranger designs. I’m not terrifically picky, and I’m well-to-do – enough to facilitate pragmatic reciprocation, at least.