Feast of the Rose gift exchange 1895

I would love to exchange gifts!
I will reciprocate in kind for: tongues, teeth, and fungal poetry

I actually have fewer FoTER follows than I thought. With that, I am open to non-Fate gift exchanges.

I will endeavour to respond like for like.

Willing to trade non fate gifts. Of those fate gifts I have enough I need. And thanks for all for the help this event. You were are always nice and wonderful people.

I’m open for trading non fate locked gifts. Lachrymose Chartreuse are pretty easy to get for me, so expect to recieve those


I’m trying to reciprocate a gift to Mannfred Von Darken (Von Darken) and having issues - I can add their name to my contacts from the gift page but the send fails and then them they disappear from the list. I can add other people just fine. I can’t figure out the syntax for finding their profile page to add from there and I can’t seem to locate them on the forum!
Does anyone else have a similar problem with gift sending or any instructions? I hate to leave them hanging after being so generous to send me a gift.

[quote=LawrenceKeyworth]I’m trying to reciprocate a gift to Mannfred Von Darken (Von Darken) and having issues - I can add their name to my contacts from the gift page but the send fails and then them they disappear from the list. I can add other people just fine. I can’t figure out the syntax for finding their profile page to add from there and I can’t seem to locate them on the forum!
Does anyone else have a similar problem with gift sending or any instructions? I hate to leave them hanging after being so generous to send me a gift.[/quote]

Would this help you: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Mannfred%20Von%20Darken ?

[quote=Tozh Taurog][quote=LawrenceKeyworth]I’m trying to reciprocate a gift to Mannfred Von Darken (Von Darken) and having issues - I can add their name to my contacts from the gift page but the send fails and then them they disappear from the list. I can add other people just fine. I can’t figure out the syntax for finding their profile page to add from there and I can’t seem to locate them on the forum!
Does anyone else have a similar problem with gift sending or any instructions? I hate to leave them hanging after being so generous to send me a gift.[/quote]

Would this help you: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Mannfred%20Von%20Darken ?[/quote]

Thank you, yes! (I couldn’t remember how to do that now that we don’t do tildes in the urls).
It said they were already a contact but it did seem to fix the bug and sending was successful - thank you for your detective work!

A particular leopard is willing to trade non-fate gifts. He’ll do his best to reciprocate, but expect lots of teeth as the end of the feast draws near.

A more respectable fellow is willing to engage in singular exchanges of non-fate gifts. If he is unable to provide when the end is near, expect a suitable replacement and a small gift for your troubles.
edited by yang573 on 2/8/2017
edited by yang573 on 2/9/2017

Count me in for the gift exchanging. Please message first. Happy to exchange agreed-upon fate (limited) and non-fate gifts.

Both of my characters (linked in signature) will happily exchange gifts. Non-Fate gifts will be reciprocated with one of equal Masquing value; if interested in exchanging Fate gifts, please message in advance.

This character is willing to trade non-fate-locked items for as long as their supplies hold out.

This is my first Feast! I’m able to trade for any 1 masquing items.

I’d like to exchange non-Fate gifts. I would particularly like Antediluvian Ushabti, Lachrymose Chartreuse, Buttered Chess Pieces, or Singed Playing Cards. But I’m happy to trade for nearly anything (I tire of teeth). Please let me know if you’d like anything in particular in return, otherwise it will probably be lot’s of Pink Painted Cats.

If you are a new player having a hard time getting enough masquing, I’m happy to send a few glasses of teeth your way. Just send me a message and I’ll do what I can.

edit: I’m aghast to say that somehow I had an incorrect link in my signature. My profile can be found at: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Bonny%20Kate
edited by Bonny Kate on 2/9/2017

edit: I’m done trading Fate gifts, although still open to trading non-Fate gifts.
edited by Bonny Kate on 2/10/2017

Edit: fate exchange done. Thanks!

Also happy to do non fate exchanges, which would mainly be teeth and tongues.
edited by navchaa on 2/10/2017

Hello hello![li]

I currently have enough extra supplies in my main account - the one named ‘Helen Demeter’ in my signature - to provide the following:

2 x Antediluvian Ushabtis
1 x Illicit Volume of Unexpectedly Racy Fungal-Themed Poetry
1 x Tiny Kettle of Pickled Liars’ Tongues
11 x Glasses of Teeth

I merely ask, in return, that you send something of equal value to my secondary account, the one named ‘Andrea Weaver-Well’ also in my signature. She’s lagging behind in terms of companions so I would like to correct that this year! Feel free to message me to hash out details. I’ll be updating this over the course of the event since I’m continuing to farm for resources for the following items above.

I’m still looking for an Antediluvian Ushabtis and a bottle of Lachrymose Chartreuse both of which I will return the favour for.

I am still exchanging Fate gifts until I run out of Fate.

Howdy all! I’ve been playing for nearly a year and this is my first full Feast. I am happy to exchange non-fate gifts, and I may be up for trading a couple of fate-locked gifts too (please message me first for fate-locked gifts). If you’d like someone for social actions or a Correspondant for your Salons, feel free to hit me up.

Profile: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Rasvarmo

Don’t be scared off by the lack of journal entries - I think a story is more meaningful if you only get to see it once.

I’d like to exchange 150 fate-worth of gifts with someone. If you’d like to make the exchange, you can PM me or contact me in-game. See my profile below.
edited by geremy on 2/10/2017

I am open to nonfate gift exchanges.

I have enough supplies to exchange:
25x Glasses of Teeth
5x Buttered Chess Pieces

Willing to trade a 1 masqueing gift for 3 sparring bouts or a 2 masqueing gift for five. To be clear, I’m the one offering the gift. I realize most people won’t take me up on this, but let me add anyways: Please, no more than 10 per person at a time.