Feast of the Exceptional Rose 1896

Looking for new Acquaintances to share the love with Gift-Giving. Send any gifts you may have to Anville and I will do my best to reciprocate!


I can only send Singing Cards and Glasses of Teeth (each Masquing 1) since I’ve got no way to acquire any other payments quickly. But I’m definitely up for 1:1 trading!

Has anyone actually confirmed the Secular Missionary as a spouse option? I am quite contented in marriage to my Celebrated Model, and so presumably can’t see if there is any storylet for the Missionary. I would hate to divorce the Model, only to see that in the spirit of Failbetter’s penchant for asymmetrical gameplay she has been neglected.

Needless to say, if that were the case, I would be more than just a little heartbroken and envious of the Firebrand’s happy partners, what with him even being arguably better than my Zubmarine gameplay-wise.

Edit: Oh, an I’m up for sending and accepting all the non-fate-locked gifts except the Chartreuse, though the 2-masquing ones I can only afford to send a few times.
edited by Aardvark on 2/5/2018

Yes, the Secular Missionary is a potential spouse option after she’s been renewed through Masquing.

Two years ago I chose &quotNo tattoo at all&quot for the +1 Respectable bump and I’m kicking myself now that I’m trying to max out BDR in the quest for Paramount Presence. Can I pay fate to undo this and get a tattoo this year and a second next year? If so, where is the Tattoo Parlour? I don’t see a storylet in the Forgotten Quarter or Ladybones Road.

Any assistance is much appreciated.

Does anyone know what the new Fate-locked companions will cost (assuming that 2 of the 4 new ones are Fate-locked)? Wasn’t there just 2 new companions last year, Sister Lydia, who wasn’t Fate-locked, and the Tempestuous Astronomer, which was?

[quote=cwolf]Two years ago I chose &quotNo tattoo at all&quot for the +1 Respectable bump and I’m kicking myself now that I’m trying to max out BDR in the quest for Paramount Presence. Can I pay fate to undo this and get a tattoo this year and a second next year? If so, where is the Tattoo Parlour? I don’t see a storylet in the Forgotten Quarter or Ladybones Road.

Any assistance is much appreciated.[/quote]

Tattoos start next week, and I’m pretty sure you will be able to fate reset and get them.

Great news. Thanks much.

[quote=suinicide][quote=cwolf]Two years ago I chose &quotNo tattoo at all&quot for the +1 Respectable bump and I’m kicking myself now that I’m trying to max out BDR in the quest for Paramount Presence. Can I pay fate to undo this and get a tattoo this year and a second next year? If so, where is the Tattoo Parlour? I don’t see a storylet in the Forgotten Quarter or Ladybones Road.

Any assistance is much appreciated.[/quote]

Tattoos start next week, and I’m pretty sure you will be able to fate reset and get them.[/quote]

There was the Enigmatic Augur too: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Enigmatic_Augur
He wasn’t Fate-locked

Last year there was Sister Lydia, the Astronomer, and Enigmatic Augur.

I’m open for all non-fate Rose gift trading.

Does the Missionary have updated art too?

Yes, I saw it on someone’s mantelpiece. Though the new art is nice, it’s very out of keeping with the rest of the pictures on our mantelpieces. They stick out like a sore thumb. I kinda wish FB would choose an art style and stick to it.

Still, things are pretty good if that’s the worst thing I can find to complain about.

Likewise, I am also willing to exchange gifts with others.

I would like to exchange non-fate gifts with people :)

[quote=Plynkes]Yes, I saw it on someone’s mantelpiece. Though the new art is nice, it’s very out of keeping with the rest of the pictures on our mantelpieces. They stick out like a sore thumb. I kinda wish FB would choose an art style and stick to it.

Still, things are pretty good if that’s the worst thing I can find to complain about.[/quote]

Yeah the updated art is nice but it does look super out of place, I understand wanting to redo the art but at least make it sorta similiar to the rest of the sites style

Yes, see here:


Yes, though it costs 50 Fate.


How could anyone (outside of FBG) possibly know that before next week?

As for companions added in past years, we try to keep track of all holiday changes here:


Here’s something I’m wondering about:

the Buttered Chess-Piece costs 200 Inklings of Identity and can be turned in for 2 Masquing
the Custom-Engraved Skull costs 200 Inklings of Identity and can be turned in for 1 Masquing

That can’t be right… right?

And now I would like to add that I just saw the new Secular Missionary art and… damn, it’s good. I mean, not that she’ll take my mind off the Esoteric Accomplice a.k.a. Esoteric-Spouse-to-be, but… still. Damn. ;)

btw, I can still see the ‘Send a Christmas Card’ storylet at my Lodgings. Will it ever disappear again?
edited by phryne on 2/5/2018

In case anyone’s curious about the ticket to hell (Weapon slot)
edited by Slyblue on 2/5/2018